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Short:Satellite&Kindergarden-2000, invitation.
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                            \          :          /
                _____________\   ______:______   /_____________
                \                \           /                /
   _ ____________\   _____________\    .    /_____________   /____________ _
            _____              _____            __.     _     __.
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 .____   ¬.        .   __// |   |   ¬.   |    |   |___ .   ¬.   |___ .   __)_
 |   |    |   |    l_  |___ |   `    l_  |___ |   `   ¬|    |   `   ¬|   |   ¬.
 |   '    |___|  .: /  `   ¬|____  .: /  `   ¬|____    |    |____    |   `    l_
 l____  .:|---l____/____    |---l____/____    |---l____l____|---l____l____  .: /
     ¬----'   -  - ----l____;   -  - ----l____;               -  - --©dtA!____/
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                   .    __/ ¬ _)     (      //  ¬ _)     (
                   |    |    .    //  ¬.    /    .    //  ¬.
                   |    `    |    /    |   //    |    /    |
                   l_____  .:|   //    |_____  .:|   //    |
                        ¬----l_____  .:|----`----l_____  .:|
                      -  - -------`----'  -  - -------`----'
   _ _____________   ______________    .    ______________   _____________ _
                 /                /         \                \ 
                /_____________   /_____ _____\   _____________\
                             /         :         \



              S   A   T   L   L   I   T   E   '   2  0  0  0

                                  a n d

       K   I   N   D   E   R   G   A   R   D   E   N   ' 2  0  0  0

   Well, well, well!!!  We are doing it again, the third time - and this
year with even more Power.  Having had three years of experience we now
know what was good and what was bad and what should not have happened.  If
you have visited the Sat 98 and Sat 99, you should have recognised the
positive changes.  This year we are going to stick to the positive parts
and leave the negative out.

What has been the most positive part of the last two Satellites ?  Maybe
even the most important part - the Party place !  Well, we as well as you,
like a Club much more then a sporting hall to have a party, that is why
this years party will be at the same place like last years, at the Club
"Slowianin", where we can make use of all it's advantages.

In the year 2000 we are hitting it of with almost double the Power.  We are
happy to invite you for the Satellite and Kindergarden.  This party is
organised by Poland and Norway together, an absolute novelty, it can only
be good.

When and Where ?!

No surprises !  As explained in our Pre-Invitation.  Nothing has changed.
The dates are the 4th and the 5th of November 2000 at the Club "Slowianin",
ul.  Korzeniowskiego 2, Szczecin, Poland.

How to get there ?

You get on which ever train you like to Szczecin and get off at the main
railway station.  From there you go across the bridge which is crossing the
lines, in the direction of the city, not the river Oder.  After crossing
the bridge you take the stairs to your right and then straight ahead until
you can see another staircase to your left.  Cross the street go up the
stairs and take a turn to your right and walk until you can see a signboard
saying "Slowianin".  If you see the signboard, you did everything well and
you are right on target.

Should you not be so sure, have a look at the enclosed map.  No Bus no tram
etc.  You can see the Party - Place already from the railway station.


Same Price like `98 no changes: 30,- PLN / DM 20,- / 10,- USD
Women have free access.


Hardware:	AMIGA, C64, PC


             Amiga1200T/603e/270mhz, 040/40mhz, 64mb, B-Vision
             Amiga1200T/603e/200mhz, 060/50mhz, 64mb, B-Vison
             Amiga1200T/060/75mhz, 32mb, AGA

             C64 + 1541-II, C128D


             Celeron 567 on magistrala 103MHz, 128MB ram, SB Live!, GeForce2MX


             - demo compo: MC68k, PPC, AGA, CGX
               Demo can make use of all the possibilities of the compo machine
               We are not separating this compo on two separate PPC and
               68k, because a demo on PPC has never won a first prize at a
               Party in Poland
               Max. capacity: 10MB

             - 64k intro compo: MC68k, PPC, AGA, CGX
               Intro can make use of all the possibilities of the compo machine
               Max. capacity: 65536 Byte.
               Intro can make use of  all Standard Libraries, AHI

             - 4k intro compo: MC68k, PPC, AGA, CGX
               Intro can make use of all the possibilities of the compo machine
               Max. capacity: 4096 Byte

             - demo compo: C64 + 1541-II -  unlimited!


