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dev/misc/makelib1_0.lha |
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"makelib" is a small tool which extracts function headers and prototypes
out of standard ANSI-C-Source and automatically creates the following
files (replace mylib with your one of your project names):
- clib/mylib_protos.h
- pragmas/mylib_pragmas.h
- proto/mylib.h
- mylib_lib.fd
Documentation in German and English and a short example included.
Copyright ©1999 pinc Software, Axel Dörfler.
All Rights Reserved.
========================= Archive contents ==========================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
624 247 60.4% 30-Jun-99 01:09:32 makelib/example.info
292 151 48.2% 30-Jun-99 01:14:00 makelib/example/gtdrag_includes.h.info
292 171 41.4% 30-Jun-99 01:13:52 makelib/example/gtdrag_lib.c.info
21080 12993 38.3% 29-Jun-99 22:34:16 makelib/makelib
15778 6045 61.6% 30-Jun-99 00:57:24 makelib/makelib.guide
468 224 52.1% 30-Jun-99 01:08:10 makelib/makelib.guide.info
158 129 18.3% 30-Jun-99 00:59:38 makelib/example/executeMe
460 225 51.0% 30-Jun-99 01:09:32 makelib/example/executeMe.info
3827 973 74.5% 29-Jun-99 22:39:44 makelib/example/gtdrag_includes.h
1056 517 51.0% 29-Jun-99 22:37:16 makelib/example/gtdrag_lib.c
669 383 42.7% 29-Jun-99 22:05:24 makelib/example/makelib.with
840 210 75.0% 30-Jun-99 01:10:48 makelib/example/makelib.with.info
624 247 60.4% 30-Jun-99 01:08:10 makelib.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
46168 22515 51.2% 30-Jun-99 01:14:52 13 files
Contents of dev/misc/makelib1_0.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 247 624 39.6% -lh5- 5624 Jun 30 1999 makelib/example.info
[generic] 151 292 51.7% -lh5- 842c Jun 30 1999 makelib/example/gtdrag_includes.h.info
[generic] 171 292 58.6% -lh5- 8f48 Jun 30 1999 makelib/example/gtdrag_lib.c.info
[generic] 12993 21080 61.6% -lh5- db2f Jun 29 1999 makelib/makelib
[generic] 6045 15778 38.3% -lh5- a513 Jun 30 1999 makelib/makelib.guide
[generic] 224 468 47.9% -lh5- 9311 Jun 30 1999 makelib/makelib.guide.info
[generic] 129 158 81.6% -lh5- 7a1b Jun 30 1999 makelib/example/executeMe
[generic] 225 460 48.9% -lh5- 4f46 Jun 30 1999 makelib/example/executeMe.info
[generic] 973 3827 25.4% -lh5- 82e8 Jun 29 1999 makelib/example/gtdrag_includes.h
[generic] 517 1056 49.0% -lh5- 65bb Jun 29 1999 makelib/example/gtdrag_lib.c
[generic] 383 669 57.2% -lh5- e586 Jun 29 1999 makelib/example/makelib.with
[generic] 210 840 25.0% -lh5- dbf2 Jun 30 1999 makelib/example/makelib.with.info
[generic] 247 624 39.6% -lh5- 9a9e Jun 30 1999 makelib.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 22515 46168 48.8% Jun 30 1999
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