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Short:Game Creator with AGA support
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-=REDPILL=- Amiga Game Creator
Beta v0.9.43

What it is
-A tool to empower people to create many games for Amiga without programming
-Easy to use and at the same time allow to do complex things.
-More a toy to play with than a professional tool, not having thousands of
features but instead have few features that work very well.
-Allows people to create 2D games with the true Amiga feeling!
-It is  free.
-It is still in development.

What it isn't
-A tool aimed to create professional games, you will need to learn programming
for that purpose.
-No need to be a programmer, but if you are one, then Asm, C, Blitz, Amos,
etc. are more powerful than RedPill. Use RedPill if you are not good at
programming, you want to develop fast or you want to have some fun :)
-It should not be suitable to create any type of game, but users are
surprising me every day.
-It is not going to grow until it becomes Unreal, Unity, GameMaker or Skynet,
it is still a hobbie project. 2021 update: it already has grow quite a lot.
-The priority is allowing Amiga users to create games, power and performance
come second. I will start serious optimitzations from 0.9 onwards.

-Amiga integrated development environment, NO need for PC/Windows.
-Support for ECS and AGA.
-Copper management for gradients and extra colors.
-Parallax scrolling.
-Integrated sound generator.
-Sound effects playing at the same time as music without reserving an audio
-Keyboard, Joystick and Mouse support
-CD32 support: Gamepad, CD music and load/save scores into nvram.
-2 players support.
-Integrated and seamless TCP/IP Network play between 2 players, play over the
-Supports text using OS 8x8 fonts and any size custom fonts.
-Supports input buffer and coyote time.
-Integrated compression support.
-It can generate a package to be used in WHDLoad
-Transparency effects
-Multilanguage support
-Supports location based sound that makes sound effects sound softer the
farther away they are from the listener.
-And many more not listed here :)

Requirements for the Games
-680x0 Processor
-1.0MB of total RAM (Chip+Fast)
-For big projects, more resources may be needed.
-Amiga native screen (PAL or NTSC)

Requirements for the Editor
-680x0 Processor
-1MB of Chip RAM
-6MB of total RAM (Chip+Fast)
-HardDrive or big storage
-For big projects, more resources may be needed.
-Amiga native screen (PAL or NTSC)

Running Editor from CLI
-Editor uses stack memory, if you have problems slicing big sprites please run
the command Stack 64000 before starting RedpillEditor.

Editor Icon tooltypes
-Check the tooltypes to be able to run your favourite paint and text programs.

Vampire specific
-In case you are using a Vampire V4SA you will need Release 3 or higher.
-AmigaOS and ApolloOS are supported.

Press Help while adding triggers to objects for additional Help.
More documentation can be found at:
-Official page -
-Tutorials -
-YouTube channel -
-Discord channel -
Thanks to Farb Finsternis for his documentation in English and German.

Uses these 3rd party programs&resources
-DataToIff V1.1 - Sound File Conventer - Written by Janne Saarme 1990-1992.
-Shrinkler by Blueberry.
-Uses GuideML from Richard Koerber and Chris Young to generate html files from
the AmigaGuide ones.
-Uses Phx Protracker player routine by Frank Wille and adapted to Blitz by
Olivier Laviale
-Uses Phx Protracker lib by Frank While and adapted to Blitz by Iggy Drougge.
-Shotemup project uses graphics from Ansimuz in the OpenGameArt.Org (Warped
Space Shooter). Music by Fireboy.
-PNG2ILBM PNG to ILBM converter by TCH.
-Ex_fx projects uses graphics from Ansimuz, Jetrel, Jordi Palome and me.
-Includes the bitmap font from the demo Ray Of Hope 2 by Majic 12, I think
Rack is the author.

Beta notes
-RedPill is not super stable yet, use it with caution.
-We need your help to complete RedPill development, please send us bugs and
-Default way to Exit a game pressing the ESC key
-In RedPill player editor use F1 to turn on/off the rendering of the collision
-RedPill uses standard Amiga IFF/ILBM files.
-WARNING! I will try to avoid that, but future versions of RedPill may change
the project structure making the projects you develop not loadable.

Upgrading from older Redpill versions
When upgrading program, it is very recommended to make a backup of your
projects, then open them with the new RedPill editor and save them.
Redpil Editor is programmed to upgrade your projects automatically, but if
many versions have passed without upgrading a massive upgrade could cause some
After a succesful upgrade save the project to avoid chances of having troubles
in future releases.

In the Triggers page, after selecting a trigger press help or the (?) button
to get extra information about the Trigger.

Preparing a game for distribution
-Open your game and then click on Build.
-A folder named build will be created inside your project folder.
-Build folder is your game folder to distribute.
-The distributable final <game>.redpill file cannot be reopen in the editor.
-There is support to start the game from a disk boot.
-There is support to create a WHDLoad file with the game.

