CVS 1.11.4 AmigaOS/MorphOS port (18 November 2004)
This is a somewhat rough port of GNU CVS 1.11.4, a version control system,
which allows you to keep old versions of files (usually source code), keep a
log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. It handles
multiple developers, multiple directories, triggers to enable/log/control
various operations, and can work over a wide area network. The following tasks
are not included; they can be done in conjunction with CVS but will tend to
require some script-writing and software other than CVS: bug-tracking, build
management (that is, make and make-like tools), and automated testing. (Quoted
from the CVS documentation.)
I call this a 'rough port' since it is not as polished as, say Heinz Wrobel's
excellent 'RCS' port. It does what it needs to do, but a few features are
sorely lacking, such as full support for Amiga file protection bits. On the other
hand, however, you get everything, and perhaps more, you got with the previous
Amiga ports of CVS: this port does not require 'ixemul.library' to work and it
does not require an RCS installation because it is completely self contained.
The port would also probably win a price as the largest 'pure' executable; it
can be made resident.
What's in this package?
This distribution contains the Amiga port, the Amiga specific source code and
most of the original GNU CVS 1.11.4 distribution. 'Most' in this case means
that only the original source code has been omitted in order to keep the
distribution archive small; the documentation and support files are all
provided. The original source code can be downloaded from the Internet at
''. I have added two
more files which are converted from the original Unix man pages, namely
'' and '' whose sources can be found in the
'cvs-1.11.4/man' directory.
Installation; the easy part
Almost everything you need to get CVS up and running is contained in the
archive which also includes the 'README.AMIGA' file you are currently reading.
And that means the 'cvs' executable. You will also need a working
'queue-handler' (the one that ships with Workbench 3.1 and beyond is,
unfortunately, broken) which can be found on Aminet (you can find the archive
at ''). A TCP/IP stack
like Miami or AmiTCP is supported but not strictly required: you can perfectly
well keep your CVS repository on your local machine. Since CVS may ask you to
edit the log entries associated with the files to store, you may want to
configure the 'EDITOR' environment variable. Last, but not least, you must set
up an environment variable which allows CVS to associate you with the changes
you made; this should be the 'USER', 'LOGUSER' or 'USERNAME' variable.
Most importantly, this port requires Kickstart 2.04 or higher.
Here is how you could set up CVS on your machine. We start by creating two
drawers on the 'Work:' volume:
MakeDir Work:CVS-Root
MakeDir Work:CVS-Home
Next, we add two lines to the 'S:User-Startup' file:
Assign CVSHOME: Work:CVS-Home
The CVS program will need to be copied:
Copy cvs Work:CVS-Home CLONE
And the path to the CVS repository needs to be set:
SetEnv CVSROOT :local:Work:CVS-Root
Two environment variables need to be set up. Most importantly, CVS will need
your ID to write it into the log and revision files it creates. The Amiga port
will query three environment variables for that information, in the following
order: 'USER', 'LOGUSER' and 'USERNAME'. This means if the variable 'USER' is
not set, it will proceed to check whether 'LOGUSER' is set, and so forth. You
may have already configured these variables, but if you haven't, I suggest you
set up the 'LOGUSER' variable, like this:
SetEnv LOGUSER <Your ID here>
Note that <Your ID here> should be replaced by a mnemonic, nick name or short
name that must not contain any blank space characters. This means for example
that "Fred Flintstone" will not work, but "Fred_Flintstone" will.
You may want to configure the 'EDITOR' environment variable to invoke your
preferred text editor when CVS requests that log messages are added for an
update. If this variable is not set, CVS will default to invoke the 'Ed'
editor. This can be problematic if you have installed 'CygnusEd' whose 'Ed'
program detaches from the Shell that invoked it. When CVS invokes the editor,
it expects it to return only when the user has finished editing the respective
file. Here is an example configuration for CygnusEd:
SetEnv EDITOR Ed -keepio
And here is one for TurboText:
Don't forget to save the environment variable setting to make it permanent,
like this:
Finally, install the 'queue-handler' from Aminet and reboot your machine. When
the system is again up and running, initialize the CVS repository like this:
cvs init
And that's all. Well, maybe you want to add a few default options to the
configuration file CVS reads upon startup. That file should be placed in the
'CVSHOME:' directory and called '.cvsrc'.
