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Short:HD-Installer for OS-Killer
Author: wepl at (Bert Jahn)
Uploader:wepl whdload de (Bert Jahn)
Requires:OS V2.0 (V37+)
Download:dev/misc/WHDLoad_dev.lha - View contents

Developer package to create Harddisk-Installs for programs which kill
the operating system.

This package also includes all stuff from the 'usr' package, therefore
it's obsolete to get the 'usr' package if you download this.

 - easy programable API (example sources are included)
 - compatibility with all m68k processors ('000-'060)
 - memory protection using MMU (if available)
 - developing/debugging support
 - a lot of wisdom build in ;)
 - and more ....

Assembler capabilities are required for development using WHDLoad.

A install package for the following Demos already exists:
 Ackerlight_TheLastSunDemo, Alcatraz_DevilsKey, Alcatraz_IveGotThePower,
 Alcatraz_MemorialSongs, Alcatraz_MoreThanMusic, Alcatraz_Museum,
 Alcatraz_Odyssey, Alcatraz_PanicVoicesEnergy, Alcatraz_StopFascism,
 Alchemy_Marchewki, AlfaForce_DragonLord, Analog_Analogia, Analog_FallingUp,
 Anarchy_3DDemo, Anarchy_3DDemo2, Anarchy_DejaVu, Anarchy_DigitalInnovation,
 Anarchy_FlowerPower, Anarchy_Hardcore, Anarchy_InTheKitchen,
 Anarchy_Leftovers, Anarchy_LegalizeIt, Anarchy_LegalizeIt2, Anarchy_Madness,
 Anarchy_SeeingIsBelieving, Anarchy_SpringMelodies, Anarchy_SystemViolation,
 Anathema_ChipAttack, Andromeda_DOS, Andromeda_DecayingParadise,
 Andromeda_Mindriot, Andromeda_Mirror, Andromeda_Multica, Andromeda_Nexus7,
 Andromeda_PointBlank, Andromeda_Sequential, Andromeda_SevenSeas,
 Andromeda_TurricanMusic, Angels_CopperMaster, Animators_Iraq,
 ApocalypseBay_BorisVallejo, ApocalypseBay_MetalLace,
 ApocalypseBay_SwelteringFo, Avenger_MegaDemo, Axis_BigTimeSensuality,
 Axis_PictureBook, Balance_LostWorld, Balance_SoundBarrier, Bass_NoTech,
 Bastards_TechnoTrance, Bastards_TechnoTranceIII, BatmanGroup_BatmanVuelve,
 BnK_StagSeries, Bomb_Motion, Bomb_Shaft7, Budbrain_Megademo2,
 Budbrain_Psychotic, CRB_ThirdDimension, Carrilon_LoveAndAnarchy,
 Celebrandil_MyRoom, Comax_WorldOfManga, Complex_A1200Demo, Complex_Origin,
 Complex_PeeWee, Complex_Real, Concept_TuneDisk, CrionicsSilents_Hardwired,
 Crusaders_AudioX, Crusaders_Bacteria, Crusaders_FantasticArt,
 Crusaders_MicroConcept, Crusaders_SweetMusic, Cryptoburners_CrashTest,
 Cryptoburners_Hunt7Oct, Cryptoburners_Materialized, Cyclone_Raverance,
 Cydonia_CapricornOne, DCS_Chromagic, DCS_SonicAttack, DOC_DemonsAreForever,
 Decay_SweetRevenge, Deform_Deformations, Delight_Explorer, Devils_Colors,
 Digital_DreamTripping, Digital_Extemporized, Digital_LethalExit,
 Digital_MagneticDreams, Digital_ShakkaLakka, Digital_ThePunisher,
 Dragons_Gen4Demo, Dragons_Megademo, Dreamdealers_Innervision,
 Essence_CrazySexyCool, Essence_Makaveli, Essence_ThugLife,
 FlashProd_DigitalConcert, FlashProd_DigitalConcert2,
 FlashProd_DigitalConcert3, FlashProd_DigitalConcert4,
 FlashProd_DigitalConcert5, FlashProd_DigitalConcert6, FlyingCows_ProSIAK,
 Freezers_WitPremium, Intryx_CheckedImplosion, Katharsis_TheBestOfRaw1,
 Kefrens_DANE, Kefrens_DesertDream, Kefrens_GuardianDragon,
 Kefrens_GuardianDragon2, Kefrens_Masterpieces, Kefrens_MegaDemo7,
 Kefrens_MegaDemo8, Kefrens_MultiMegamix, Kefrens_MultiMegamix2,
 Kefrens_MultiMegamix3, Kefrens_TheWall, LSD_JesusOnEs, Lemon_Groovy,
 Lemon_RinkADink, MadElks_StatusQuo, MadElks_TechnologicalDeath,
 MahoneyKaktus_HisMastersN, MahoneyKaktus_SoundsOfGnom, Majic12_RayOfHope,
 Majic12_RayOfHope2, MelonDesign_HumanTarget, MelonDezign_Baygon,
 MelonDezign_CrayonShinchan, MelonDezign_How2SkinACat, MelonDezign_PlanetM,
 MelonDezign_Prism, MelonDezign_SOS, Mirage_Forgotten, Mirage_Prime90,
 MoreLove_SexVens, Movement_MinaOmistan, Movement_Numb, Mystic_Dirt,
 Mystic_Ilex, NGC_Animatunes, NGC_ArtificialParadise, Nemol_BoundlessVoid,
 NerveAxis_TheDogsCogs, Network_Synthesis, Nova_PastelVanilla,
 Nuance_SubtleShades, Oxygene_Control, Ozone_ShedTears, PMC_AlphaAndOmega,
 PMC_Mesmerized, Palace_Linus, Paradise_NoBrainNoPain, Pentagon_BlacknWhite,
 Phenomena_CrystalSymphoni2, Phenomena_CrystalSymphonie, Phenomena_Enigma,
 Phenomena_Joyride, Phenomena_MusicDream, Phenomena_MusicDream2,
 Phenomena_ObviousDisaster, PolkaBrothers_Twisted, ProjectA_NoLimit,
 PsygnosisSRS_DemoDisc, PygmyProjects_Extension, Quartex_Substance,
 RSI_Cebit90, RSI_FollowMe, RSI_MegaDemo, Rage_MaximumOverdrive2,
 Rage_NeuralAssault, Ramses_ASensation, Ramses_JesusWasADemomaker,
 Ramses_TheEngine, Razor1911_Voyage, Reality_Contravention, Reality_KiwiCrap,
 Rebels_Coma, Rebels_MegaDemo2, Rebels_Switchback, Rednex_Emptyhead,
 Reflect_SoundVision, Sagazity_EndOfTheMisery, Sanity_Arte, Sanity_Elysium,
 Sanity_Interference, Sanity_Jesterday, Sanity_NotAgain, Sanity_Roots,
 Sanity_Roots2, Sanity_TerminalFuckup, Sanity_Turmoil,
 Sanity_WorldOfCommodore, Scoopex_2Unlimited, Scoopex_BeastSonix, Scoopex_Iso,
 Scoopex_Megademo, Scoopex_Megademo2, Scoopex_Melodies,
 Scoopex_MentalHangover, Scoopex_SevenSins, Shining_VectorExterminator,
 SilentsNoiseless_DizzyTune, Silents_DemonDownload, Silents_GlobalTrash,
 Silents_Ice, Silents_Soulkitchen, Silents_SoundOfSilents,
 Silents_StaticChaos, Skarla_Atome, Skarla_Authentik, Spaceballs_9fingers,
 Spaceballs_MobileDestinati, Spaceballs_Spasmolytic, Spaceballs_StateOfTheArt,