Making a multiplayer Online game
-Your Amiga compatible device needs to be online using a TCP stack. (for UAE
users - just check "bsdsocket.library" in Expansions)
-First you can do your game as a local two player game.
-Now use the trigger Net Connect to start the online game.
-Use condition trigger Is Net Remote True to start the game if connection was
-Additionally use condition trigger Is Net Remote False to check if the
connection has been terminated.
-You can use Pong project as a reference.

Playing games on The A500 Mini
You can use the Build option in the editor to generate a WHDload package that
can be used in The A500 Mini.
Only in the first versions of the firmware, you need to edit your file
THEA500\whdboot\game-data\whdload_db.xml and add the game at the end of file.
You will need to change the filename, name and sha1. To calcula the sha1 of
your file you can use a tool like HashMyFiles in Windows or SHA-1SUM.lha in
I guess in the future there will be an easier way to do it.

Example: You will need to change filename, name and sha1

<game filename="LumberjackPlatform" sha1="c82d1746be3b1c37
		<slave number="1">

Examples in the project folder
-AbsoluteZero - AGA Puzzle platformer with location based sound
-Astro - AGA platformer demo with parallax scrolling
-BadNinjas - Beat-em-up by Ricky Place
-basic_platformer - Jump-n-run game demo using Surt game art from
-basic_shooter - Operation wolf type game with basic graphics
-BitmapFont - Basic project using the use bitmap fonts
-BlockBreaker - Arkanoid like game, making of available in YouTube
-BopPerfTest - A simple project to check render performance when adding
-disco - Example showing usage of the FX layer and triggers. Dancing girl by
Ansimuz and music by Fireboy
-ex_bouncing - Collision test
-ex_fx - Shows FX layer and multiparallax. Uses graphics from Ansimuz and
Jetrel. Music by Fireboy
-ex_hiscores - Flappy bird like game with hiscore table
-ex_mapenemies - Example of game with enemies placed in the map, also Follow
and Animated tiles. Uses tileset from Emcee Flesher.
-ex_multipalette - Basic example of a game with several tilesets
-ex_particles - A small game showing the use of particles. Music by Goreboy.
-ex_UIBars - Demo to show the use of the Object Type UI Bar. Graphics by
Ansimuz, Emcee Flesher and Redshrike. Music by Fireboy.
-galaga - Basic vertical shot-em-up game
-gravity - Gravity based game showing the move in any angle mechanics. Also
multiplayer TCP/IP support.
-juande3050-racing - Racing game made by Juande
-Knight - Game based in Ansimuz demo Terryble Knight, uses his graphics. Music
by Fireb0y.
-LumberjackPlatform - Game made by Lemming880
-Merc - Simple example using ECS parallax, for all Amigas. Also has examples
of moving platforms. Graphics are from Emcee Flesher.
-mirror - Jump and Logic game by Zener
-MomoSpace - Vertical shot-em-up game by Tecniman
--Noah- - Game made by Sensei-Sama for his newborn child
-pillman - Pacman clone
-pong - Pong close with support for two players in same Amiga or via TCP/IP
-RedpillPuzzle - Logic game by Lemming880
-shotemup - Horizontal shot-em-up example, making of available in Youtube

In memory of Spiral World

Thanks to:
Jordi Palome, 007, Estrayk, Kikems, Farb Finsternis, Lemming880, Juande3050,
Fondriesete, Amiman99, Jojo, Tecniman, Sensei-sama, Ricky Place, Yoz Montana,
Juanda, Janne Saarme, Jacek Nockowski, Fireboy, Edu Arana, S0YS0Y, The
Brothers and  AmigaWave.

If like this tool and appreciate the amount of development hours spend on it,
you invite me to a coffee here:

Release notes
-Game setup page now has a basic and advanced page. In advanced page the level
loading strategy can be decided.
-For final games now all levels files are stored in a single file, this will
speed up loading levels.
-In the Game Setup advanced page you can choose to store all levels in memory,
load each one or have them all in memory.
-Improvements in palette handling when slicing new spritesheets.
-Added aid when setting a jump for an object.
-Added a Condition trigger to check M8 mod tracker commands.
-Added action trigger Angle from 8Dir to calculate angle from delta x and
delta y movement.
-Better editor representation of UI Bars.
-Small optimization for objects with map collisions.
-Instantiate helper in triggers screen now shows all instantiates instead of
just one.
-Fix in Map Speed for new projects as it was initially 0.
-Change in collision boxes display to try to avoid them leave the screen
-Change in requesters to avoid an issue when saving after working in a project
for a long time.
-Fix for shape exporting when using font sheets.
-Fix for copper gradients being erased at runtime under some configurations.
-Melter font is now being loaded and used in the editor anymore.

