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Short: | (A)miga (M)usic (P)reservation infofile |
Author: | "Curt Cool" curtcool image.dk |
Uploader: | curtcool depth org |
Type: | docs/anno |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 2000-11-27 |
Requires: | Few minutes of your -precious- time for a scene association. |
Download: | docs/anno/AMP-Info.lha - View contents | Readme: | docs/anno/AMP-Info.readme |
Downloads: | 1071 |
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You Are Having A Look At.... Association for "A"miga "M"usic "P"reservation
Crown of Cryptoburners and Curt Cool of Depth are here with a biiiig project.
This archieve contains material about the Association called: "AMP"
(Please read the ".txt" and check the music lists + interview form).
"AMP" stands for "Amiga Music Preservation". This non profit association
is running the biggest and most comprehensive database ever about amiga
music and amiga musicians. All the composers of the amiga deserve to be
remembered and to have their work preserved. We tried all we could on
our own but although it's growing all the time, now we seriously need
you to help us one way or another.
You are particularily concerned by this if: you are interested in amiga
music (composing, hobby, passion) and/or if you are/have been in contact
with some musicians (no matter how long ago!). If you have some diskettes,
hard drives and/or cd roms that contain mods, exotic music formats, demos,
etc.. If you cannot think about the amiga without nostalgy and if you feel
that you are the (only) one that can help, then why not be part of it?
No profit whatsoever will be made with the material we gather. There is
no chance you can buy our collection or anything else.. Though, all help
will be rewarded! :) As stated in the text file, we are interested in few
people to join in. But you have to be motivated and to have a good general
knowledge of the scene. We want to remain few in order to keep a proper
contact with people supporting us.
There is no site so far nor emailing list. We answer to all email, snail
mails and calls so you choose the way you want to contact us. And you know
what? We are so international that we can answer to people in french (crown)
and in danish (curt cool) too! If one isn't happy with such a standard?! ;)
Crown and Curt Cool can be reached at any time... we swear! :)
Contents of docs/anno/AMP-Info.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 113236 509947 22.2% -lh5- c005 Nov 25 2000 _Composerlist.txt
[generic] 57343 296997 19.3% -lh5- 550e Oct 8 2000 _List-Chip-Crown.txt
[generic] 116853 595201 19.6% -lh5- 08aa Oct 8 2000 _List-Exotic-Crown.txt
[generic] 93074 442232 21.0% -lh5- d312 Oct 8 2000 _List-Mods-Crown.txt
[generic] 788281 3508918 22.5% -lh5- ca73 Nov 24 2000 _List-Mods-Curt.txt
[generic] 731 1324 55.2% -lh5- 0bb7 Oct 8 2000 Interview.txt
[generic] 1698 4036 42.1% -lh5- c99a Nov 25 2000 Music-Preservation.readme
[generic] 5932 13243 44.8% -lh5- 2489 Oct 8 2000 Preservation-Assoc.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 1177148 5371898 21.9% Nov 27 2000
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