             - demo compo: DOS, Windooze, GeForce2MX
               Demo can make use of all the possibilities of the compo machine
               Max. capacity: 10MB

             - 64k intro compo: DOS, Windooze, GeForce2MX
               Intro can make use of all the possibilities of the compo machine
               Max. capacity: 65536 Byte

             - 4k intro compo: DOS, Windooze, GeForce2MX
               Intro can make use of all the possibilities of the compo machine
               Max. capacity: 4096 Byte

             - pixel graphics: 8bit, 24bit - exclusive pixel graphics!
               Image processing will go to the trashcan!  Doubled works
               have to be marked
               Format: IFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG
               Max. resolution: 1024x768

             - ray tracing gfx compo: 8bit, 24bit - own works!
               Format: IFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG
               Max. resolution: 1024x768

             C64 graphics compo: Format EXE. 

             Music compo:
             - 4ch music compo: own music!
               All re mixes, samplings go to the trashcan.
               Format: MOD

             - multi channel msx compo: own music!
               All re mixes, samplings go to the trashcan.
               Format: DBM, XM, S3M, OCTAMED.

             C64 music compo: Format EXE.

             Wild demo compo: Animation, EXE (Amiga, PC), vhs.

             Crazy demo compo: Amiga, PC.

In case that you are submitting your works on discs (graphics, ray
tracings, music), please make sure to mark the discs correctly (name,
group, category).  To eliminate problems use good quality discs only!!!!
The following works have to be stored on low density discs(2DD) (IMPORTANT
!) We are explaining it now, to not have problems later.  Deadlines are
strictly kept.

What else ?

Like every year there are lot's of crazy compos!  There will be no time for
boredom.  Traditionally we will have concerts too.  This year we will have
the following people:  Voice/Appendix, Ksiu/Ind.  (INDYGO) and
Wierza/Venture with RT/Venture.

We need to ask you, to please be careful with drinking the strong stuff.
To bring alcoholic beverages is prohibited.  Still, we know that sometimes
we can't help it and someone get' s drunk.  For those cases we will have a
separate room to stick them for a rest until they are able to walk again.

The norwegian guys should book a ticket with the Nor-Way busexpresses
leaving the busstation in Oslo wednesday 1.Nov.00 at 11:00 am.  We will
then arrive at Szczecin  at 10:50 am on thursday.  The bus back to
Norway will leave 6.Nov.00 at 19:15 and arrive back in Oslo tuesday
7.Nov.00 at 19:30.  The entire trip back and forth will cost NOK 1422,- if
you're between 12-25 yrs old.  If you are above 25 the trip will cost NOK
1580,-.  If you are below 12 years old..  Stay at home!  ;-)

   Organiser  &  Addresses to contact:

   APPENDIX + Kindergarden sztaff.

Tel.:		++48-601-534875			(Madbart/Appendix)
		++48-91-4216092			(Popcorn/Appendix)
		++47-976-97413			(Arcane/Haujobb)

E-mail:			(Madbart/Appendix)	(Popcorn/Appendix)		(Arcane/Haujobb)


            _____              _____            __.           __.
    ____   _\__  )   __.     _(____//  __.     _) |          _) |__     _____
  _( __/_     |   ¬ _) |__  .   __)_  _) |    .   |     _/)     __//  _(____//
 .____   ¬.        .   __// |   |   ¬.   |    |   |___ .   ¬.   |___ .   __)_
 |   |    |   |    l_  |___ |   |    l_  |___ |   |   ¬|    |   |   ¬|   |   ¬.
 |   '    |___|  .: /  |   ¬|___|  .: /  |   ¬|___|    |    |___|    |   |    l_
 l____  .:|---l____/___|    |---l____/___|    |---l____l____|---l____l___|  .: /
     ¬----'   -  - ----l____|   -  - ----l____;               -  - --©dtA!____/

