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Short: | 0.50 - Ultimate hotkey resolver |
Author: | "Marcin Orlowski" carlos amiga.com.pl |
Uploader: | Marcin Orlowski <carlos amiga com pl> |
Type: | dev/misc |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-06-30 |
Download: | dev/misc/hotkey.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/misc/hotkey.readme |
Downloads: | 755 |
WFMH HotKey resolver is small and fast... hotkey resolver... ;-)
It was born during one of translations I worked on for Amiga
Translators' Organization (http://ato.vapor.com/ato/).
All was fine until I had to find unique shortcuts all buttons
appearing in one of windows at once. While fighting with this I
thought that I should use the computer for this stupid job...
So I did it. Because I coudn't find program I needed I sat down
and quickly wrote this HotKey resolver.
This ain't fresh software. I wrote it about year ago (it was Jan '97
when I modified sources last time). But I decided to release it, as
there may be someone looking for such tool. I don't plan to add more
features (e.g. #?.c(d|t) file support, or better resolving algoritms
etc) unless I receive any response or many requestes *and* donations.
Hotkey is almost finished (AFAIR it can't save own confituraiton, and
that's only thing left unfinished) and fully functional.
Have fun
Contents of dev/misc/hotkey.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 586 1229 47.7% -lh5- 6f22 Jun 26 1998 HotKey.info
[generic] 1602 4483 35.7% -lh5- 5c5c Jun 26 1998 HotKey/Catalogs/HotKey.cd
[generic] 95 116 81.9% -lh5- b5de Dec 16 1996 HotKey/Dictionaries/Menus
[generic] 778 1188 65.5% -lh5- 543a May 25 1997 HotKey/Docs.info
[generic] 6349 19829 32.0% -lh5- cbaa Jun 26 1998 HotKey/Docs/HotKey_English.guide
[generic] 1073 1764 60.8% -lh5- 6043 May 25 1997 HotKey/Docs/HotKey_English.guide.info
[generic] 30232 58000 52.1% -lh5- f6bf Jan 8 1997 HotKey/HotKey
[generic] 1882 4020 46.8% -lh5- 4593 May 25 1997 HotKey/HotKey.info
[generic] 712 1245 57.2% -lh5- 94f0 Jun 26 1998 HotKey/Hotkey.readme
[generic] 618 1566 39.5% -lh5- 11d2 Jun 1 1998 HotKey/Hotkey.readme.info
[generic] 38 38 100.0% -lh0- b0f3 Dec 17 1996 HotKey/HotKeyBanks/AlphaNumeric
[generic] 65 65 100.0% -lh0- 647e Dec 27 1996 HotKey/HotKeyBanks/AlphaNumeric (+caps)
[generic] 57 57 100.0% -lh0- f7a4 Dec 27 1996 HotKey/HotKeyBanks/AlphaNumeric Expanded
[generic] 84 84 100.0% -lh0- 4cda Dec 27 1996 HotKey/HotKeyBanks/AlphaNumeric Expanded (+caps)
[generic] 11 11 100.0% -lh0- d605 Dec 16 1996 HotKey/HotKeyBanks/Digits Only
[generic] 26 26 100.0% -lh0- 9c1d Dec 16 1996 HotKey/HotKeyBanks/Letters Only
[generic] 215 344 62.5% -lh5- 8568 Jun 26 1998 HotKey/Projects/eTeacher-menus
[generic] 201 282 71.3% -lh5- 4ad4 Feb 18 1997 HotKey/Projects/GoldED_prefs_misc
[generic] 97 111 87.4% -lh5- 1a56 Dec 21 1996 HotKey/Projects/HotKey_mainwindow
[generic] 323 555 58.2% -lh5- dbf0 Jan 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/HotKey_menus
[generic] 436 805 54.2% -lh5- 6cdd Jan 5 1997 HotKey/Projects/HotKey_menus_2
[generic] 160 234 68.4% -lh5- a444 Jun 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/PowerHelp.mcp
[generic] 108 117 92.3% -lh5- ece6 Jan 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/STFax_faxedit
[generic] 94 103 91.3% -lh5- f6b6 Jan 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/STFax_faxprefs
[generic] 83 95 87.4% -lh5- 0689 Jan 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/STFax_main
[generic] 117 133 88.0% -lh5- 71e1 Jan 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/STFax_miscprefs
[generic] 125 145 86.2% -lh5- 1e3b Jan 4 1997 HotKey/Projects/STFax_modemprefs
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 46167 96645 47.8% Jun 30 1998
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