Requires: Standard AMIGA A1200.
WorkBench 3.0x, (this will work on Workbench 1.3x and above).
The ~NoFastMem~ program, (for A1200's with more than 2MB).
The ~More~ program, for text reading.
The ~Display~ program, for picture viewing.
OCS, (ECS or AGA modes optional).
NTSC/PAL Television, (NTSC/PAL monitor optional).
An external floppy disk drive IS required.
The mouse IS required.
A Hard Disk Drive is optional.
The archived file length is 119417 Bytes.
Version: 3.00.20.
Distribution: PD, (Freeware).
The Criteria for the TestGear? Projects.
In 1998 my (then 7 year old) daughter's friend's brother was (is)
interested in tinkering with simple electrical and electronic projects.
When I asked him if he had any basic Test Gear to check and calibrate his
projects he replied "No none at all, but I have got my own ~Commodore
AMIGA~". On inspection I found he had an old A500 with 1MB of memory,
a Television set, an extra floppy drive and it was MISSING the mouse.
I then asked him if he would like his AMIGA to become his Test Gear, his
face showed much surprise and he said "Yes Please", he was at that time
8 years old.
This set the criteria for all of the projects as shown below:-
1) The projects MUST run on a standard A500 WITH an extra floppy drive.
Some projects may NOT be calibrated for this machine however as all
the developement work was/is done on an AMIGA A1200.
2) The projects MUST be Operating System friendly.
3) A 0.5MB memory expansion for the A500 is optional.
4) The initial projects MUST NOT require a mouse to work, this is
optional. The keyboard IS the required minimum.
5) The OCS graphics modes MUST be the required minimum display modes.
6) A Television Set MUST be the required minimum display medium.
7) Workbench 1.3x MUST be the required minimum Operating System.
8) The projects MUST work on both NTSC and PAL. This is so that everyone
in the world can use the software without modification.
9) The projects MUST be simple enough for a young child to build in a
VERY SHORT period of time, possibly under supervision. This is so as
to be able to keep the attention span of that young child.
10) All of the required components MUST be available to the general public
from any or a known source.
11) The projects MUST be VERY cheap to build in relation to their
commercial/professional cousins.
12) All external power supplies required for any of the projects MUST be
batteries. A young child should NOT have access to MAINS voltage
facilities or power sockets.
13) All Calibration Equipment MUST be batteries or cells also.
A young child has NOT got access to Professional Calibration Equipment
so therefore he/she has to start from somewhere.
14) The projects MUST NOT require special printed circuit boards to be made.
15) The projects MUST NOT require any special tools, the standard tools
should always be sufficient.
16) IF a special tool is required then a supplier MUST be available to
purchase that tool.
17) As a multimeter/multitester is virtually impossible on any computer
this MUST be a purchased item.
18) If MAINS IS required to power up a unit to be tested, then a MAINS
ISOLATING transformer WILL be required and MUST be used. This MUST be
under the supervision of an adult.
19) Any books required SHOULD be available from your local library.
20) NO special knowledge of electronics is needed or required to build
any of the projects.
21) Read the ~Warning~ file for SAFETY reasons.
This ~Oscilloscope Project~ is a constructed piece of hardware that is
one of a series of TestGear Projects that runs on the AMIGAs A500, A500+
A600 and A1200 and possibly an A1000. It is connected to the Parallel
Port and all of the inner workings are controlled by software.
All of the software was written using ~ACE Basic Compiler~ and starts
with the simplest piece of TestGear (a Signal Injector) to this present
project. Most are designed with the ~Criteria~ in mind.
The next project is an 8 Channel Logic Analyser.
Extracted From The Oscilloscope Manual.
Chapter 6: Technical Specifications.
6.1 Display Area.
1) Screen Dimensions.......... X=160 Pixels, Y=128 Pixels.
2) Graticule Divisions........ 8 Horizontal x 8 Vertical.
3) Trace Colour............... Medium Cyan.
4) External Controls.......... See Manual for full information.
5) Status Window.............. Yes.
6.2 Vertical Deflection.
1) Bandwidth.................. DC to 100KHz, + or - 3dB at 1 division,
(AC, 20Hz to 100KHz + or - 3 dB) with a
usable display up to 20KHz.
2) Coupling................... AC or DC, software controlled.
3) Sensitivity................ 10mV/DIV to 30V/DIV peak to peak,
in 8 ranges, software controlled.
4) Accuracy................... + or - 5% per division.