-UI Bar is a new type of object that allows to show energy&health bars above
the game objects. They can be attached to the object they need to represent.
-A project example ex_UIBar has been added to show the usage of this new
object type.
-Added action trigger Follow Me to allow an object request the camera focus.
-Camera triggers have been moved to the Input&Canera cathegory in the editor.
-Camera follow now has a parameter to specify if the camera should move
immediatly to the targetted object.
-Set Parent trigger now allows to target a non static object. In this case it
will attach to the first that it finds.
-Fix in the slope code that was introduced after some optimizations.
-Fix for slope peaks, where the character could move downwards in the level.
-Fix for HUD not being aligned with the main display when using a reduced
screen width.
-Fix for CD32 buttons mapping to Fire 1 and Fire 2.
-Fix for custom font when used in the HUD.
-Fix for a one pixel stripe in the left of the screen where the background
sprite layer would be visible
-Fix in FX layer
-Some unused code was removed

-Image to tiles now can open a large image containing a map, extract its
tileset, and optionally recreate this map in the current level.
-Image to tiles checksum has been improved to avoid duplicates.
-Now you can select the spritesheets to use for each Level, saving some
valuable Chip Memory.
-The used spritesheets in the level can be automatically calculated by the
-In Tileset Menu, Image to tiles can now be used to open a large image with a
game map. The routine will generate all the tiles for this map, and will give
the possibility to generate the level map as well.
-In Objects Menu, in the Advanced section you can define the maximum speed you
want your object to move. Useful for example, when you do not want your object
to fall too fast.
-Fetch mode Quadruple can now be used with Screen Widths: 320, 288 and 256.
Using it will speed up games for AGA Amigas without FastRAM.
-Added a project named BobPerfTest to be able to check performance with the
different fetch modes.
-Added action trigger Follow Object Free, works as previous one but instead of
using 8 directions for moving, movement is smooth vector based.
-When using Help key or ? button to get screen information, now you can click
More button that will open the HTML help with detailed info.
-The tool to open HTML files can be defined in the REDPILLEditor Icon.
-Project ex_mapenemies has been updated win new graphics and using the new
Follow Obj Free trigger.
-ECS parallax now supports vertical movement.
-Red CD32 button is now equivalent to normal Joypad first button.
-Vampire can usage can now be detected using the condition trigger Processor.
It will return 8 for 68080.
-Fix Triggonometry startup issue that caused Trig funcions to not work.
-Fix weird behaviour when static objects are deleted from the level.
-Fixed issue when using Inv Speed triggers.
-Giving more info about the errors in Level Properties screen.

-Proper support for moving platforms, objects can be defined as type Platform.
-Object can be attached to a Platform object, and they will behave as
expected, breaking the attachment when jumping or getting out of the platform.
-Merc project now has moving platforms examples.
-Added action trigger Attach to Collision to get the object attached to the
last collided object.
-Added condition trigger Is attached to check if an object is attached to
another one.
-In tileset screen, Image to tiles feature allows you to create a tileset with
an image as the soruce, avoiding having duplicate tiles.
-On Vampire V2, games seem to work faster than it should. A delay has been
added to make them run at the correct speed.
-Some changes in Int routines, but no speed has been gained at the end.
-When targeting A500 low end machines, now the maximum amount of frame
animations is 200 instead of 320.
-Object Timers and Time to Live now work with ticks instead of miliseconds.
Projects should be automatically updated after loading them.
-Fix on Copy Bitmap, that was generating failures in the HUD background.
-Player was showing AmigaDOS screen for a moment after the logo, this has been
-Optimization in routines detecting NTSC.
-Default tilesize for new projects is now 16x16 pixels.
-Fixes in Level screen when editing objects.
-Orbitate Parent action trigger is now more protected.

-Copper background can now be used for ECS projects. It has some restrictions
but it can be used from now on.
-Added example project Merc showing the use of the ECS parallax.
-Smooth scrolling transition from game to dialog.
-When editing or reloading a tileset, you can now keep the previous tileset
-In level properties screen, setting music to -2 just leaves music as it was.
-Change in camera code.
-From a menu, press DEL key to get back to Main menu.
-Level .iff files code updated, to be used in future updates.
-Added safety code to make sure previous deleted objects in editor are not
-When building final games, the size of HUD and Sprite back/foregrounds are
now the minimum size. It also fixes issues when using compression.
-Increased compatibility with older projects.
-Improvements in AGA parallax to avoid trembling.
-Some bitmap copy function are now done with CPU to avoid issues with blitter.
-Number of blitz objects reduced for A500 build.
-Improvements on the flow when loading a game.
-Fix when saving levels, sometimes they got erased.
-Fix in mutate when changing from level to level.
-Fix for HUD screen, image background name was hidden.

-Trigonometry functions are now intertal and mathtrans library is no longer
-Mathtrans library is no longer copied when building games, diskfont is only
copied if topaz is not used.
-Added a condition trigger CPU is to check the processor of the machine where
the game is running.
-When building a game targeting A500 assign ENV: to RAM: is not executed.
-Optimization of math functions.
-Fix for tileset not being saved.
-Fix in basic_platformer project that made impossible completing the second
-Fix for Default screen width being overwritten by the level one.
-Fix for Tiled Move action trigger when moving in diagonal.
-Small fixes.