 Spaceballs_Wayfarer, StatusOK_Terminator, Symbiosis_UltimateGameboy,
 TBL_CapturedDreams, TBL_Darkside, TBL_Glow, TBL_Goa, TBL_Nugget, TBL_Que,
 TBL_Tint, TEK_ElectronsAtWork, TEK_Rampage, TFF_Voyage, TRSI_MiseryDentro2,
 TRSI_TheHoneyComb, TRSI_Viktoria, TRSI_WeWillSmashYou, TRSI_WickedSensation,
 TSL_EnjoyTheSilents, TSL_MaximumVelocity, TSL_XPose, Talent_QED,
 Thalion_SoundDemo, Tilt_Impulse2, TomSoft_VectorBallsDemo,
 TomSoft_VirtualWorld, Underground_Synthesis, Union_BeyondTheFuture,
 Union_HnD, Upfront_PlasticPassion, VirtualDreams_242,
 VirtualDreams_AbsoluteIne, VirtualDreams_Breathtaker, VirtualDreams_Faktory,
 VirtualDreams_FullMoon, VirtualDreams_Love, VirtualDreams_Psychedelic,
 VirtualDreams_Sumea, Vision_MegaDemo4, Voice_JehovaGoesHitech,
 WFMH_FasterThanHell, WFMH_SiliconGraphics2, WFMH_Software,
 WFMH_WithVectorsToHeaven, Wildfire_InFullAffect, XYMOX_WindItUp,

A install package for the following Games already exists:
 1000Miglia, 1000ccTurbo, 1943, 3001OConnersFight2, 3DGalax, 3DPool,
 4DSportsBoxing, 4DSportsDriving, 4x4OffRoadRacing, 5thGear, 688AttackSub,
 7CitiesOfGold, 7Colors, 944TurboCup, 9Lives, A10TankKiller, ACSysDemo, APB,
 ATF2, ATrain, Aaargh, AbandonedPlaces, AbandonedPlaces2, AbraCadabra,
 Academy, ActionFighter, AddamsFamily, Adrenalynn, AdvancedSkiSimulator,
 AdvantageTennis, AdventureConstructionSet, AdventuresOfRobinHood,
 AfterBurner88, AfterBurner89, AfterTheWar, Age, Agony, AgonyDemo, AirSupport,
 Airball, AirborneRanger, Akira, Aladdin, Alcatraz, AlchemyDemo,
 AlfredChicken, Alianator, Alien3, AlienBash, AlienBash2, AlienBreed,
 AlienBreed2, AlienBreed3D, AlienBreed3D2, AlienBreedSE92, AlienBreedStory,
 AlienBreedTA, AlienFishFinger, AlienLegion, AlienStorm, AlienSyndrome,
 AlienWorld, Aliex, AllTerrainRacing, AllTerrainRacingXmas,
 AllanBordersCricket, AlloAllo, Alpha1, AlphaWaves, AlteredBeast,
 AlteredDestiny, AmazingSpiderman, Amberstar, Amegas, AmericanGladiators,
 AmericanTagTeamWrestling, AmigaKarate, Amnios, Anarchy, AnotherWorld,
 Anstoss, Antago, ApacheFlight, ApacheOverdrive, ApanoSin, Apidya, Apocalypse,
 Apprentice, Aquablast, Aquanaut, AquaticGames, Aquaventura, ArabianNights,
 ArcadeFruitMachine, ArcadePool, ArcadeSnooker, ArcadeTriviaQuiz,
 ArcherMacleanPool, Archipelagos, Archon, Archon2, ArcticFox, Arena, Arkanoid,
 Arkanoid2, ArmageddonMan, Armalyte, ArmourGeddon, ArmourGeddon2, ArmyMoves,
 Arnie, Arnie2, Artura, AshesOfEmpire, Assassin, AssassinSE, Astaroth,
 Astatin, AsterixGetafix, AstroMarineCorps, Atax, AtomicRoboKid, Atomino,
 Atomix, AufschwungOst, AuntArcticAdventure, AustraloPiticusMechanicus,
 Awesome, AwesomeDemo, AxelsMagicHammer, AztecChallenge, B17FlyingFortress,
 BAT, BAT2, BCKid, BMXSimulator, BSSJaneSeymour, Baal, BabyJoInGoingHome,
 BackToTheFuture2, BackToTheFuture3, Backlash, BadCompany, Badlands,
 BadlandsPete, Bagitman, Ballistix, BaneOfCosmicForge, BangkokKnights,
 Banshee, Barbarian2Palace, Barbarian2Psy, BarbarianPalace,
 Barbarian_Psygnosis, BardsTale, BargonAttack, BartVsSpaceMutants,
 BartVsTheWorld, BaseJumpers, BasketIslandDemo, Batman, BatmanReturns,
 BatmanTheMovie, BattleBound, BattleChess, BattleChess2, BattleCommand,
 BattleForTheAshes, BattleHawks1942, BattleIsle, BattleMaster, BattleShips,
 BattleSquadron, BattleStorm, BattleToads, BattleValley, BeachVolley, Beast,
 Beast2, Beast2Demo, Beast3, BeastBusters, BeastDemo, BeastLord, Beavers,
 BehindTheIronGate, Belial, BeneathASteelSky, Benefactor, BestOfTheBest,
 Betrayal, BetterDeadThanAlien, BetterMaths, BeverlyHillsCop,
 BeyondDarkCastle, BeyondTheIcePalace, BezKompromisu, BigNoseTheCaveman,
 BigRun, Biing, BillsTomatoGame, BioChallenge, BionicCommando, BiplaneDuel,
 BirdsOfPrey, BlackCauldron, BlackCrypt, BlackLamp, BlackSect, BlackShadow,
 BlackTiger, BlackViper, BladeWarrior, Blastar, Blasteroids, BlazingThunder,
 BlinkysScarySchool, Blob, BlockOut, BloodMoney, Bloodnet, Bloodwych,
 BlueAngel69, BlueBerry, BlueMax, BluesBrothers, Bobo, BobsBadDay, BobsGarden,
 BodyBlows, BodyBlowsGalactic, BombJack, BombX, BomberBob, Bombuzal,
 BonanzaBros, Booly, Borobodur, BostonBombClub, Botics, BoulderDashConstKit,
 BrainMan, Brainball, Brat, Brataccas, Breathless, BrianLarasCricket,
 BrianLarasCricket96, BrianTheLion, BridesOfDracula, BrutalFootball,
 BrutalPawsOfFury, BubbaNStix, Bubble+, BubbleBobble, BubbleDizzy, BubbleGun,
 BubbleNSqueak, BuckRogers, Budokan, BuffaloBill, BugBash, BugBomber,
 BuggyBoy, BuilderLand, BumpNBurn, BumpysArcadeFantasy, BunnyBricks,
 BurgerMan, BurningRubber, Burntime, CJInTheUSA, CJsElephantAntics, Cabal,
 CabaretAsteroids, Cadaver, CadaverLevels, Calephar, CaliforniaGames,
 CaliforniaGames2, Campaign, Campaign2, CannonFodder, CannonFodder2,
 CannonFodder2AL, CannonFodder2NVF, CannonFodderCD, CannonFodderPlus,
 CannonSoccer, CapitalPunishment, Capone, CaptainBlood, CaptainFizz,
 CaptainPlanet, Captive, CarVup, Carcharodon, Cardiaxx, CarlLewisChallenge,
 Carlos, CarmenWorld, Carnage, CarrierCommand, Carthage, Carver,
 CastleKingdoms, CastleMaster, CastleMaster2, CastleOfDrBrain, CastleVania,
 CastleWarrior, Castles, Castles2, CatchEm, Cavemania, Cavitas, Cedric,
 CelticLegends, CentrefoldSquares, Centurion, ChambersOfShaolin,
 ChampionsOfKrynn, ChampionshipGolf, ChaosEngine, ChaosEngine2,