5) x2 Facility................ Yes, software enhanced, see Manual.
6) Input Impedance............ 1MegOhm in parallel with 56pF.
7) Maximum Input.............. 350V (DC + peak AC) provided the DC
component does NOT exceed 200V.
8) Memory Storage Space....... 64KB, NOT user accessable.
9) DC Stability............... Better than + or - 5 Pixels.
10) Temperature Stability...... Better than + or - 1 Graticule.
11) A-D Converter Resolution... 6 Bits, + or - 0.5 LSB.
12) A-D Converter Sample Rate.. 200KHz approximately.
6.3 Timebase.
1) Horizontal Amplifier....... No.
2) Sweep Times................ 100uS/DIV to 10S/DIV (SLOW) in 6 ranges,
already calibrated for a standard A1200.
3) Calibration Accuracy....... + or - 10% of full scan.
4) External Triggering........ No.
5) Internal Triggering........ Not Required.
6) Internal Synchronisation... Yes, but ONLY to the stored waveform for
the top three timebase ranges. It is
disabled on the bottom three timebase
7) Single Shot Facility....... As Standard.
8) Continuous Scan Facility... Yes.
6.4 General.
1) Calibration Equipment...... Oscilloscope Calibrator, ~Project11~ from
~TestGear3.lha~ on AMINET.
2) Other Equipment Required... See Manual for full information.
3) Power Requirements......... 2 x PP9 batteries to run the HARDWARE.
4) Low Battery Detection...... Yes, on both rails.
5) Working Temperature Range.. +5 to +25 Degrees Centigrade.
6) Maximum Temperature Range.. -5 to +40 Degrees Centigrade.
7) Copyright.................. (C)2001 B.Walker, (G0LCU).
This is Emailware:-
If you like these projects or have any comments to make then Email me
(Barry Walker) on:-
This will give me the incentive to carry on.
The Legal Stuff:-
These programs are the copyright of (C)1998-2001 Barry Walker with all
rights reserved.
They are freeware and no profit will be made from them, also all of
the files must remain unaltered and intact including this one.
The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of these
Every endeavour has been made to ensure that the ~?.drawings~ are
accurate and have NO errors in them. If you are sure that you have found
an error then contact me as soon as possible on my Email address above
and I will do the necessary corrections and issue an update within
7 days of notification.
Testing Evaluation.
An A1200 with various memory configurations.
This will probably NOT work with fast accelerator cards.
There is one project in these archives:-
TestGear4A.lha, TestGear4B.lha, TestGear4C.lha and TestGear4D.lha.
Scope) The Running Software and the ~Voltmeter~ project, plus some extras.
Project12) A Digital (Storage) Oscilloscope.
Stage1) Initial Construction Stage.
Stage2) The Next Stage.
Stage3) The Final Stage.
PCB-Layouts) FULL Parts List and Circuits.
Pictures) ~320x512xHAM.iff~ images of ~Stage1~, ~Stage2~ and ~Stage3~.
Projects list so far in order of issue.
(These are in the ~hard/hack~ drawer.)
A) TestGear1.lha & TestGear1.readme:-
1) TestCard Generator.
2) Signal Injector.
3) Sine/Square Generator.
4) Pulse Generator.
B) TestGear2.lha & TestGear2.readme:-
5) Stereo LF Audio Function Generator.
6) Analogue to Digital Converter.
7) Audio Power Meter.
8) RF Probe, (Sniffer).
C) TestGear3.lha & TestGear3.readme:-
9) Logic Probe.
9A) Experimental version of Project9.
10) An RF Absorption Wattmeter.
11) An Oscilloscope Calibrator.
D1) TestGear4A.lha & TestGear4A.readme:-
Scope) The running software, (plus other bits).
The ~Voltmeter~ project for final calibration.
D2) TestGear4B.lha & TestGear4B.readme:-
Stage1) Part Construction, A-D Converter, Parallel Port Cable Assembly
and the Vertical Mode circuits.
Stage2) Part Construction, the Regulated Power Supplies, Low Battery
Detect circuits and the (AC),DC-100KHz Amplifier (uncalibrated).
Stage3) Part Construction, the Simple Control Logic, the Relay
Controlled Input Attenuator and the Mechanical Assembly.
D3) TestGear4C.lha & TestGear4C.readme:-
PCB-Layouts) FULL Parts List and Circuits.
D4) TestGear4D.lha & TestGear4D.readme:-
Pictures) 320x512xHAM photos of stages of the project.