-Big optimization in Trigonometry code, leading to a big boost in performance.
-Instantiate function has been optimized with some ASM magic.
-Basic_platformed example has been revamped with graphics from Surt.
-When building the game, now all game data is inside the data folder, no need
for the res folder anymore.
-ECS copper gradients have been improved, they are more smooth now like in
Turrican 2.
-When using Play now the current level is saved, just like you play start.
-Added new trigger Run From Editor, to check if the game is running from
editor or standalone.
-Distance to Target condition trigger was very unprecise, now it has been
improved a lot.
-Mouse input code now is only run when being used.
-Small improvements when using NTSC screens.
-In HUD screen when an element was partly outside the HUD was not drawn, now
it is, but drawing will be slower.
-Removed Topaz2 font.
-Topaz font is now the default one. When using Topaz font, there is no need to
have diskfont library available.
-Optimization in angular logic.
-Fix for a crash that occured when changing the level.
-Fix in loading levels code, that sometimes could led to the level being
-Fix for Camera Inc not working under certain circumstances.
-Fix when creating the screen that could leave glitches in the border of the
-Fix when scrolling down, sometimes left some line glitches.
-Fix in dialogs somethings messing the screen.
-Fix in copper backgrounds when using an image as the source for the palette.
-Some unused code has been removed.

-Maximum number of levels increased to 1000 levels.
-Added a Tooltip MAXTILESETS that allows to increase the maximum number of
Tilesets used in the editor. The higher the tileset number the more memory
will be used.
-When loading sprite or tile images with a different palette, instead of doing
an automatic color remap the program will prompt the user.
-Set Pos to Obj now has extra parameters to decide if we want to copy X, Y or
-New Checkbox button is used in the menus.
-Added a Picotron color setting for the menus.
-Collides Player action trigger has been renamed to Collides Object 0, which
is actually what is does.
-Screen creation code has been moved. 
-Fix for Print Text action trigger when not using bitmap fonts.
-Fix for selecting objects beyond 64 objets in the trigger screen.
-Fix in Contains Tile tag condition trigger.
-Fix for some attached objects not being attached correctly.
-Fix for Restart Level action trigger not refreshing correctly the screen.
-Fix for games using Enemy vs Enemy collisions not being loaded.
-Fix in Destroy Children action trigger drawing a 8x8 black rectangle.
-Fix in Mutate action trigger executing the next triggers of the previous
object after the mutation.
-All projects updated with the new project file format.
-Minor fixes

-Added Condition Trigger Anim Can Start that is true when the current
animation has finished or can be interrupted.
-Added Condition Trigger Anim Frame Is to check the current frame inside an
-Added Condition trigger Obj Type Count to check the current number of active
objects of one type.
-Added Condition Trigger Obj Count to check the current number of active
objects of one game object.
-Added Action Trigger Var Int that converts a variable value to its integer
-Added Action Trigger Var Clamp that makes sure a variable value is always
inside a range of numbers.
-Added Action Triggers Camp Pos X/Y to make sure the Object position is always
inside a range of numbers.
-Added Action Trigger Count Tile Tag that stores the numbers of tiles in the
map with the current tag.
-Change: Action trigger Restart Level is lighter and faster now and does not
recreate the screen.
-In Level screen, the current object name can be clicked as a shorcut to go to
the Game Object screen.
-New Loading screen option, Loading Image loads and display Loading.iff file.
-New Loading screen option, Loading Anim uses a game animation for loading.
-Change: In hud if a Var Icon item doesnt fit in the HUD window now it is cut
instead of not being drawn.
-Change: In wait frame routine to avoid glitches on top of the screen while
vertically scrolling.
-Fix for subpixel scrolling valued not being exported in final Build.
-Fix in Hit And Stop action trigger.
-Fix for FX rendering not working sometimes.
-Fix for Condition Trigger countdown, now it will be triggered only once.
-Collides object condition trigger optimization.
-Small optimizations.

-Added condition triggers Cam PosX and Cam Pos Y to check the camera position.
-Internal function that finds out color closest to other has been changed.
-OCS copper gradients may be faster now.
-Added condition trigger Contains Tile Tag.
-Copper values in screen setup are now really only the default ones.
-Anim Frame trigger renamed to just frame, as it is not taking into account
the animation.
-If you are using the condition Frame is, in the trigger screen this frame
will be displayed.
-Fixes in automatic remap when loading a spritesheet image.
-Further optimizations in trigger processing.
-Small verticall scrolling improvement.
-Optimizations when coming back from playing the game to the editor.
-Fix for sometimes wrong palette being displayed when going from spritesheet
screen to main screen.
-Fix in audio object default value when upgrading a project from an old
-Fix in Overrite Color/gradient triggers not updating the palette.
-Fix in audio listener objects introduced in the previous version.
-Fix in Tile On Map/Screen/Border triggers, under certain conditions could
execute unwanted triggers. 
-Fix in Camera follow code.
-Fix when attaching non static objects to static objects.
-Fix for level deletion and others when coming back from playing the game to
the editor.
-Some unused code has been removed.