 ChaosEngineDemo, ChaosStrikesBack, CharlieJCool, ChaseHQ, ChaseHQ2,
 ChessSimulator, Chessmaster2000, Chessmaster2100, Chicago90, ChipsChallenge,
 Chrome, ChroniclesOfOmega, ChubbyGristle, ChuckRock, ChuckRock2,
 ChuckYeagerAFT2, ChuckieEgg, ChuckieEgg2, CircusAttractions, CircusGames,
 CiscoHeat, Citadel, CityDefence, Civilization, ClassicArcadia,
 ClassicBoardGames, Cliffhanger, ClikClak, CloudKingdoms, ClownOMania,
 CluedoMasterDetective, Coala, CodenameIceman, Colgate, ColonelsBequest,
 Colonization, Colorado, Colorbuster, CombatAirPatrol, ComboRacer, Commando,
 ComputerScrabble, ConanTheCimmerian, Conqueror, ConquestsOfCamelot,
 ConquestsOfTheLongbow, ContinentalCircus, CoolSpot, CoolWorld, Corporation,
 Corruption, Corx, CosmicBouncer, CosmicPirate, CosmicRelief, CosmicSpacehead,
 CountDuckula, CoverGirl, CovertAction, Crack, Crackdown, CrazyCars,
 CrazyCars2_F40PursuitS, CrazyCars3, CrazySeasons, CrazyShot, CrazySue,
 CrazySue2, Creature, Creatures, CrimeWave, Crossbow, CruiseForACorpse,
 CruncherFactory, CrystalDragon, CrystalHammer, CrystalKingdomDizzy,
 CrystalPalace, CrystalsOfArborea, Cubix, CurseOfEnchantia, CurseOfRa,
 Custodian, CyberAssault, CyberEmpires, Cyberball, Cyberblast, Cybercon3,
 Cybernetix, Cybernoid, Cybernoid2, Cyberpunks, Cyberzerk, Cytron,
 DGeneration, DalekAttack, DaleyThompsonsOC, Dandare3, DangerousStreets,
 Darius, DarkCentury, DarkFusion, DarkSeed, DarkSide, Darkman, Darkmere,
 DataStorm, DaysOfThunder, DeathBringer, DeathBringer_Spotlight,
 DeathKnightsOfKrynn, DeathMask, DeathOrGlory, DeathSword, Deconstruction,
 DeepCore, DeepSpace, Defender, Defender2, DefenderOfTheCrown,
 DefenderOfTheCrown2, DefendersOfTheEarth, Deflektor, Deliverance,
 DeluxeGalaga, DeluxePacman, DemonBlue, Denaris, Dennis, DenverColors,
 DesertStrike, Deuteros, DeviousDesigns, DickTracy, DickTracyAdv, DieHard2,
 Digger, Diggers, DimosQuest, DinosaurDetectiveAgency, Disc, DisposableHero,
 DizzyCollection, DizzyDice, DizzyPanic, DizzyPrinceOfTheYolkfolk, Dogfight,
 DogsOfWar, DojoDan, Doman, Dominator, DonaldsAlphabetChase, Donk, DonkeyKong,
 Doodlebug, Doofus, DoubleAgent, DoubleDragon, DoubleDragon2, DoubleDragon3,
 DrDoomsRevenge, DrMario, Dracula, DragonBreed, DragonFighter, DragonNinja,
 DragonSpirit, DragonStoneCD, DragonStrike, DragonWars, Dragonflight,
 DragonsBreath, DragonsKingdomDemo, DragonsLair, DragonsLair2, DragonsLair3,
 DragonsLairEscape, DragonsLairEscapeDemo, Dragonscape, Dragonstone, Drakkhen,
 DreamWeb, Driller, Drip, DrivingForce, Duck, DuckTales, Dune, Dune2,
 DungeonMaster, DungeonMaster2, DungeonsOfAvalon, DungeonsOfAvalon2, DylanDog,
 DynaBlaster, DynamiteDux, Dynamo, DynastyWars, Dyter-07, E-Motion,
 ETsRugbyLeague, EaglesRider, Eco, EcoPhantoms, EddTheDuck, EddTheDuck2, Elf,
 Elf_Ocean, Elfmania, Eliminator, Elite, EliteAdvanced, Elvira, Elvira2,
 ElviraArcade, EmlynHughesIntSoccer, Emmanuelle, EmpireSoccer94,
 EmpireStrikesBack, EnchantedLand, Encounter, Enemy, EnglandChampSpecial,
 Enlightenment, Entity, Epic, Erik, EscapeFromColditz, EscapeFromThePlanet,
 Eskadra, EskimoGames, EspanaTheGames, Eswat, EuropeanChampions,
 EuropeanFootballChamp, Excalibur, Executioner, Exile, Exolon, Explora,
 Explora2, Explora3, Extase, Exterminator, Extractor, Extrial, EyeOfHorus,
 EyeOfTheBeholder, EyeOfTheBeholder2, F-18Interceptor, F15StrikeEagle2,
 F16CombatPilot, F17Challenge, F19StealthFighter, F1Racing, F1Tornado,
 F1WorldChampionship, F29Retaliator, FIFASoccer, FaeryTaleAdventure, Falcon,
 FantasticDizzy, FantasticVoyage, FantasyFlyer, FantasyWorldDizzy,
 Fascination, FastFood, FastLane, FatalHeritage, FatmanTheCapedConsumer,
 Fears, FederationOfFreeTraders, FernandezMustDie, Feud, FiendishFreddy,
 FighterBomber, FightingSpirit, FinalAssault, FinalBattle, FinalBlow,
 FinalCountdown, FinalFight, FireAndBrimstone, FireAndForget, FireAndForget2,
 FireAndIce-XMas, FireAndIce, FireForce, FireHawk, FirePower, FireStar,
 Fireblaster, FirstContact, FirstSamurai, Fish, FistFighter, Flaschbier,
 Flashback, FlightOfTheAmazonQueen, FlimbosQuest, FlinkCD, FlipFlop,
 FlipItAndMagnose, Flood, FlyHarder, FlyingShark, FoolsErrand,
 FootballManagerWCE, FootballerOfTheYear2, ForgottenWorlds, Formula1GrandPrix,
 FormulaOneGrandPrix, Frankenstein, Franko, FranticFreddie, FreakOut, Fred,
 Freedom, Frenetic, FrightNight, Frontier, FrostByte, FullContact,
 FullMetalPlanete, FuryOfTheFurries, Fusion, FutureBasketBall, FutureBike,
 FutureShock, FutureTank, FutureWars, Fuzzball, G-LOC, GNius, GSSoccerManager,
 Gainforce, Galactic, GalacticConqueror, GalacticEmpire, GalacticWarriorRats,
 Galaga92, Galaxy89, GalaxyBlast, GalaxyForce2, GaldregonsDomain,
 GameOfHarmony, GamesSummerEdition, Ganymed, Garfield, GarfieldAWintersTail,
 Garrison, Garrison2, GaryLinekersHotShot, Gauntlet2, Gauntlet3, Gazza2,
 GearWorks, GeeBeeAirRally, Geisha, GemStoneLegend, GemX, GeminiWing, Genesia,
 GhostBattle, GhostBusters2, GhoulsNGhosts, GianaSisters, Giddy, Giddy2,
 GlobalGladiators, GlobalTrekEvilDawn, Globdule, Globulus, GnomeAlone, Goal,
 Gobliiins, Gobliins2, Goblins3, Godfather, Gods, GodsDemo, GoldOfTheAztecs,
 GoldRush, GoldenAxe, GoldenEagle, GoldenPath, Goldrunner, Goldrunner2,
 GoofysRailwayExpress, GraemeSounessVectorSoccer, GrahamGooch2ndInnings,
