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Short:Displays differences of two text files in a MUI window
Author: saragaglia at (Stephane SARAGAGLIA)
Uploader:saragaglia ifrance com (Stephane SARAGAGLIA)
Requires:AmigaOS3.x or MorphOS, MUI, aminet/dev/mui/MCC_TextEditor.lha, aminet/dev/mui/MCC_Toolbar.lha, diff cmd
Download:dev/misc/amuidiff.lha - View contents

							  WHAT IS IT ?
AMuiDiff is a MUI based diff tool which compares couple of text files.
It is a GUI for diffutils commands...
This tool is free. There is no copyright.


   lha x amuidiff.lha

Copy the amigaos version (amuidiff.aos) or the morphos version (amuidiff.mos) in C: .
Copy the french catalog in locale:Catalogs/français/, or AMuiDiff speaks

AMuidiff needs the MUI TextEditor and ToolBar classes (YAM, ...) :
- aminet/dev/mui/MCC_TextEditor.lha
- aminet/dev/mui/MCC_Toolbar.lha

AMuiDiff needs a diff command tool. The following have been successfully tested :
- aminet/util/gnu/HWGdiffP1_2_6.lha (SAS port)
- GG diffutils

The source is provided. Go to the "src/core" directory, and perform "make" to
compile the morphos version, and "make amigaos" to compile the amigaos (68k)
version. AMuiDiff has been compiled using GCC. Compilation problems could
occur using other compiler... I will try to perform some tests with other

To use the Editor feature, the AMuiDiff/EDITOR env var has to be set, or
golded:golded will be used :
- setenv "AMuiDiff/EDITOR" the_editor_you_want
- copy ENV:AMuiDiff ENVARC:AMuiDiff

To make AMuiDiff uses fixed font, the AMuiDiff/FIXEDFONT env var has to be set
to TRUE :
- setenv "AMuiDiff/FIXEDFONT" TRUE
- copy ENV:AMuiDiff ENVARC:AMuiDiff


AMuiDiff can be launched from WB or cli.
Cli options are : FILE1,FILE2,OPTIONS,DEBUG/S
FILE1 and FILE2 : strings : files to compare
OPTIONS : strings : diff options.
  Ex : AMuiDiff.mos ss_amiga_lib_tools.c ss_lib_tools.c OPTIONS="-b"
  Ignore changes in the amount of white space
DEBUG : switch : amuidiff generate error log messages you can send me ;)

When the window is opened, it is easy to use...


I currently use AMuiDiff with CVS using this script :
.KEY file

echo "--> executing : cvs update -p <file> >T:cvs_amuidiff"
cvs update -p <file> >T:cvs_amuidiff
AMuidiff T:cvs_amuidiff <file>
delete T:cvs_amuidiff

So to compare a file with its cvs archived version, I invoke :
> cvs-diff file_modified.


In priority order :
- Correct bugs users could discover                    : Permanent
- directory diffs management                           : In next release
- Drag'n'Drop to load files                            : OK
- Edit files from GUI                                  : OK
- Confirm or correct diffs from one
  file to the other (merge)                            : Planned
- Clean the source !                                   : Permanent
- Correct the AOS bug of the virtualgroup which
  prevents the user from selecting text on the right
  view or from clicking on arrows when the left
  virtgroup is too large                               : investigation needed


Author   : Stephane SARAGAGLIA
web site :