-Added a new Build Game option to target low end machines (like A500 with
1MB). This reduces the maximum number of level objects (from 64 to 32) and
disables some code like CD32 audio and storage among others to reduce memory
needed and increase performance of the games.
-Multiple optimizations in all fronts reducing the CPU and memory required by
-When forcing NTSC resolution the game will use less Chip memory.
-Static objects are now updated first, I hope this do not break old games as
sometimes the execution order could be different.
-Added a new screen for Frame manipulation, copy&pasting, rotating, scaling,
can be done in this screen. Find more information in the guide.
-Default input key for Fire 1 has been changed to left caps key.
-In Game Setup screen there is a new Mem Info section that will give an
estimation of the memory used by the game. Take it with a pinch of salt.
-Build does not copy diskfont.library anymore as it is not needed.
-Fix in Collision Down being triggered when there was any collision.
-Optimization in tile accessing.
-Small optimization in palette processing.
-Optimization in action trigger processing.
-Compression for SFX has been deactivated as sometimes it fails and others
prevent loading.
-In Screen setup screen now you can decide if you want subpixel scrolling or
-When Building a project there are warning messages if the files cannot be
-When loading a project, this loading action now can be cancelled.
-Files ".pal" in projects are now used in a different way.
-Camera limits code has been simplified.
-Fixes in the FX rendering.
-Action trigger Frame by Angle fixes.
-Animation frames are now cleared when starting a new project.
-When compressing projects, if the asset is not properly compressed now it
tries to load the file without compression.
-Refactoring of level loading and tileset loading that reduces the exe size
and memory usage.
-Refactoring of the main loop camera and display system.
-Trigger actions system optimization.
-Small optimization in Change Tile trigger.

-Slope system have been improved greatly, now you have multiple slopes that
you can use, with steps of 1, 2 or 3 tiles. 
-Big refactoring of animation system and Animation screen.
-Added Knight example project, based in Terryble Knight by Ansimuz. Music by
-Added flags in Animation system to decide if an animation can be Interrupted.
-Added the possibility to decide in which frame of the animation a sound
should play.
-Animation now uses ticks instead of frames, projects are updated
-Shortcuts for animations added in Animation screen.
-Added Copy values from mirror animation in Animation Screen to speed up
animation creation.
-In Animation scren, F1 and F2 keys change animation, 1 and 2 keys change the
current frame.
-In Objects screen, F1 and F2 keys change the current object, 1 and 2 keys
change the current trigger.
-Tools for editing MOD and audio IFF files can be defined in the Tooltips of
the RPEditor icon.
-Use MODPROGRAM and WAVEPROGRAM tooltypes to define the programs.
-Countdown and Repeat Every triggers are now tick based instead of time based,
projects should update automatically.
-Png2Ilmb has been updated and now it does not crash when using 16bit color
-Some shortcut keys are shown in the main screen.
-In Level Properties, parallax Y now gets sorted by vertical position after
exiting the screen.
-Timer system has been simplified
-Fix in clipping for objects that are half out of the screen.
-Fix for some frame offsets being overwritten when slicing new sprite sheets.
-Fix for solidity button not working properly.
-Fix for tile grid appearing in the level after visiting tiles screen.

-Experimental: Add image in Spritesheet menu appends an image to the current
sprite sheet.
-Save in spritesheet allows to save the sprite sheet image.
-In Level screens you can use F1 and F2 to go to prev/next level.
-In Level map editor screen now you can pick a tile using Control + Right
mouse button.
-In Level Properties screen now layers are sorted out by Y when going back to
-Lots of improvements and fixes in the profiler screen.
-Screen menu now shows all colors being used including the ones used for
special FX.
-Screen menu now allows to Load and Save palette.
-Fix in Tile on Screen and Tile on Map triggers not working correctly.
-Fix in Overwrite Color trigger for displays with flat color background.
-Fix in Animation screen as some frames were shown with incorrect offset.
-Optimization in object rendering.
-Optimizations for ramp code.
-Optimizations for inpur reading.
-Collides Type trigger optimized.
-Extra checks when saving files.

-Tile tags added in Tile Properties screen to easily categorize tiles.
-Added condition trigger Tile Tag is to check if the object is in a tile with
this tag.
-Profiler improvements, now the number of times a trigger has been called is
-Profiler now displays if tile animations are being used.
-Display the tile being used in the level editor screen.
-Images not found are shown in red in the different menus.
-Tileset count displayed in Tileset menu.
-Changes in tileset reading.
-Fixes when reaching maximum number of frames for a project.
-Fix in memory detection requirements, also giving a 100Kbs margin.
-Fix MODs not being played in the audio screen.
-Fix for Print Text when using a non bitmap font.
-Fix in copper space for ECS games.
-Fix for animated tiles detection in edge cases.
-Fix for some sound effects not being loaded when compressed.