 GrahamGoochCricket, GrahamGoochTestMatchSE, GrandMonsterSlam, GrandPrix500II,
 GrandPrixMaster, Gravity, GreatCourts, GreatCourts2, Gremlins2, GridRunner,
 GridStart, GuardianAngel, GuardianCD, GuildOfThieves, GuldKornExpressen,
 GunbeeF99, Gunship, Gunship2000, Gunshoot, GuySpy, HATE, Hacker, Hacker2,
 Hagar, HalleyProject, Hammerboy, Hammerfist, HardDrivin, HardDrivin2,
 HardNHeavy, Harlequin, HarleyDavidson, Harpoon, Hawkeye, HeadOverHeels,
 HeartOfTheDragon, HeavyMetal, HeavyMetalHeroes, Heimdall, Heimdall2,
 Hellbent, HellfireAttack, Hellraider, HellrunMachine, HelterSkelter,
 HeroQuest, HeroQuest2, HighSeasTrader, HighSteel, HighwayHawks,
 HighwayPatrol2, HillStreetBlues, Hillsfar, Hilt, Hilt2, HiredGuns,
 HistoryLine, HoleInOne, HolidayMaker, HollywoodPoker, HollywoodPokerPro,
 HongKongPhooey, Hook, HorrorZombies, Hostages_OperationJupiter, HotRod,
 Hotshot, HuckleberryHound, HudsonHawk, Hugo, Hugo1, Hugo2,
 HumanKillingMachine, Humans, HuntForRedOctober, Hunter, Hybris, Hydra,
 Hyperion, IK+, ISS, IanBothamsCricket, IceRunner, IkariWarriors, Ilyad,
 Immortal, Impact, Imperium, Impossamole, ImpossibleMission2,
 ImpossibleMission2025, IncredibleCrashDummies, IndianaJones, Indianapolis500,
 Indigo, Indy4Action, IndyFateOfAtlantis, IndyHeat, IndyLastCrusade,
 IndyTempleOfDoom, Infection, Infestation, InsanityFight, InsectsInSpace,
 Intact, Interchange, International3DTennis, InternationalIceHockey,
 InternationalNinjaRabbits, InternationalSoccer, InternationalTruckRacing,
 Interphase, IntoTheEaglesNest, Invasion, Invest, IronLord, IronTrackers,
 Ishar, Ishar2, Ishar3, IslandOfLostHope, ItCameFromTheDesert, Italy1990,
 Italy1990WE, Ivanhoe, JaguarXJ220, JahangirKhanSquash, JamesPond, JamesPond2,
 JamesPond3, JamesPond3CD, Jaws, JetSetWilly2, JetStrike, Jetsons, JimPower,
 JimmyWhitesWhirlwindSnooke, JimmyWillburne, JimmysFantasticJourney, Jinks,
 Jinxter, JockyWilsonDartsChallenge, JoeAndMac_CavemanNinja, JoeBlade,
 JoeBlade2, JohnMaddenFootball, Jouster3, JudgeDredd, Jug, JumpNRoll,
 JumpingJackSon, JungleStrike, JuniorTypist, JupitersMasterdrive,
 JurassicPark, K240, KGB, KalasPuffsExpressen, Kamikaze, KarateKid2,
 KarateKing, KartingGrandPrix, Katakis, KellyX, KickOff, KickOff2, KidChaos,
 KidGloves, KidGloves2, Kikstart2, Kikugi, Killerball, KillingCloud,
 KillingGameShow, KillingMachine, Kingmaker, KingsQuest, KingsQuest2,
 KingsQuest3, KingsQuest4, KingsQuest5, KingsQuest6, KingsQuestEnhanced,
 KirosQuest, Klax, KnightForce, Knightmare, KnightsOfTheCrystallion,
 KnightsOfTheSky, KrustysSFH, KryptonEgg, Kult, Kwasimodo, KwikSnax,
 Lamborghini, Lancelot, LaserSquad, LastActionHero, LastBattle, LastDuel,
 LastNinja2, LastNinja3, LeadingLap, Leander, Leatherneck, LeavinTeramis,
 LedStorm, Legend, LegendOfFaerghail, LegendOfKyrandia, LegendOfRagnarok,
 Legends, LegendsOfValour, LeisureSuitLarry, LeisureSuitLarry2,
 LeisureSuitLarry3, LeisureSuitLarry5, LeisureSuitLarryEnhanced, Lemmings,
 Lemmings2, Lemmings3, LemmingsHoliday94, LemmingsNewYear9192,
 LemmingsOhNoMore, LemmingsXmas91, LemmingsXmas92, Leonardo, LesManley,
 LesPortesDuTemps, LethalWeapon, LethalXcess, LethalZone, Leviathan,
 LicenceToKill, LifeAndDeath, LightCorridor, LightRacer, LimesAndNapoleon,
 LineOfFire, LionKing, Lionheart, LionheartDemo, LiquidKids,
 LittleComputerPeople, LittlePuff, LiveAndLetDie, Livingstone2, Llamatron,
 Logical, Logo, Lollypop, LombardRACRally, Loom, Loopz, LordsOfChaos,
 LordsOfTheRealm, LordsOfTheRisingSun, LostDutchmanMine, LostPatrol,
 LostVikings, LotharMatthaus, Lotus2, Lotus3, LotusEspritTC, LunarC,
 LureOfTheTemptress, Luxor, M1TankPlatoon, MERCS, MFTanks, MUDS, Mach3,
 MadProfessorMariarti, MadTV, MagicBoy, MagicLines, MagicMarble, MagicPockets,
 MagicPocketsDemo, Magician, MagiclandDizzy, Magnatron, MajorMotion,
 ManFromTheCouncil, ManHunter, ManHunter2, ManhattanDealers, ManiacMansion,
 Maniax, ManicMiner, Manix, MarbleMadness, Marblelous, MariasXMasBox,
 MarvinsAdventure, MasterAxe, MasterBlaster, MasterBlazer, MatchOfTheDay,
 MatrixMarauders, MaupitiIsland, Maya, MaydaySquad, McDonaldLand, MeanArenas,
 MeanMachine, MeanStreets, MegaLoMania, MegaPhoenix, MegaTyphoon, Megatwins,
 Menace, MentalImage1, MentallImagesGameDisk2, Mercenary, Mercenary2,
 Mercenary3, MervTheMerciless, MetalLaw, MetalMasters, MetalMutant,
 MiamiChase, Mickey123, MickeyABC, MickeyJigsawPuzzles, MickeyMemoryChallenge,
 MickeyMouse, Microbes, Micromachines, MicroproseGolf, MicroproseSoccer,
 MidnightResistance, Midwinter, Midwinter2, Mig29SovietFighter,
 MightAndMagic3, MightyBombjack, MikeReadsPopQuiz, Millennium2-2, MindBender,
 MindRoll, MindWalker, MiniGolf, MiniGolfPlus, Minskies, MissilesOverXerion,
 MissionElevator, Moktar, MonkeyIsland, MonkeyIsland2, MonsterBusiness,
 MontyPythonsFlyingCircus, MoonBlaster, MoonWalker, Moonfall, MoonshineRacers,
 Moonstone, Morph, MortalKombat, MortalKombat2, MortvilleManor, Mot,
 MotorMassacre, MotorbikeMadness, Motorhead, Mousetrap, MrBlobby, MrDoRunRun,
 MrHeli, MrNutz, Murder, MurdersInSpace, Mystical, Myth, Myth_MS,
 Nam1965-1975, Narc, NarcoPolice, NaughtyOnes, NavyMoves, NavySeals, Nebulus,
 Nebulus2, Necronom, Neighbours, Netherworld, Neuromancer, NeverEndingStory2,
 Nevermind, NewYorkWarriors, NewZealandStory, NickFaldoGolf, NickyBoom,
 NickyBoom2, NigelMansellWorldChamp, NigelMansellsGrandPrix, NightBreed,