MuiDiff_V0_01 : Now this proto use the TextEditor gadget... Nothing works but the GUI...
MuiDiff_V0_02 : Comments + changed gadgets from labels to text. Now the window can be resized.
AMuiDiff_V0_03 : Heavy changes : Morphos + return of TextEditor + highlit management + ...
AMuiDiff_V0_04 : Heavy changes : . Source files renamed
								 . Nb diffs displayed
								 . File name displayed in buttons
								 . Color management regarding add, del, or changes diffs
AMuiDiff_V0_05 : 21 April 2003 : Added Cycle management to go to diff pos in the view buffer...
								 Smart layout is stil missing
AMuiDiff_V0_06 : 21 April 2003 : Cycle management now handles a better "jump to" layout
								 AMuidiff now uses SSToolLib library
AMuiDiff_V0_07 : 4 May 2003 :    Major cleanings
								 AMuidif now uses SSTooLib functions
AMuiDiff_V0_08 : 10 May 2003 :   Major Modifications : View buffer is now allocated correctly ;)
								 Modification not fully working about managing nb cols and auto-wrapping
AMuiDiff_V0_09 : 11 May 2003 :   Log management when compiled in DEBUG mode.
								 Sliders are dependant when diffed, independant when not.
								 First version provided to a beta tester : fab1
AMuiDiff_V0_10 : 16 May 2003 :   Added the about window
								 Corrected a relative to absolute path to prevent the GG: diff to bug
								 with "$ amuidiff //src/toto.c //////////toto.c" (files beginning with "/")
AMuiDiff_V0_11 : 18 May 2003 :   Added the binary file management (in fact error management with not decoded
								 diff result file).
								 The view automatically jumps to the first diff
								 Added double-quote after and before file names when invoking the diff
								 command to prevent from space caracter problems...
AMuiDiff_V0_12 : 25 May 2003 :   Now compiles as well for AmigaOS 68k
AMuiDiff_V0_13 : 21 June 2003 :  Now handle catalogs
AMuiDiff_V0_15 : 29 Sept 2003 :  New catalog management : builtin = english
								 Corrected some minor bugs
								 Added drag'n'drop to load files
								 Added SwapStack for MOS version (AOS to check)
AMuiDiff_V0_16 : 15 Nov 2003 :   The user can now swap files between views
								 The stack issue now works as well for AOS/68k
								 The requester has now path memory ;)
								 The default view size is larger beacause of my new tft screen. It should not be a problem for others...
								 New toolbar for open and swap buttons :)
								 Cycle button displays now line numbers for both 1st and 2nd view
AMuiDiff_V0_17 : 15 Jan 2004 :   Requesters and Toolbar debug
AMuiDiff_V0_18 : 15 Jan 2004 :   New Reload system by buttons : if modified externally file is reloaded.
								 Now 2 requesters, one for each view, with path memory.
								 New StackSwap system. AOS was suffering from this lack, because Amuidiff uses more than 4Ko (#5.5Ko)
								 New Toolbar management. The last was no more working with AOS version of Amuidiff.
								 New file notification system. When a file is externally modified, the file view bottom shine. The Reload button permits to reload it.
								 An external editor can be called for each file.
                                 A lot of minor bugs corrected.
AMuiDiff_V0_19 : 13 Mar 2004 :   The used editor now depends on the env:AMuiDiff/EDITOR configuration. Default is golded:golded
								 The path is now correctly set in order to call "diff" cmd, when AMuiDiff is launched from WB.
								 The env:AMuiDiff/FIXEDFONT var, if set to TRUE, now makes AMuiDiff use fixed font for the view (TextEditor)
								 The AOS version was opening an empty console when opened from WB when calling diff command. I have replaced the system() invokation bny a Execute() one.
AMuiDiff_V0_20 : 13 Mar 2004 :   The stack was set to 8KB : not enough for MOS. The stack is now 16KB.
								 The view files was open in read/write mode, so files could not be opened from cdroms. Now files are opened in read only mode.
AMuiDiff_V0_21 : 14 Mar 2004 :   The built PATH from WB was freed twice, one by system(), and another time by me...
								 There were problems editing files with spaces in path...
AMuiDiff_V0_22 : 20 Mar 2004 :   Bottom file buttons replaced by string gadget + popup button
								 When a new file is opened, "nb diffs" text gadget and cycle gadget are reset.
								 The notification of a modified file is no more the shine of the botton button, but a selected state of the "reload" button.
AMuiDiff_V1_00 : 21 Mar 2004 :   Time to pass to version 1.0. Next modifications will be the merge function.