-Copper gradient editor has been added in the Level Properties screen.
-Instantiated objects are now not rendered the same frame they were created.
-Dialogs now works fine when reducing the width of the screen.
-Added a condition trigger CD Playing to check if audio is playing. Only works
with 020+ executables.
-In objects screen, cursor keys can be used to change the display offset.
-In objects screen, 1 and 2 keys can be used to browse objects.
-Level managing optimizations.
-Trigger optimizations.
-Condition trigger optimizations.
-Final project size optimization: Sprite and background images are not copied
for each level, now they are unique.
-Attempt to fix some unwanted actions when going to the workbench screen for
file accessing.
-Less artifacts when going back to the editor after playing the game.
-Fix for render objects, it could be after some plays not all objects were
-Fix in using own screen being ignored sometimes.
-Fix in HUD screen select page controls when selecting a variable.
-Fix in font sheet not being initialized properly for new projects.
-Fix in animations for basic_platformer example.
-Fix in memory available number displayed in the settings screen.

-Fix for levels always black after changing level introduced in previous
-Fix for Is AGA condition trigger.
-Fix for condition parameters not taking into account decimals.
-Fix for Overwrite color and Overwrite Gradient action triggers.
-Refactor in the checks of the runing machine.
-Fix in both the editor and player not calling the right loaders.
-Internal: debug memory improvements.
-Some old code has been removed.
-Some internal tracking code has been removed.

-Remap action trigger added to modify certain frames of the animation.
-Added a level string for each level, right now it is only like a comment for
-When creating the WHDLoad package now you are asked about the slave to use.
-Multiple fixes when changing from level to level in the editor, palette and
-Now you can set the minimum amount of Chip or Fast memory for your game.
-Optimization for loading levels, also reducing the possible glitches when
changing level.
-Optimization in scroll routines.
-Changed ptplayer routine to the E-Penguin one.
-Added option to remove cross in the animation menu.
-Pressing fire during text printing speed up the printing.
-Mouse button can be used to close dialogs.
-Fix for dialogs when no scroll is used.
-Fix in use of gradient image for copper background.
-Fix in Answer Question trigger.
-Fix when merging image palette and sprite palette.
-Fix in instantiate attached trigger not getting the right side.
-Fix in the editor when changing to static no non static.
-Fix in turn back not being triggered.
-Fix for QR code in the main screen to find online documentation.

-Game Object limit has been increased from 64 to 128 objects. Max objects per
level is still 64.
-Using latest pt player library.
-Trigger documentation added, both in AmigaGuide and HTML formats.
-HTML Documentation has been added.
-Added QR code in the main screen to find online documentation.
-Object creation and destruction improvements, it increases performance.
-Trig Var X condition trigger now has a second parameter to check if the
variable has not been triggered.
-Sound waves are visible in Sound Generator even for not generated audio
-HUD screen improvements.
-Questions text now is fully displayed.
-Changes in animation code, it should also increase performance.
-Fix for loading multiple projects causing some side effects.
-Fix in custom object timers.
-Fix in Loop sound effects.
-Minor Fix in editor buttons.

-Support for ANSI bitmap fonts, special caracters can now be used.
-Bitmap font project has been updated.
-Redpill Help in html format is now present in the html folder.
-When changing an object from non static to static all copies expect one are
deleted in the level.
-When changing an object from static to non static all copies in the level are
-Network code has been moved to AB3 format, some minor issues are fixed.
-Gravity example updated adding two ships, shooting and network multiplayer.
-HUD screen now allows to edit disabled HUD elements.
-Sprites in sprite layer are always loaded even if they are not active.
-When using less RP features, the copper list will use less bandwidth too.
-Hiscore routines now take into account the screen width of the screen.
-Window usage has been removed, it will save some chip mem I guess.
-Change tile now also changes the visual for the tiles in the corners of the
-Fix in the angle of instantiated objects not being initialized correctly.
-Fix when autoslicing sheets other than the first one.
-Fix in sprite layer being displayed when deactivated by a trigger.
-Fix in loading effect being shown always in initial loading. 
-Sin and Cos functions minor optimization.
-Compiled with Amiblitz 3.9.9.
-More checks for correct parameters in trigger editor screen.
-Fixes in sprite slicing routines.
-Fix when picking an empty frame.
-Fix in Print text

-Added support for 64 global variables, it was 32.
-In the exported game only the used variables will be allocated, potentially
saving some memory.
-Fix in the tile animations that was causing the exported games using them to
run very slowly.
-Simplified handling of reading exporting projects.
-Fixes and implementations related to custom fonts usage in HUD and in
-Exact values for friction and weight can now be set up and displayed.
-Trigger help routines have been improved.
-More triggers have been documented in the in-editor help.
-Optimizations in the main loop of the game.
-Optimizations in the tile comparison triggers.
-Optimizations in the player input triggers.
-Optimizations in the render code.
-Some memory was wasted when changing the current mod being played, this has
been optimized.
-Some unused code has been removed.
-Fixed a bug in Absolute Zero game when abandoning game and starting again.