 NightBreedMovie, NightHunter, NightShift, Nightdawn, NinjaMission,
 NinjaRemix, NinjaSpirit, NinjaWarriors, NipponSafesInc, Nitro,
 NitroBoostChallenge, NoBuddiesLand, NoExcuses, NoSecondPrize, NorthAndSouth,
 NorthSeaInferno, Nova9, NuclearWar, Nucleus, Obitus, Obliterator, Obsession,
 Octagon, Odyssey, OffShoreWarrior, OneOnOne, OneStepBeyond, Onslaught,
 OoopsUp, OperationCombat2, OperationFirestorm, OperationG2Demo,
 OperationHarrier, OperationNeptune, OperationStealth, OperationThunderbolt,
 OperationWolf, OrbitalDestroyer, OrientalGames, Ork, OsWALDOfTheIceFloes,
 Oscar, OutRun, OutToLunch, OutrunEurope, Outzone, OverTheNet, Overdrive,
 Overkill, Overlander, Overlord, Oxxonian, P47Thunderbolt, PGAEuropeanTour,
 POW, PPHammer, Pacland, Pacmania, Pandora, Pang, Pango, PanzaKickboxing,
 Paperboy, Paperboy2, Paradroid90, Paragliding, Paramax, ParasolStars,
 PassingShot, Patrician, Pegasus, Perihelion, PersianGulfInferno,
 PersonalNightmare, PeterBeardsleys, PeterSchmeichelSoccer, Phalanx,
 Phantasie3, PhantomFighter, PharaohsCurse, Phobia, PhotonStorm, PicknPile,
 PinballBrainDamage, PinballDreams, PinballFantasies, PinballHazard,
 PinballIllusions, PinballMagic, PinballMania, PinballPrelude, PinballWizard,
 PinkPanther, Pinkie, PipeDream, PipeMania, Pipeline, Pirates, Pitfighter,
 Plague, Plan9FromOuterSpace, Platoon, Playroom, Plotting, Plutos, Pod,
 PokerNights, PoliceQuest, PoliceQuest2, PoliceQuest3, Pong, Pool,
 PoolOfRadiance, Popeye2, Populous, Populous2, PopulousWorldEditor, Portal,
 PortsOfCall, PostmanPat, PowerDrift, PowerPinball, PowerPlay, Powerdrive,
 Powerdrome, Powermonger, PowermongerWW1, Powerstyx, Predator, Predator2,
 PrehistoricTale, Prehistorik, Premiere, PrimalRage, PrimeMover,
 PrinceOfPersia, Prison, ProBoxingSimulator, ProPowerBoatSimulator,
 ProSoccer2190, ProTennisSimulator, ProjectX, ProjectXSE, Projectyle,
 ProspectorMazesOfXor, Psyborg, PsychoSanta, PubTriviaSimulator, Pucman,
 PuffysSaga, Puggsy, PulsatorDemo, PurpleSaturnDay, Pushover, Putty,
 PuttySquadDemo, Puzznic, Pyramax, QBic, Qix, Quadralien, Quadrel, Quartz,
 QuestForGlory, QuestForGlory2, QuestOfAgravain, QuestionOfSport, Questron2,
 Quik, QuikAndSilva, Qwak, RBI2Baseball, RType, RType2, RVFHonda, RaceDrivin,
 RackneysIsland, Racter, Raffles, Rage2, RageCAD, Raider, RailroadTycoon,
 RainbowIslands, RainbowWarrior, RallyCrossChallenge, Rambo3, Rampage,
 Rampart, RanX, RatTrap, RealGhostbusters, Realms, RealmsOfArkania, RedBaron,
 RedHeat, RedLightning, RedStormRising, RedZone, Reflexity, Renaissance,
 Renegade, Renegade3, Renegades, Resolution101, ReturnOfTheJedi,
 ReturnToGenesis, Revelation, RevengeCamels, RevengeOfDefender, RickDangerous,
 RickDangerous2, RingSideBoxing, RingsOfMedusa, RiseOfTheDragon,
 RiseOfTheRobots, Risk, RiskyWoods, RoadBlasters, RoadKill, RoadRash,
 RoadWars, RobinHoodLegendQuest, RobinsonsRequiem, RoboCop, RoboCop2,
 RoboCop3, Robotnic, RocketRanger, Rockford, RocknRoll, RockstarHamster,
 Rodland, RodyAndMastico, RodyAndMastico2, RodyAndMastico3,
 RodyAndMastico4RodyNoel, RodyAndMastico5, RodyAndMastico6, RogueTrooper,
 Roketz, RollOrDie, RollerCoasterRumbler, RollingRonny, RomeAd92, Rotor,
 Rotox, RoundTheBend, Rubicon, RuffAndReddy, RuffNTumble, Ruffian,
 RugbyTheWorldCup, RunTheGauntlet, RunningMan, RushHour, SASCombatSimulator,
 SDI, STUNRunner, SWIV, SWOS, SabreTeam, SafariGuns, SaintAndGreavsie,
 SaintDragon, SantasXmasCaper, Sarakon, Sarcophaser, Satan, Savage, ScoobyDoo,
 Scorpio, Scorpion, Scrabble, ScrambleSpirits, ScrollingWalls, SecondSamurai,
 SecondsOut, SeekAndDestroy, SensibleGolf, SensibleSoccer,
 SensibleSoccerBulldog, SensibleSoccerCD, SensibleTrainSpotter,
 SensibleWorldMoonSoccer, Sentinel, SevenGatesOfJambala, Sextimates,
 SeymourHollywood, ShadowDancer, ShadowFighter, ShadowFighterCD, ShadowLands,
 ShadowSorcerer, ShadowWarriors, Shadoworlds, Shanghai, Shaq-Fu, SharkeysMoll,
 ShermanM4, Shinobi, ShockWave, Shuffle, ShufflepuckCafe, Shuttle, SideShow,
 SideWinder, SideWinder2, SierraSoccer, SilentService, SilentService2,
 SiliconDreams, Silkworm, SimLife, SimonTheSorcerer, Simulcra, Sinbad,
 SinkOrSwim, SkaermtroldenHugo, SkeetShoot, SkeletonKrew, SkiOrDie,
 SkidMarks2, Skidmarks, Skidz, Skrull, SkullAndCrossbones, Skweek, SkyChase,
 SkyHighStuntman, Skyfox, Skyfox2, SlackskinAndFlint, SlamTilt, Slayer,
 SleepWalker, Sliders, SlightlyMagic, SlipStream, SlySpySecretAgent, SmashTV,
 Sneech, SnoopyAndPeanuts, SnowBros, SnowStrike, SoccerKid, SoccerPinball,
 Soldier2000, SoldierOfLight, SonShuShi, SonicBoom, SootyAndSweep, Sophelie,
 SorcererLord, SorcerorsApprentice, Sorcery, SoreFist, SpaceAce, SpaceAce2,
 SpaceBall, SpaceCrusade, SpaceCutter, SpaceGun, SpaceHarrier, SpaceHarrier2,
 SpaceHulk, SpaceMAX, SpacePilot89, SpaceQuest, SpaceQuest2, SpaceQuest3,
 SpaceQuest4, SpaceQuestEnhanced, SpaceRacer, SpaceRogue, SpaceStation,
 SpecialForces, SpeedBall2CD, SpeedBuggy, Speedball, SpeedboatAssassin,
 Spellbound, SpellfireTheSorceror, SperisLegacy, Spherical,
 SpikeInTransylvania, SpindizzyWorlds, SpiritOfAdventure, SpittingImage, Spot,
 SpyVsSpy, SpyVsSpy2IslandCaper, SpyVsSpy3ArcticAntics, SpyWhoLovedMe,
 StackUp, StarTrash, StarTrek25th, StarWars, Starblade, Starblaze, Stardust,
 Starglider, Starglider2, Stargoose, Starians, Starray, Starush, Steel,