          - ---------->  s a t e l l i t e  ·  2 0 0 0  <----------- -
                      ______              _____ 
                     _\__  /    _____   _)     (    _____ 
                   .    __/ ¬ _)     (      //  ¬ _)     (
                   |    |    .    //  ¬.    /    .    //  ¬.
                   |    `    |    /    |   //    |    /    |
                   l_____  .:|   //    |_____  .:|   //    |
                        ¬----l_____  .:|----`----l_____  .:|
                      -  - -------`----'  -  - -------`----'

                            \          :          /
                _____________\   ______:______   /_____________
                \                \           /                /
   _ ____________\   _____________\    .    /_____________   /____________ _
            _____              _____            __.     _     __.
    ____   _\__  )   __.     _( ___//  __.     _) |    (/    _) |__     _____
  _( __/_     |   ¬ _) |__  .   __)_  _) |    .   |     _/)     __//  _( ___//
 .____   ¬.        .   __// |   |   ¬.   |    |   |___ .   ¬.   |___ .   __)_
 |   |    |   |    l_  |___ |   `    l_  |___ |   `   ¬|    |   `   ¬|   |   ¬.
 |   '    |___|  .: /  `   ¬|____  .: /  `   ¬|____    |    |____    |   `    l_
 l____  .:|---l____/____    |---l____/____    |---l____l____|---l____l____  .: /
     ¬----'   -  - ----l____;   -  - ----l____;               -  - --©dtA!____/
                      ______              _____ 
                     _\__  /    _____   _)     (    _____ 
                   .    __/ ¬ _)     (      //  ¬ _)     (
                   |    |    .    //  ¬.    /    .    //  ¬.
                   |    `    |    /    |   //    |    /    |
                   l_____  .:|   //    |_____  .:|   //    |
                        ¬----l_____  .:|----`----l_____  .:|
                      -  - -------`----'  -  - -------`----'
   _ _____________   ______________    .    ______________   _____________ _
                 /                /         \                \ 
                /_____________   /_____ _____\   _____________\
                             /         :         \



              S   A   T   L   L   I   T   E   '   2  0  0  0

                                  a n d

       K   I   N   D   E   R   G   A   R   D   E   N   ' 2  0  0  0

   Tak, tak, tak!!!  Po raz trzeci atakujemy - co roku z wiëkszâ siîâ!  Po
doôwiadczeniach z lat ubiegîych wyciâgamy kolejne wnioski - co byîo dobre,
ôrednie, a co z koleji nie powinno sie wydarzyê.  Jeôli byliôcie na Sat'98
oraz Sat'99 - pewnie zauwaûyliôcie róûnice na plus - pomiëdzy tymi dwoma
edycjami.  W tym roku takûe plusy pozostanâ, minusy zaô, zostanâ
odstawione.  Jaki bëdzie podstawowy plus który pozostanie z poprzedniej
edycji?  Rzecz chyba najwaûniejsza!  Partyplace.  Tak - zarówno Wam, jak i
nam zdecydowanie bardziej podoba sië klub jako miejsce dla party niû ponura
hala sportowa.  Bëdzie nim jak w roku ubiegîym kameralny klub "Sîowianin"
wraz z jego wszystkimi zaletami.

   W roku 2000 atakujemy z prawie zdwojonâ siîâ.  Mamy zaszczyt zaprosiê
Was na Satellite wraz z Kindergarden w jednym.  Bëdzie to party z
organizacjâ Polskâ jak i Norweskâ - czyli takie caîkowite nowum - moûe byê
tylko lepiej!  :)

   Kiedy, gdzie?!