-Hotfixing for 0.9.22, it had a problem when loading levels and screen width
was modified.

-Bitmap font support has been added, just use a spritesheet for your custom
font. The source image must not have any blank character. Grid slice it and
select the sheet to use in the Game Setup screen.
-A demo project BitmapFont has been added to the projects folder, also a
bitmapfonts folder in the main folder.
-Added a condition trigger Display Ready that is true when the display is
-Added Absolute Zero game in the projects folder, presented at Posadas Party
-Fixes in sprite slice routine.
-Fix that prevented 68000 + ROM1.3 games from running.
-Animated tiles speed now can be setup for each tileset instead that one for
the whole project.
-Hud refresh now has an extra parameter allowing to change the height of the
-If game is not running in an AGA machine default fetchmode is now forced.
-Fix in editor not changing HUD bg color.
-Integer value handling changed in editor, no difference for users.
-Optimization for the object update routines, expect a 5-10% improvement.
-Some unused code has been deleted.

-Assets can be localized too, if an image with a sufix matching the selected
language .ES .FR .DE .IT .PR is detected this image will be used instead of
the default one.
-Added music channels in Audio screen to decide how many Amiga channels (0-4)
are reserved for MOD playing.
-Added Destroy Children trigger that destroys objects attached to this one.
-Added Print Var and Print Text triggers to print text in the object position.
-Texts in dialogs takes into account line breaks, words will not be cut.
-When input us inactive and a dialog is shown, input becomes active again to
allow the dialog to be closed.
-Fixes in level properties screen when sprite layer is inactive.
-Fix in active objects as it could be possible some were unstable after
changing level.
-Fix in Stamp action trigger.
-Fix in side X in instantiated objects.
-Fixes in palettes while editting.
-Fix for page change in select text. 
-Code optimization.

-Added Load and Save Vars triggers that allow to save and restore game values
between sessions.
-Added 3D sound allowing farther sounds from the listening object to sound
lower. Setup is done in Screen menu.
-Added the possibility of mapping second joypad button to the up input value.
-Added condition trigger Collides Object Count.
-Added R button in level properties screen to reset values to the default ones
in the screen menu.
-Added page shorcuts when selecting an  animation in the triggers.
-Import Bin map now asks about the source line width and adapts it to the
level one.
-You can define Spriteshees as For FX, this way they will use much less chip
-Improvements on the current object highlight in the shortcut section.
-Improvements on the level object highlighting in the shortcuts section.
-Allowing smaller values for line width if the screen has a width of 256.
-Memory optimizations, more or less 1Kb has been gained.
-Target Pos X and Target Pos Y now use the integer values.
-Optimization of the build size and memory.
-Fix for FX rendering when erasing from the FX layer.
-Fixes in object rendering queues.
-Fix in dialogs when using higher fetchmodes.
-Fix in global variable visualzation.
-Fix in sprite background when changing the number of colors of the image.
-Fix in game setup render screen glitches.
-Fix in editor when levels are not using Hud.
-Fix in Hud texts for decreasing numbers.
-Fix in trigger On Level Loaded.
-Fix in angle for Instantiated objects.
-Fix in Side X object initialization.
-Fix in Condition collides object to avoid taking into account the object

-Added trigger Tile on Border that checks the tiles in the border of the
-020 build of the editor has been restored by popular demand.
-A small button allows condition and action order to be changed inside a
-Tile on Screen now has a second parameter to define an area outside the
screen to check.
-Advanced parameters for objects are now in Objects advanced, FX and other
settings are done there.
-FX and FX Comp object types have been removed.
-Shot-em up project has been updated.
-Sprite background speed in editor now is the same as in runtime.
-Render queues have been optimized.
-Preventing a possible crash when too many tiles are changed in the same
-Added sanity check when saving levels, some ghost objects will be removed.
-Fix in Stamp trigger.
-Fix in Change Tile trigger.
-Fix and optimizations in Repeat Every trigger.
-Fix for some sprite layers not showing the right palette.
-Fix in Inv Speed X trigger failing in final game in some cases.
-Small memory optimization.
-Small optimizations in some loops.
-Small reduction on the size of the data files.
-Some other small optimizations.
-AmigaGuide doc updated.

-Added multilanguage support, if more than one language is used, a screen to
select it will show.
-Load project now shows the quickload screen, same as when you start the
-Insert trigger has been added, you can add a trigger when the trigger is not
the last used one.
-More documentation has been added in the .guide file.
-When camera movement is huge, the display is turned off until the camera is
-Create display routine has been reviewed.
-Added action trigger Set Target FPS to allow changing the maximum frame rate
while playing.
-In animation screen now the preview play takes into account the target FPS
for the game.
-Autoslice has been fixed and optimized yet again.
-When loading sprites, to check the aplette if no tileset is used the
background image is used instead.
-Less stuff done after playing the game in the editor, this hopefully will fix
the frame 0 of the game to be deleted.
-Object Z can be changed for attached objects.
-Deactive action trigger has been removed as Destroy does exactly the same.
-Fix in attached object offset in game object screen not being the same as
when playing the game.
-Fix in Copy&Pasting objects not copying the triggers.