 SteelEmpire, StegTheSlug, Steigar, StoneAge, StormMaster, Stormball,
 Stormlord, Stratego, StreetFighter, StreetGang, StreetRacer, Streetfighter2,
 Strider, Strider2, Striker, StripPoker, StripPoker2+, StripPoker2,
 StripPoker3, StripPot, Stryx, StuntCarRacer, StuntTrackRacer, Subbuteo,
 Subtrade, SuburbanCommando, Subwar2050, SummerCamp, SummerGames,
 SummerOlympiad, Supaplex, SuperC, SuperCars, SuperCars2, SuperCauldron,
 SuperGrandPrix, SuperHangOn, SuperHeroDemo, SuperLoopz, SuperMethaneBros,
 SuperMonacoGP, SuperObliteration, SuperOffroad, SuperOsWald,
 SuperScrambleSimulator, SuperSeymour, SuperSki, SuperSki2,
 SuperSpaceInvaders, SuperStarDust, SuperStreetFighter2,
 SuperStreetFighter2Turbo, SuperTennisChamps, SuperTetris, Superfrog,
 SuperfrogDemo, Superman, Supremacy, SurfNinjas, SuspiciousCargo, Swap,
 Switchblade, Switchblade2, Swooper, Sword, SwordOfHonour, SwordOfSodan,
 Syndicate, T-Bird, TRacer, TableTennisSimulation, Taekwondo, Tangram,
 Targhan, TeamSuzuki, TearawayThomas, Tech, Technocop, Technology2,
 TeenageMutantArcade, TeenageMutantHeroTurtles, TeenageMutantNinja,
 TeenageQueen, TennisChamps, TennisCup, TennisCup2, TensaiDemo,
 Terminator2-Arcade, Terminator2JD, Terrorpods, TerrysBigAdventure, TestDrive,
 TestDrive2, TetraQuest, Tetris, TetrisSC, Tetrix, TheBallGame, TheCartoons,
 TheChamp, TheCycles, TheDeep, TheEnforcer, TheFlintstones, TheKingOfChicago,
 TheKristal, TheMunsters, TheOath, ThePawn, ThePower, TheQuestForTheTimeBird,
 TheRaiders, TheRealPopeye, TheSettlers, TheShortGrey, TheSwordAndTheRose,
 TheTeller, TheThreeStooges, TheWall, TheatreOfDeath, ThemePark,
 ThemeParkMystery, Thexder, ThirdReich, ThomasTankEngine, ThomasTankEngine2,
 ThomasTankEnginePinball, ThunderBlade, ThunderBoy, ThunderBurner,
 ThunderCats, ThunderJaws, Thunderbirds, Thunderhawk, Thunderstrike, TieBreak,
 TigerRoad, Time, TimeBandit, TimeLock, TimeMachine, TimeRace, TimeRunners,
 TimeRunners01, TimeRunners02, TimeRunners03, TimeRunners04, TimeRunners05,
 TimeRunners06, TimeRunners07, TimeRunners08, TimeRunners09, TimeRunners10,
 TimeRunners11, TimeRunners12, TimeRunners13, TimeRunners14, TimeRunners15,
 TimeRunners16, TimeRunners17, TimeRunners18, TimeRunners19, TimeRunners20,
 TimeRunners21, TimeRunners22, TimeRunners23, TimeRunners24, TimeRunners25,
 TimeRunners26, TimeRunners27, TimeRunners28, TimeRunners29, TimeRunners30,
 TimeScanner, TimeSoldiers, TimesOfLore, TinToyAdventure, TintinOnTheMoon,
 TinySkweeks, TinyTroops, TipOff, Titan, TitanicBlinky, Toki, TomAndTheGhost,
 TommyGun, Toobin, TopBanana, TopCat, TopGear2, TopSecret, Tornado,
 TornadoGroundAttack, TorvakTheWarrior, TotalCarnage, TotalEclipse,
 TotalFootball, TotalRecall, TournamentGolf, TowerOfBabel, TowerOfSouls,
 TowerToppler, ToyotaCelicaGTRally, Tracker, Traders, TrainedAssassin,
 Transarctica, Transplant, TrapsNTreasures, TreasureIslandDizzy, TrexWarrior,
 TrianGO, TrivialPursuit, TrivialPursuit2, Troddlers, Trolls, TubeWarriors,
 Turbo, TurboOutrun, TurboTrax_Arcane, TurnNBurn, Turrican, Turrican2,
 Turrican2Demo, Turrican3, Turrican3Demo, Tusker, TwinWorld, Twintris,
 Twylyte, Typhoon, TyphoonThompson, UFO, UMS, UNSquadron, Ugh, UltimaIII,
 UltimaIV, UltimaV, UltimateBodyBlows, UltimateGolf, UnderPressure,
 UniversalMonsters, UniversalWarrior, Universe, Unreal, UnsensibleSoccer,
 Untouchables, Uridium2, Utopia, Vader, ValhallaBTW, ValhallaLOI,
 VampiresEmpire, Vaxine, VectorChampionshipRun, Vectorball, VegasGambler,
 VenomWing, VenusTheFlytrap, VictoryRoad, VideoKid, Vigilante, VikingChild,
 Vindicators, Violator, Virocop, VirtualKarting2, Virus, VitalLight, Vixen,
 Viz, Volfied, VoodooNightmare, Voyager, Vroom, VroomMultiplayer, Vyrus, WARP,
 WCLeaderboardGolf, WWFEuropeanRampage, WWFWrestlemania, WackyDarts,
 WackyRaces, WacusTheDetective, Walker, Wanderer3D, Wanted, WarInMiddleEarth,
 WarMachine, Warhead, WarlockTheAvenger, WarmUp, Warzone, Warzone_Paradox,
 WatchTower, Waterloo, Waxworks, WayOfTheLittleDragon, WayneGretzkyHockey,
 WayneGretzkyHockey2, Ween, WeirdDreams, Welltris, WembleyRugbyLeague,
 WestPhaser, Whirligig, Whizz, WhoFramedRogerRabbit, Wicked, WildCupSoccer,
 WildStreets, WildWestWorld, WildWheels, WillyBeamish, WindSurfWilly,
 WindowWizard, Wings, WingsOfDeath, WingsOfFury, WinningPost, WinterCamp,
 WinterOlympiad, WinterOlympics, WinterSuperSports92, WizNLiz, Wizball,
 Wizkid, Wolfchild, Wolfpack, WonderDog, WonderboyInMonsterland, WoodysWorld,
 WorldChampBoxingManager, WorldChampSoccer, WorldCircuit, WorldClassRugby,
 WorldClassRugby5Nations, WorldClassRugby95, WorldClassSoccer, WorldCricket,
 WorldGames, WorldRugby, WorldSoccer, WorldsOfLegend, WormSigns, Worms,
 WormsDC, WrathOfTheDemon, Wreckers, X-It, X-Out, XP8, XR35, Xenex, Xenomorph,
 Xenon, Xenon2, Xenon2Demo, Xenophobe, Xiphos, Xybots, YoJoe, YoJoeDemo,
 YogiBearAndFriends, YogisGreatEscape, Yolanda, Z-Out, ZakMcKracken, ZanyGolf,
 Zarathrusta, Zaxxon, Zeewolf, Zeewolf2, ZeroGravity, Ziriax, Zombi,
 ZombieApocalypse, ZombieApocalypse2, ZoneWarrior, Zool, Zool2, Zoom, Zyconix,

A install package for the following Magazines already exists:
 AlphaFlight_CJ01, AlphaFlight_CJ02, Vectors_Exit1, Vectors_Exit2,
 Vectors_Exit3, Vectors_Exit4, Vectors_Exit5

Thanks and Greetings to all WHDLoad People!