Networked operation and SSH
This CVS port includes built-in remote shell (rsh) and secure shell (ssh)
client code, which allows you to exchange files with networked, non-local CVS
repositories. To use a remote repository, you will need to change the name of
the CVS root directory. For a local repository, you would use the following
commands to set it up, like this:
SetEnv CVSROOT :local:Work:CVS-Root
But if the repository were on a remote machine, you would use something like
SetEnv CVSROOT :server:login@host:/usr/local/cvsroot
In that example, you would replace 'login' with your account name on the
networked machine called 'host'; the '/usr/local/cvsroot' refers to the fully
qualified name of the CVS root directory. Note that for this to work, you need
to have a shell login account on the remote machine, and that machine must be
configured to allow for remote shell login. Because the remote shell login is
rather risky and insecure, most sites will have it disabled. Bad luck, but
there is an alternative: secure shell. This feature allows you to connect to a
remote repository as with a remote shell login, except that the connection is
made in a much more secure fashion using encrypted data channels. This process
requires that you have a login password handy, for which the CVS port will
prompt you before it connects to the remote. To activate the secure shell
feature, you would set an environment variable, like this:
SetEnv CVS_RSH ssh
This will cause the built-in secure shell (ssh) client to be used in place of
the remote shell (rsh) client. The secure shell client implementation is a
stripped down, simplified version of the real thing, the full-blown version,
which supports more different and more secure encryption algorithms. What this
version can do is just about the bare minimum, which means that it supports
only two block cipher algorithms ('Triple DES' and 'Blowfish') and that the
initial public key exchange is not as fast as it could be. It supports only
version 1.5 of the secure shell protocol.
By default, the ssh client will resort to 'Triple DES' for encryption and
decryption, which is not particularly fast. To choose the 'Blowfish' algorithm
instead (which runs faster than 'Triple DES'), use the following environment
SetEnv CVS_SSH_CIPHER blowfish
Not all secure shell server implementations support the 'Blowfish' algorithm,
but all servers are required to support 'Triple DES'. Thus, if you cannot
connect to a server which aborts the protocol negotiation, it may be that it
does not understand the choice of the encryption algorithm.
CAUTION: The majority of the CVS documentation I know recommends to use the
keyword ':ext:' in place of ':server:' for communicating with a
networked CVS installation -- this will *NOT* work with this Amiga
port. What does work are the built-in rsh and ssh clients, and these
require that you use the ':server:' keyword when specifying the name
of the CVS root directory. Therefore the :ext: method is disabled
in this port!
By default, the SSH client will attempt to connect to the server on port 22.
This is not always desirable, especially for custom SSH configurations. You
can override this default choice of the port number using yet another
environment variable, like this:
SetEnv CVS_SSH_PORT 33194
By default the built-in ssh client will prompt you to enter the password to
authenticate with the remote server. By public request, a special feature was
added to this CVS port which will cause server name, login and password to be
stored in a local file for use with ssh.
If you want to use this feature you have would set up the following
environment variable:
We do not recommend that you use this feature because it compromises system
security. You may want to use this feature only if you do not care about
security and are prepared to face the consequences. We suggest that you store
the ssh password file in a place different from the one you keep the passwords
used by the :pserver: access method in. Do not mix the two files; undefined
CVS behaviour may result.
All these settings and more can be stored in a configuration file which the
ssh client will use with regard to which server is involved. The configuration
file name must be set as an environment variable, like this:
In the "CVSHOME:.sshconfig" you would store the following:
Host <First host name>
Port <First Port number>
User <First User name>
Cipher <First Cipher name>
Host <Second host name>
Port <Second Port number>
User <Second User name>
Cipher <Second Cipher name>
In place of <First host name> you would write the name of the server, as you
would use it in the "cvs -d :server:" specification. The port number and
cipher correspond to the environment variable values CVS_SSH_PORT and
CVS_SSH_CIPHER, respectively. You can also provide a default name, if you
don't provide one on the command line. Note that all these settings are relevant
only for the server you configured them for. Multiple configuration sections
may be specified, if necessary. Make sure to introduce a configuration
section with a "Host" line.
Last but not least, a word on data compression. The SSH specification allows
for data to be compressed before it is encrypted. This functionality is not
implemented in the reduced SSH implementation which is part of this Amiga CVS
port. This sounds like a disadvantage, but it need not to be. In fact, CVS can
use data compression for data exchange, and the SSH layer on top of it could
not have compressed this data any further. That's entropy for you...
I personally found the default CVS documentation to be rather confusing. If
you don't know rather well what CVS is good for, then the examples, the
terminology, all this doesn't seem to make great sense. My introduction to CVS
followed with Karl Fogel's book "Open Source Development with CVS" which
describes in compact form what CVS is and how it may be used. I suggest that
you consult the book (portions of which are available from '')
and/or the CVS documentation (which has been included with this archive in the
'cvs-1.11.4/doc' drawer) for hints and ideas on how to use the program. I would
definitely not recommend that you spend any money on the CVS pocket reference
manual written by Gregor N. Purdy, published by O'Reilly until *after* you
have read an introductory book like Karl Fogel's. By its very nature, even a
good pocket reference manual can only refresh your memory on concepts you have
learned before -- if there is nothing to be refreshed in the first place, it
will not be of any help to you.
