84782 packages online
docs/hard/TestGear-Notes.lha |
No screenshot available
Requires: Any AMIGA.
A hard disk drive with at least 2MB of free space.
The ~LHA~ de-archiving program.
The optional ~Display~ viewing program.
The ~More~ program for text reading.
Version: 5.20
Distribution: PD, (Freeware).
Text Files And Drawers:-
A) Documents:-
1) The ~Criteria~ for most of the projects to date.
2) A serious ~Warning~ file.
3) The ~TestGear?-Projects~ file.
4) A list of ~Suppliers~, (Vendors).
5) ~Pictures_Info~ about the HAM images.
6) A ~Credits~ list.
7) ~SnapShots_Info~ about the ~Scope~ images.
8) How to use the AMIGA with ~NoMouse~ connected.
B) Pictures:-
1) These are standard 320x512xHAM PAL images.
These are archived uslng ~LHA~ and need to be de-archived before
viewing them. ~Display~ is used as the default viewer.
C) How_To_Use:-
1) The_Signal_Injector.
2) The_Function_Generator.
3) The_Audio_Wattmeter.
4) The_RF_Probe.
5) The_Logic_Probe.
6) The_RF_Wattmeter.
7) The_Oscilloscope.
8) The_Logic_Analyser.
9) The_Frequency_Counter.
D) SnapShots:-
1) These are standard 320x200x32 NTSC images of the ~Oscilloscope~
being used to test the ~Function Generator~ outputs on an A500+.
These are archived uslng ~LHA~ and need to be de-archived before
viewing them. ~Display~ can be used as a viewer for them.
E) Source-Code:-
1) Project1.
2) Project2.
3) Project3.
4) Project4.
14) Project14.
F) This ~TestGear-Notes.readme~ File.
General Assumptions:-
That You Should Have A Basic Knowledge Of:-
1) How to set up the AMIGA.
2) How to BOOT up the AMIGA into either a CLI, (Command Line Interface),
or a WorkBench screen.
3) How to use the Keyboard.
4) How to use the Mouse.
5) How to start programs from the CLI or WorkBench.
6) The general operation of WorkBench, windows and requesters etc...
7) How to format a floppy disk.
8) How to create a BOOTABLE floppy disk.
9) Safely connecting ANY external equipment to the AMIGA.
Test Gear For The Amateur Enthusiast.
1) Do you own an AMIGA A500 or better with 512KB of memory.
2) Does this AMIGA have WorkBench 1.3x or better.
3) Are you an amateur electronics enthusiast.
4) Would you like your AMIGA to become a piece of test gear for
your workshop instead of gathering dust in the cupboard...
5) Then ALL of the ~TestGear?~ projects will be of use to you.
Minimum Operating Requirements Are:-
1) Standard AMIGA A500 with 512KB or more of memory.
2) Workbench 1.3x complete.
3) An external floppy disk drive IS required, a hard disk drive
is optional.
4) The mouse is optional.
5) OCS.
6) PAL/NTSC Television, a monitor is optional.
7) The software has NOT been tested on an AMIGA A1000.
8) The software has NOT been tested on Workbench 1.2x or less.
9) The software has NOT been tested on Workbench 3.1x or greater.
General Information:-
All of the software was written using ~ACE~ Basic Compiler and some
Assembler using the inline ~ASSEM~ and ~END ASSEM~ statements in ACE.
Now The Legal Stuff:-
All programs are the copyright (C)1998+ Barry Walker with all rights
reserved. Some are issued under the ~GPL~ Licence terms and conditions.
They are freeware and no profit will be made from them, also all of the
files must remain unaltered, complete and intact.
The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of any of
these programs.
Testing Evaluation:-
All are/were tested on an A500 with various memory configurations,
the same A500 switched to 1MB Chip Ram and emulating WB2 using
the A500+ emulator, an A600 with various memory configurations,
the same A600 emulating WB3 with various memory configurations,
an A1200 with various memory configurations.
First of all many thanks to my wife Tricia who allows me to spend many hours
on my computers.
Also to David Benn and Herbert Breuer for the ACE/AIDE combination supplied
on an AMIGA FORMAT floppy disk which made it easy to compile this program.
And finally to anyone else who I may have neglected or forgotten.