   Bez ûadnych niespodzianek!  Tak jak ogîaszaliômy w PRE-invitation - tak
i teraz data i miejsce pozostajâ bez zmian.  4-5 listopada '2000.  Jak juû
wczeôniej nadmieniliômy miejsce to:  Dom Kultury "Sîowianin", ul.  J.
Korzeniowskiego 2.  Jak dojechaê na Partyplace?  Wsiadasz w jakikolwiek
pociâg do Szczecina, jak juû dotrzesz na Dworzec Gîówny zchodzisz z peronu
po schodach na kîadkë,która wznosi sië nad torami, idziesz w kierunku
przeciwnym do Odry po zejôciu z kîadki kierujesz sië na prawo wchodzisz po
schodach, idziesz dalej prosto przed siebie, a jak zobaczysz po lewej
stronie schody, przchodzisz przez jezdnië wchodzisz do góry po schodach,
nastëpnie idziesz w prawo i jak zobaczysz napis "Sîowianin" tzn., ûe
trafiîeô.  Jeôli nadal masz wâtpliwoôci - zajrzyj na mapkë doîâczonâ do
archiwum.  Zero autobusów, tramwaji etc.  Party place widaê z dworca


Cena od '98 roku nie ulega zmianie:  30 PLN/20 DM/10 USD.  Kobiety wchodzâ
za darmo.


           AMIGA, C64, PC.

              Amiga1200T/603e/270mhz, 040/40mhz, 64mb, B-Vision
              Amiga1200T/603e/200mhz, 060/50mhz, 64mb, B-Vision
              Amiga1200T/060/75mhz, 32mb, AGA
              C64 + 1541-II
              Celeron 567 na magistrali 103MHz, 128MB Ram, SB Live!, GeForce2MX.


          - demo compo:
                       MC68k, PPC, AGA, CGX.
                       Demo moûe wykorzystywaê wszystkie moûliwoôci compo machine.
                       Nie dzielimy tego compo na dwa odrëbne PPC i 68k
                       bowiem na ûadnym jeszcze party w Polsce demo na PPC
                       nie zajëîo pierwszego miejsca. Maksymalna objëtoôê: 10MB.
          - 64k intro compo:
                       MC68k, PPC, AGA, CGX.
                       Intro moûe wykorzystywaê wszystkie moûliwoôci compo machine.
                       Maksymalna wielkoôê: 65536 bajtów, intro moûe wykorzystywaê
                       standardowe biblioteki, AHI.
          - 4k intro compo:
                       MC68k, PPC, AGA, CGX.
                       Intro moûe wykorzystywaê wszystkie moûliwoôci compo machine.
                       Maksymalna wielkoôê: 4096 bajtów,
          - demo compo:
                       C64 + 1541-II - moûliwoôci nieograniczone!
          - demo compo:
                       DOS, Windooze, GeForce2MX.
                       Demo moûe wykorzystywaê wszystkie moûliwoôci compo machine.
                       Maksymalna obiëtoôê: 10MB
          - 64k intro compo:
                       DOS, Windooze, GeForce2MX.
                       Intro moûe wykorzystywaê wszystkie moûliwoôci compo machine.
                       Maksymalna obiëtoôê: 65536 bajtów.
          - 4k intro compo:
                       DOS, Windooze, GeForce2MX.
                       Intro moûe wykorzystywaê wszystkie moûliwoôci compo machine.
                       Maksymalna obiëtoôê: 4096 bajtów.


          - pixel graphics:
                       8bit, 24bit - tylko i wyîâcznie grafika pixelowana!
                       - image processingi idâ do kosza! prace przerysowane muszâ
                       muszâ byê odpowiednio oznaczone.
                       Formaty: IFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG.
                       Maksymalna roúdzielczoôê: 1024x768
          - raytracing gfx compo:
                       8bit, 24bit - prace autorskie!
                       Formaty: IFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG.
                       Maksymalna roúdzielczoôê: 1024x768
          C64 graphics compo:
                       Format exe.
          Music compo:
          - 4ch music compo:
                       muzyka autorska, wszelkie remixy, samplingi idâ do kosza!
                       format: MOD.
          - multichannel msx compo:
                       muzyka autorska, wszelkie remixy, samplingi idâ do kosza!
                       format: DBM, XM, S3M, OCTAMED.
          C64 music compo:
                       format EXE.
          Wild demo compo:
                       Animacja, exe (Amiga,PC), vhs.
          Crazy demo compo: Amiga, PC.