What many people fail to realize and what keeps them from using CVS in place
of the revision control system they have used for years is that you do not
need a networked CVS repository in order to use CVS. A local repository will
do. In fact, I switched over most of my current software development projects
to use a single local repository after I realized that CVS does much better
what I had previously used RCS for.
Further documentation and information CVS can be found on the CVS home page:
For a good tutorial have a look at:
Notes on the implementation
The Amiga port implements only the client side of the CVS system. This means
that you can check out projects on remote servers but your local Amiga cannot
be a CVS server itself. This feature was omitted deliberately since I could
not find a safe and useful way to make CVS server mode work on the Amiga.
AmigaOS is not a server operating system and shoehorning the code to make it
work somehow would not have helped. If you need a CVS server, try a dedicated
solution using, for example, 'NetBSD'. The Amiga port can communicate with the
server using the remote shell (rsh) and secure shell (ssh) protocols, and I
have verified that the process works reasonably well with, for example, the
public 'Samba' CVS repository.
CVS does not have a very sophisticated porting layer. Its file name semantics
all stem from the Unix world and the 'OS/2', 'VMS' and 'Windows NT' ports
merely resort to flipping slashes in file names, if necessary, when it comes
to make a name fit the local system's semantics. I had to find a similar way
to make the semantics work on the Amiga. What I did was to add a translation
service in the Amiga specific code which knows how to translate names like '.'
or '..'. But that's where it ends. Any more sophisticated naming schemes like
'foo/.././bar' may fail to translate properly. But then, those complex
patterns should be pretty rare anyway.
Unlike Heinz Wrobel's excellent 'RCS' port, this CVS port does not preserve
Amiga file protection bits for files checked in. When you check in a project
and check it out again, all file and directory protection bits will default to
'rwed', losing the 'archived', 'pure' and 'script' bits.
The Amiga port will expand wild card patterns for file and directory names
specified as command line parameters, such as "#?.c". The wild card pattern
syntax is that of AmigaDOS. It is *not* the syntax of the standard regular
expressions other GNU tools will use.
You can access remote CVS repositories by means of a properly configured
TCP/IP stack. This port requires that the stack complies to the AmiTCP V3 API
definition, which all modern Amiga TCP/IP stacks do. It does not work with the
INet-225 TCP/IP stack, though.
When CVS resorts to calling external programs, a working 'PIPE:' device is
required, which is not yet part of the AmigaOS Workbench distribution. Do not
underestimate this. The program will fail or behave erratically without a
working 'PIPE:' device. It is strongly recommended to download a working
'queue-handler', such as from Aminet.
The source code for the Amiga port is included in this distribution. All you
need to know before you can recompile this CVS port is described in the file
'README.SRC' which you can find in the 'source' directory.
This is a 'single user' CVS port. There is just one single home directory
(referred to as 'CVSHOME:') and your login name and ID are assumed to be the
same (set in the 'USER', 'LOGUSER' or 'USERNAME' environment variables).
There is no 'cvsbug' shell script or program included with this port.
Known problems and issues
1) Problems with time zones
This port completely ignores the "ENVARC:TZ" time zone variable and uses your
locale time zone configuration instead. While this should normally be the most
transparent solution, daylight savings time is not taken into account. You may
have to change your locale preferences accordingly.
2) File names longer than supported by the file system
Another issue that can produce problems while working with CVS on the Amiga
involves remote repositories (:pserver: or :server: method) which contain
files and directories whose names are longer than the Amiga file system allows
for. These names will be truncated when the respective files and directories
are checked out, which has the unpleasant effect that you may not be able to
check the files in again.
3) .cvspass error message with :pserver:
If you use the :pserver: method with CVS a message like the following can
--- cut here ---
DH0: > cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:damato@linux:2401/data/cvsroot/amiga
CVS password:
cvs login: failed to open CVSHOME:.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
cvs [login aborted]: fatal error: exiting
--- cut here ---
The solution for this problem is quite simple. Just create an empty ".cvspass"
file in your CVSHOME: directory (e.g. "Echo >CVSHOME:.cvspass noline") and
next time CVS will use this file to store the passwords. This is normal CVS
behaviour like in other ports.
Contacting the authors
If you have any further questions on this port, feel free to contact us:
Olaf Barthel
Gneisenaustr. 43
D-31275 Lehrte
Federal Republic of Germany
Jens Langner
Lannerstrasse 1
D-01219 Dresden
Federal Republic of Germany
2004-11-18 Olaf Barthel <>
* Recursive deletion of directory contents now works as
it should. Previously, this prevented commands such as
"cvs upd -d -P" to work correctly.
* Added an option to load SSH client configuration settings
from a configuration file.
... more history in the included ChangeLog file.