Mr Barry Walker,
70 King George Road,
LE11 2PA,
Email to:-
If anyone has an idea for a piece of TestGear NOT listed in the
~TestGear?-Projects~ file then Email me on:-
Contents of docs/hard/TestGear-Notes.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 308 675 45.6% -lh5- 73c7 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes.info
[generic] 269 628 42.8% -lh5- dc73 May 21 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents.info
[generic] 1328 2812 47.2% -lh5- 6a84 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Credits
[generic] 215 344 62.5% -lh5- e79e Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Credits.info
[generic] 1564 3629 43.1% -lh5- a874 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Criteria
[generic] 216 344 62.8% -lh5- 1e3d Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Criteria.info
[generic] 1874 5103 36.7% -lh5- e362 Jun 22 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/NoMouse
[generic] 217 344 63.1% -lh5- 242d Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/NoMouse.info
[generic] 509 1225 41.6% -lh5- dfd9 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Pictures_Info
[generic] 215 344 62.5% -lh5- f2ab Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Pictures_Info.info
[generic] 387 806 48.0% -lh5- addf Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/SnapShots_Info
[generic] 220 344 64.0% -lh5- 77d1 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/SnapShots_Info.info
[generic] 1897 8355 22.7% -lh5- 0ed6 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Suppliers
[generic] 216 344 62.8% -lh5- 0d2b Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Suppliers.info
[generic] 2615 7153 36.6% -lh5- 2cb1 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/TestGear?-Projects
[generic] 215 344 62.5% -lh5- 4449 Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/TestGear?-Projects.info
[generic] 511 1015 50.3% -lh5- f08c Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Warning
[generic] 217 344 63.1% -lh5- ca9d Dec 8 2002 TestGear-Notes/Documents/Warning.info
[generic] 268 628 42.7% -lh5- c945 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use.info
[generic] 1392 4169 33.4% -lh5- 6711 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Audio_Wattmeter
[generic] 217 344 63.1% -lh5- 3a6e Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Audio_Wattmeter.info
[generic] 1172 3236 36.2% -lh5- 61a5 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Freq_Counter
[generic] 218 344 63.4% -lh5- 15d0 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Freq_Counter.info
[generic] 2593 7331 35.4% -lh5- b00f May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Function_Generator
[generic] 216 344 62.8% -lh5- f61c Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Function_Generator.info
[generic] 1424 3717 38.3% -lh5- 7ab3 Aug 22 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Logic_Analyser
[generic] 217 344 63.1% -lh5- 80b6 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Logic_Analyser.info
[generic] 1272 3450 36.9% -lh5- 5ece May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Logic_Probe
[generic] 217 344 63.1% -lh5- 90fe Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Logic_Probe.info
[generic] 3486 12392 28.1% -lh5- 5fcb May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Oscilloscope
[generic] 220 344 64.0% -lh5- 0a03 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Oscilloscope.info
[generic] 1509 4304 35.1% -lh5- 1de1 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_RF_Probe
[generic] 218 344 63.4% -lh5- bc85 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_RF_Probe.info
[generic] 1227 3559 34.5% -lh5- 34bd May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_RF_Wattmeter
[generic] 221 344 64.2% -lh5- cf8e Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_RF_Wattmeter.info
[generic] 1587 4624 34.3% -lh5- 2de3 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Signal_Injector
[generic] 219 344 63.7% -lh5- 9313 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/How_To_Use/The_Signal_Injector.info
[generic] 270 628 43.0% -lh5- 11e0 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/Pictures.info
[generic] 611724 611724 100.0% -lh0- fc43 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/Pictures/Pictures.lha
[generic] 266 628 42.4% -lh5- 0584 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/SnapShots.info
[generic] 90257 90257 100.0% -lh0- 0a19 May 12 2002 TestGear-Notes/SnapShots/SnapShots.lha
[generic] 318 673 47.3% -lh5- 0420 Aug 21 2002 TestGear-Notes/Source-Code.info
[generic] 28237 28237 100.0% -lh0- d8dc Aug 21 2002 TestGear-Notes/Source-Code/Source_Code.lha
[generic] 2237 6205 36.1% -lh5- 1025 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/TestGear-Notes.readme
[generic] 219 344 63.7% -lh5- 5039 Dec 9 2002 TestGear-Notes/TestGear-Notes.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 45 files 764414 823355 92.8% Jan 1 2003
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