Contents of dev/misc/WHDLoad_dev.lha
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[generic]                19306   54740  35.3% -lh5- 3df5 May  7  2006 WHDLoad/Src/gci/WHDLoadGCI
[generic]                 3559   13367  26.6% -lh5- 9b43 Jun 14  2004 WHDLoad/Src/gci/WHDLoadGCI.c
[generic]                  863    2689  32.1% -lh5- 88b0 Jun 14  2004 WHDLoad/Src/gci/WHDLoadGCI.h
[generic]                  861    1389  62.0% -lh5- 00c3 Sep 11  2000 WHDLoad/Src/gci/
[generic]                 2114    9635  21.9% -lh5- 8ec5 Jun 14  2004 WHDLoad/Src/gci/wincia.c
[generic]                 1516    6269  24.2% -lh5- fe97 Jun 14  2004 WHDLoad/Src/gci/wincpu.c
[generic]                 3633   15343  23.7% -lh5- 9d4d Feb 21  2005 WHDLoad/Src/gci/wincust.c
[generic]                 1068    3618  29.5% -lh5- 37ab Jun 14  2004 WHDLoad/Src/gci/wininfo.c
[generic]                 2008    6724  29.9% -lh5- 48f2 May  7  2006 WHDLoad/Src/gci/winmem.c
[generic]                 1310    1788  73.3% -lh5- ea24 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                 3672   11123  33.0% -lh5- 07da May 16  2000 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/arkanoid.imager.asm
[generic]                  914    2011  45.5% -lh5- e24d Feb 27  2007 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/Cavitas.islave.s
[generic]                 1140    2973  38.3% -lh5- e889 Feb 27  2007 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/Gremlin.islave.s
[generic]                 1520    4477  34.0% -lh5- cb89 Jul 14  2001 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/ik+.islave.asm
[generic]                 1657    5388  30.8% -lh5- 707e Feb 27  2007 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/Lotus2.islave.asm
[generic]                 5523   17594  31.4% -lh5- 215e Aug  6  2000 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/robocop2.imager.asm
[generic]                 2063    6114  33.7% -lh5- 7768 Feb 27  2007 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/WoodysWorld.islave.s
[generic]                  981    2377  41.3% -lh5- a1a9 May 16  2000 WHDLoad/Src/imager-examples/worldsoflegend.islave.asm
[generic]                 1311    1788  73.3% -lh5- 99b3 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                  374    1389  26.9% -lh5- 0891 May 19  1998 WHDLoad/Src/macros/ntypes.i
[generic]                 1343    1912  70.2% -lh5- 4fa8 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                 3435   11222  30.6% -lh5- b5d0 Jun  1  2004 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-apollo-40-40
[generic]                  867    1810  47.9% -lh5- 8e6a Jun  1  2004 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-apollo-40-40.txt
[generic]                 3230   11222  28.8% -lh5- 2254 Dec 13  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-apollo-60-50-
[generic]                 3366   11222  30.0% -lh5- 94de Dec 13  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-apollo-60-50-snoop
[generic]                 3470   11222  30.9% -lh5- 8410 Dec 13  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-apollo-60-50-snoopocs
[generic]                 3532   11222  31.5% -lh5- 03a9 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-bliz-40-40
[generic]                 3763   11222  33.5% -lh5- 45ab Dec 14  2001 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-bliz-60-50.jotd
[generic]                 3300   11222  29.4% -lh5- 58d6 Feb 18  2001 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-bliz4-30-50
[generic]                 4349   11222  38.8% -lh5- ee4c Nov 23  1980 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-blizppc-60-50
[generic]                 3696   11222  32.9% -lh5- d7ed Aug 27  2002 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-MTec-30-28
[generic]                 2610   11222  23.3% -lh5- 436c Mar 11  2001 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a1200-plain-20-14
[generic]                 3325   11222  29.6% -lh5- ada6 Dec 10  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a2000-gforce-30-25-
[generic]                 3600   11222  32.1% -lh5- 5fc8 Dec 10  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a2000-gforce-30-25-snoop
[generic]                 3627   11222  32.3% -lh5- 37c6 Dec 10  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a2000-gforce-30-25-snoopocs
[generic]                 3471   11222  30.9% -lh5- 6a17 Dec 12  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000-cs1-60-50-
[generic]                 3619   11222  32.2% -lh5- 3a46 Dec 12  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000-cs1-60-50-snoop
[generic]                 3588   11222  32.0% -lh5- eb81 Dec 12  2000 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000-cs1-60-50-snoopocs
[generic]                 3984   11222  35.5% -lh5- 9e02 Mar 19  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000-csppc-60-50-
[generic]                 3926   11222  35.0% -lh5- 1059 Mar 19  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000-csppc-60-50-snoop
[generic]                 3870   11222  34.5% -lh5- acb5 Mar 19  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000-csppc-60-50-snoopocs
[generic]                 3562   11222  31.7% -lh5- 1783 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/a4000t-cbm-40-25
[generic]                  243     300  81.0% -lh5- 3730 Aug 11  1997 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/pic_font_5x6_br.bin
[generic]                 3838   11587  33.1% -lh5- 94ef Feb 19  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/speed.asm
[generic]                 4316   27480  15.7% -lh5- 6c2f Feb 19  2003 WHDLoad/Src/memory-speed/speed.slave
[generic]                 1310    1788  73.3% -lh5- 6a55 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                  203     220  92.3% -lh5- 5052 Aug 30  2006 WHDLoad/Src/programs/AllocMemReverse
[generic]                  779    1874  41.6% -lh5- e3aa Aug 30  2006 WHDLoad/Src/programs/AllocMemReverse.asm
[generic]                 1692    5124  33.0% -lh5- d7a0 Oct 18  2005 WHDLoad/Src/programs/
[generic]                 1362    2969  45.9% -lh5- 3fd7 Feb 25  2003 WHDLoad/Src/programs/
[generic]                 2142    6748  31.7% -lh5- e77a Dec  8  2003 WHDLoad/Src/programs/CRC16.asm
[generic]                 5524   17728  31.2% -lh5- 02fc Jul 16  2004 WHDLoad/Src/programs/DIC.asm
[generic]                 2660    8328  31.9% -lh5- 74d1 Jan 17  1999 WHDLoad/Src/programs/FindAccess.asm
[generic]                 3313   10239  32.4% -lh5- 22b0 Nov 22  1998 WHDLoad/Src/programs/InstallBB.asm
[generic]                 3099   96300   3.2% -lh5- 7440 May  8  2005 WHDLoad/Src/programs/IST.asm
[generic]                 3021    9049  33.4% -lh5- 0524 Jan 17  1999 WHDLoad/Src/programs/ITD.asm
[generic]                 3113    9805  31.7% -lh5- ff5e Jan 17  1999 WHDLoad/Src/programs/Reloc.asm
[generic]                 5397   17556  30.7% -lh5- b960 Mar 26  2002 WHDLoad/Src/programs/SP.asm
[generic]                 3659    6328  57.8% -lh5- 32d2 Jun 16  1998 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WBuild
[generic]                  651    1214  53.6% -lh5- f2e5 Jun 20  2001 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WBuild.mod
[generic]                 4577    8784  52.1% -lh5- 7593 Oct 19  2000 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WCmp
[generic]                 1508    3555  42.4% -lh5- ad3b Sep 24  2000 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WCmp.c
[generic]                  269     304  88.5% -lh5- 6a60 May  6  1999 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WDate
[generic]                  928    2341  39.6% -lh5- 0b91 May  6  1999 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WDate.asm
[generic]                 3813    6592  57.8% -lh5- 2c7f Oct 12  1997 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WVer
[generic]                  941    2136  44.1% -lh5- c0da Jun 20  1996 WHDLoad/Src/programs/WVer.mod
[generic]                  116     256  45.3% -lh5- db7d Mar 26  2006 WHDLoad/Src/qa/data/100
[generic]                  127     127 100.0% -lh0- a81f Jul 31  2006 WHDLoad/Src/qa/data/100.rnc1
[generic]                  116     256  45.3% -lh5- db7d Mar 26  2006 WHDLoad/Src/qa/data/disk.3