Contents of dev/misc/amuidiff.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                33818   69996  48.3% -lh5- 963e Mar 21  2004 AMuiDiff/AMuiDiff.aos
[generic]                48562  125944  38.6% -lh5- f185 Mar 21  2004 AMuiDiff/AMuiDiff.mos
[generic]                 3334    8874  37.6% -lh5- ef77 Mar 21  2004 AMuiDiff/amuidiff.readme
[generic]                  547    1036  52.8% -lh5- b3b8 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/catalogs/français/amuidiff.catalog
[generic]                  865    1973  43.8% -lh5- e803 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/catalogs/français/amuidiff.ct
[generic]                 1578    5539  28.5% -lh5- 21d0 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_CatStrings.c
[generic]                  540    1338  40.4% -lh5- af87 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/
[generic]                  895    4595  19.5% -lh5- 8d75 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_CatStrings.h
[generic]                 2433    9218  26.4% -lh5- 2762 Jan 15  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_CHooks.c
[generic]                 3532   16877  20.9% -lh5- a7d1 Mar 16  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_DiffCmdWrapping.c
[generic]                  586    1968  29.8% -lh5- 6168 May 18  2003 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_DiffCmdWrapping.h
[generic]                  565    1623  34.8% -lh5- 33d1 May 18  2003 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_DiffCmdWrapping_protos.h
[generic]                12697   76472  16.6% -lh5- 669c Mar 21  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_Gui.cpp
[generic]                 1804    6227  29.0% -lh5- af95 Mar 20  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_Gui.h
[generic]                 4718   22904  20.6% -lh5- 637c Mar 20  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/AMD_Main.cpp
[generic]                 1096    3123  35.1% -lh5- cb20 Mar 13  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/Makefile
[generic]                 4791   22916  20.9% -lh5- e7e4 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/ss_amiga_lib_tools.c
[generic]                  727    2358  30.8% -lh5- 60d5 Jan 15  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/ss_amiga_lib_tools.h
[generic]                 1103    3599  30.6% -lh5- 4171 Mar  7  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/ss_amiga_lib_tools_protos.h
[generic]                 1673    7555  22.1% -lh5- cc42 Jun 21  2003 AMuiDiff/src/core/ss_lib_tools.c
[generic]                  480    1389  34.6% -lh5- af0c May  3  2003 AMuiDiff/src/core/ss_lib_tools.h
[generic]                  964    3021  31.9% -lh5- 178b Jan 15  2004 AMuiDiff/src/core/ss_lib_tools_protos.h
[generic]                  169     418  40.4% -lh5- 4b6c Jan 24  2004 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSAmigaToolLib/makefile
[generic]                 5491   33471  16.4% -lh5- 016e Jan 24  2004 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSAmigaToolLib/SSProcLib.c
[generic]                  535    1745  30.7% -lh5- 1625 Jan 25  2004 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSAmigaToolLib/SSProcLib.h
[generic]                  663    2225  29.8% -lh5- faa9 Jan 25  2004 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSAmigaToolLib/SSProcLib_protos.h
[generic]                  534    1350  39.6% -lh5- ce00 Jan 25  2004 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSAmigaToolLib/TestSSProcLib.c
[generic]                  870    2663  32.7% -lh5- 7a87 Apr  8  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSDateLib.c
[generic]                  569    1686  33.7% -lh5- d72d Apr  8  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSDateLib_protos.h
[generic]                 1821    5762  31.6% -lh5- 312a Apr  9  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSIoLib.c
[generic]                  732    1999  36.6% -lh5- 0db5 Apr  9  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSIoLib_protos.h
[generic]                 4662   31265  14.9% -lh5- d6c7 May 10  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSListLib.c
[generic]                  794    2346  33.8% -lh5- 45b2 May  4  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSListLib.h
[generic]                 1145    4125  27.8% -lh5- 8bf8 May 10  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSListLib_protos.h
[generic]                  840    2424  34.7% -lh5- 8386 Apr  9  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSMisc_protos.h
[generic]                 2430   13680  17.8% -lh5- 8c38 Jun 21  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSStrLib.c
[generic]                  947    3301  28.7% -lh5- 813c Jun 21  2003 AMuiDiff/src/libs/SSCToolLib/SSStrLib_protos.h
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        37 files  149510  507005  29.5%            Mar 23  2004
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