   W przypadku oddawania prac na dyskietkach (Grafika, Raytracing, Muzyka),
naleûy takâ dyskietkë dokîadnie opisaê (Xywa/Grupa, kategoria).  Prosimy o
nagrywanie prac na DOBRYCH dyskietkach !!  Aby uniknâê problemów.  Prace na
graphics, raytracing oraz music compo naleûy oddawaê NA RZADKICH
dyskietkach (2DD) !!!  (WAÛNE!) - uprzedzamy, aby uniknâê póúniejszych
ewentualnych, zbëdnych problemów!.  Deadline'y bëdâ rzetelnie

   Co jeszcze?

   Jak co roku wiele róûnorakich crazy compos!  Nie ma czasu na nudë.
Tradycjâ na naszym party sâ scenowe koncerty.  Takûe i w tym roku nie
zabraknie tego typu atrkacji.  W tym roku za ûywo zagrajâ:  Voice/Appendix,
Ksiu/Ind.  (INDYGO) oraz Wierza/Venture wraz z RT/Venture.

   Prosimy równieû o umiar w stosowaniu napojów wyskokowych.  Wnoszenie
wszelkich napojów procentowych bëdzie zabronione.  Na party place znajduje
sië odpowiednio zaopatrzony barek.  :) Wiemy jednak, ûe nie unikniemy
przypadków zalania sië.  Osoby, które bëdâ w takim stanie zostanâ
odcholowane na przymusowy postój do jakiegoô odosobnionego pomieszczenia.

   Organizatorzy, kontakt.

        A P P E N D I X  + Kindergarden sztaff.

        Tel:    ++48-601-534875    (Madbart/Appendix)
                ++48-91-4216092    (Popcorn/Appendix)
                ++47-976-97413     (Arcane/Haujobb)

        Email:               (Madbart/Appendix)


            _____              _____            __.           __.
    ____   _\__  )   __.     _(____//  __.     _) |          _) |__     _____
  _( __/_     |   ¬ _) |__  .   __)_  _) |    .   |     _/)     __//  _(____//
 .____   ¬.        .   __// |   |   ¬.   |    |   |___ .   ¬.   |___ .   __)_
 |   |    |   |    l_  |___ |   |    l_  |___ |   |   ¬|    |   |   ¬|   |   ¬.
 |   '    |___|  .: /  |   ¬|___|  .: /  |   ¬|___|    |    |___|    |   |    l_
 l____  .:|---l____/___|    |---l____/___|    |---l____l____|---l____l___|  .: /
     ¬----'   -  - ----l____|   -  - ----l____;               -  - --©dtA!____/

          - ---------->  s a t e l l i t e  ·  2 0 0 0  <----------- -
                      ______              _____ 
                     _\__  /    _____   _)     (    _____ 
                   .    __/ ¬ _)     (      //  ¬ _)     (
                   |    |    .    //  ¬.    /    .    //  ¬.
                   |    `    |    /    |   //    |    /    |
                   l_____  .:|   //    |_____  .:|   //    |
                        ¬----l_____  .:|----`----l_____  .:|
                      -  - -------`----'  -  - -------`----'

Contents of docs/anno/SATKG2k-inv.lha
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[generic]                  222     628  35.4% -lh5- dee8 Oct 10  2000 file_id.diz
[generic]                44996   44996 100.0% -lh0- f5be Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/A_map.gif
[generic]                 1661    3920  42.4% -lh5- 7613 Aug  3  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/blazewcp
[generic]                  231     343  67.3% -lh5- bf51 Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/README_FIRST.txt
[generic]               880032  880032 100.0% -lh0- 7fcb Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/Satellite-KG-2k.exe
[generic]                 3413   10218  33.4% -lh5- 0a54 Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/SATKG-invCZE.txt
[generic]                 3655   10469  34.9% -lh5- 1b4c Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/SATKG-invENG.txt
[generic]                 3743   10549  35.5% -lh5- c3c7 Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/SATKG-invGER.txt
[generic]                 3726   10722  34.8% -lh5- 01a7 Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/SATKG-invPL.txt
[generic]                   33      33 100.0% -lh0- faeb Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/StartAGA
[generic]                   24      24 100.0% -lh0- 8cbc Oct 10  2000 Satellite-KG-Inv/StartGFX
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 Total        11 files  941736  971934  96.9%            Oct 13  2000
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