[generic]                11821   86570  13.7% -lh5- 4f80 Aug 23  2006 WHDLoad/Src/qa/qa.asm
[generic]                 1902    4899  38.8% -lh5- 857d Aug 23  2006 WHDLoad/Src/qa/
[generic]                 4542   11268  40.3% -lh5- 6528 Aug 23  2006 WHDLoad/Src/qa/QA.Slave
[generic]                  370     560  66.1% -lh5- 61d5 Nov  7  2003 WHDLoad/Src/qa/ReadMe
[generic]                  433    1174  36.9% -lh5- 6e49 Jul 26 00:16 WHDLoad/Src/qa/tdreason.i
[generic]                 1712    3579  47.8% -lh5- 8c70 Apr 10  2003 WHDLoad/Src/ReadMeFirst
[generic]                 1315    1990  66.1% -lh5- abf4 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                 1330    1902  69.9% -lh5- 90c8 Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                  147     183  80.3% -lh5- e3a8 Mar 29  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/
[generic]                 2112   16319  12.9% -lh5- e7bc Oct 21  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/macros.s
[generic]                  416     781  53.3% -lh5- 4263 Oct 21  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/Makefile
[generic]                  418    1203  34.7% -lh5- 0716 Nov  8  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/PatcherBase.s
[generic]                  382    1046  36.5% -lh5- 8e2d Nov  8  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/PatcherTags.s
[generic]                  262     596  44.0% -lh5- d6fb Jan 20  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/RawDICBase.s
[generic]                  264     631  41.8% -lh5- 0543 Jan 20  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/RawDICDiskFlags.s
[generic]                  340     907  37.5% -lh5- e7de Oct 21  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/RawDICErrors.s
[generic]                  180     252  71.4% -lh5- fcaf Jan 20  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/RawDICSlaveFlags.s
[generic]                  671    1572  42.7% -lh5- 8771 Oct 21  2004 WHDLoad/Src/resource/README
[generic]                  309    1393  22.2% -lh5- ad1d Mar 29  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/UserSymbols.i
[generic]                  316    1024  30.9% -lh5- 6721 Jun 22  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadPatch.s
[generic]                  485    1850  26.2% -lh5- dff1 Jun 22  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadResload.s
[generic]                  320    1136  28.2% -lh5- d78e Mar 29  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadSetCPUFlags.s
[generic]                  357     888  40.2% -lh5- 201d Jun 22  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadSlave.s
[generic]                  339    1069  31.7% -lh5- 6bd3 Jun 22  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadSlaveFlags.s
[generic]                  510    2030  25.1% -lh5- c2ca Nov  8  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadTags.s
[generic]                  350    1003  34.9% -lh5- bdc9 Mar 29  2003 WHDLoad/Src/resource/WHDLoadTermReason.s
[generic]                 1308    1788  73.2% -lh5- b889 Feb  7  2005 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                 4251   12273  34.6% -lh5- bec2 Jul 15 00:23 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/battleisle.asm
[generic]                 2247    6215  36.2% -lh5- 6d91 Mar  4 17:59 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/elvira2.asm
[generic]                 2355    6032  39.0% -lh5- 49d7 Jan 29  2001 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/hardwired.asm
[generic]                 1880    4567  41.2% -lh5- 08b4 Aug 29  2001 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/ik+.asm
[generic]                 2079    5366  38.7% -lh5- ae34 Feb 19  2002 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/interphase.asm
[generic]                 1002    2383  42.0% -lh5- 5ea4 Aug 18 17:36 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/kick12.asm
[generic]                 3592    9413  38.2% -lh5- 5c38 Jul 26 19:57 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/kick13.asm
[generic]                 3018    7859  38.4% -lh5- 099b May  7  2006 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/kick31.asm
[generic]                 3384    9941  34.0% -lh5- 7bdd Nov 22  2001 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/newyorkwarriors.asm
[generic]                 2974    8772  33.9% -lh5- fb27 May  7  2006 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/oscar.asm
[generic]                 2098    6061  34.6% -lh5- 99bc Jan 18  2004 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/wildwestworld.asm
[generic]                 1296    3222  40.2% -lh5- 9ba6 Feb 19  2002 WHDLoad/Src/slave-examples/winditup.asm
[generic]                 1309    1788  73.2% -lh5- f69f Dec  9  2003 WHDLoad/Src/
[generic]                 1497    4198  35.7% -lh5- 1494 Aug 19 13:34 WHDLoad/Src/sources/cpu.i
[generic]                 2440    6431  37.9% -lh5- 81d3 Aug 19 13:34 WHDLoad/Src/sources/devices.i
[generic]                 2330    6668  34.9% -lh5- 6a5c Aug 19 13:34 WHDLoad/Src/sources/dosio.i
[generic]                 1452    3357  43.3% -lh5- 83e4 Aug 19 13:34 WHDLoad/Src/sources/error.i
[generic]                 3183   11827  26.9% -lh5- f188 Aug 19 13:33 WHDLoad/Src/sources/files.i
[generic]                 2937   12180  24.1% -lh5- 2429 Aug 19 13:34 WHDLoad/Src/sources/hardware.i
[generic]                 3196    9248  34.6% -lh5- 24d1 Aug 19 13:34 WHDLoad/Src/sources/strings.i
[generic]                 1004    2979  33.7% -lh5- 7011 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_d16an_58a5.s
[generic]                  973    2309  42.1% -lh5- 136d Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_dn_58a0.s
[generic]                  997    2353  42.4% -lh5- aea2 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_dn_58a5.s
[generic]                  985    2308  42.7% -lh5- f005 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_dn_58a6.s
[generic]                  865    1814  47.7% -lh5- 4bff Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_imm_58a0.s
[generic]                  882    1853  47.6% -lh5- 0ec3 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_imm_58a5.s
[generic]                  907    1881  48.2% -lh5- 426b Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/blitfix_imm_58a6.s
[generic]                  929    2006  46.3% -lh5- 645b Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/dbffix.s
[generic]                  228     717  31.8% -lh5- df28 Mar 30  2003 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/jotd/freeanim.s
[generic]                 1464    4572  32.0% -lh5- eb5f Feb 18  2003 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/jotd/kick31cd32.s
[generic]                  910    2095  43.4% -lh5- 8279 Feb 18  2003 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/jotd/kickcd32.s
[generic]                 5373   14813  36.3% -lh5- 4fd1 Mar 30  2003 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/jotd/lowlevel.s
[generic]                 2940    8439  34.8% -lh5- bf67 Oct 30  2006 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/jotd/nonvolatile.s
[generic]                 1738    4026  43.2% -lh5- 7379 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/keyboard.s
[generic]                 4907   12144  40.4% -lh5- 9f5d Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/kick.readme
[generic]                 6963   19472  35.8% -lh5- e768 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/kick12.s
[generic]                 7887   21754  36.3% -lh5- 7c7f Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/kick13.s
[generic]                 9641   32107  30.0% -lh5- 34e7 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/kick31.s
[generic]                 8622   29844  28.9% -lh5- 6b12 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/kickfs.s
[generic]                  808    1763  45.8% -lh5- c7f1 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/picture.s
[generic]                 5541   17974  30.8% -lh5- 8e20 Aug 19 13:30 WHDLoad/Src/sources/whdload/savegame.s
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       645 files 1829524 4083516  44.8%            Aug 19 10:23
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