-Memory usage has been optimized
-Added action trigger FX Value to activate/deactive the FX layer and choose
the effect to use.
-Added action trigger FX Mask to set the color mask the FX layer will use.
-Added a trigger "Z from Father" to allow instantiated objects get this value
from their instantiator.
-Added condition trigger Collision Count to count the colliding objects.
-Added condition trigger To All colls to execute a trigger to all colliding
-Disco project has been added to show the usage of the new FX triggers.
-Game objects rendering routine has been optimized.
-When editing an Instantiate trigger it now shows the collision box besides
the graphic.
-Change in Ser Var RND trigger when using a True/False value.
-Game startup has been changed as the compressor makes CLI parameters useless.
-General optimization in the game player to make its size smaller and use less
memory footprint.
-Vertical object clipping has been improved.
-Replicating some code to get some extra speed.
-Improved documentation, still WIP.
-Shlinker compressor updated to 4.7.
-App icon updated.
-More information is given when building the project.
-Fix for saving project not showing the requester window.
-Fix in autoslice routine.
-Fixes in the animation screen.

-Loading effect can be selected in the Game Setup screen, only two available
for now.
-Game object system optimization.
-General trigger optimization.
-Object trigger instantiation has been optimized.
-Added Collision Count condition trigger.
-Inv Speed X/Y now updates the angle of the object.
-On screen object detection improvements.
-More triggers have been documented in the in-editor help.
-Editor 68020 specific executable has been removed.
-Changed memory management routines for songs.
-Shrinkler compressor updated to version 4.7.
-Fixes when music is played using level properties.
-Fixes in the HUD system.
-Fix Count Type on variable.
-Fix when dragging objects in the level object screen.
-Fixes in the FX system, now it works properly in ECS.
-Fixes in audio screen.
-Collides Type trigger now does not get triggered with the objects using it.
-Resume Anim trigger removed.
-Bug fixes and improved stability.

-Sprite background can now have up to 8 different levels of parallax.
-New FX layer for games with less than 256 (32 in ECS) colors.
-Example project ex_fx showing the new features. Graphics from Ansimuz and
Jetrel. Music by Fireboy.
-Tile selected in tiles shortcuts is not highlighted anymore.
-Project load shortcuts now leave in first position the latest loaded project.
-Action trigger to Instantiate 4 objects in the 4 directions.
-Instantiate trigger that allows to instantiate in an exact position. Old
Intantiate trigger has been renamed to Instantiate RND.
-Change solidity triggers added to change all types or just one tile. 
-Fixes in import Levels from CSV files.
-Copper background now adjustes to game screen height.
-On Screen trigger is now more accurate.
-Now compiled under AmiBlitz 3.9.8
-Change int he startup of the editor to make it more compatible with Vampires.
-When changing a trigger parameters are checked to avoid possible crashes.
-Change in On Grounded implementation.
-Scroll routine is now called every tick to avoid glitches.
-Fetchmode in the editor is now always the default one.
-Custom font system is more robust now.
-Fixes in palettes when loading spritesheets.
-Fix for HUD objects that were renderer outside HUD frame.
-Fix for dialogs not showing at the start of a game.
-Fix in sound generator display not always centered.
-Fix for default level music set to 0, now default is not music.
-Fix in import map CSV files.
-Small fixes in the profiler screen.
-Fixed crash when an Object type is set to a Tile.
-If sprite layer depth changes this is now detected and fixed.
-Fixes and optimizations in HUD.
-Small optimizations.

-Added condition Contains Tile that checks all tiles colliding with a big
-In AGA black borders hidin copper are back.
-Compatibility with Kickstart 1.3 is back.
-Added Collisions in the profiler screen.
-Levels can be exported in TMJ format in order to be used in Tiled.
-When using level properties music, the music will not restart if it is the
same as before.
-Level properties screen layout has changes in preparation of some new cool
-WHDLoad slave names changed to make them easier to understand.
-Fix in Level Properties screen.
-Fixes when building projects.
-Fixes for some gfx gliches.
-Some small optimizations.

-When editing the level the collision map can be displayed on top of the map
with the Show Tile Cols checkbox.
-Games not using hud will consume less Chip memory.
-When editing text, non ASCII characters will be converted to the closest
ASCII character.
-Reduced screen width is used correctly in triggers and camera.
-Added Condition trigger On Landed that detects when an objects hits the
-Audio files path tries to correct itself if the file is not found.
-Added trigger Play Sound Random to play from a range of sounds.
-Added action trigger Stop CD32 that stops the CD audio.
-Loading a level now stops the CD audio if playing.
-Adjusted lower limit for map width values.
-Optimization in memory copy operations.
-Fix in collisions when moving very fast to the left.
-Fix for copper palette from a file not being exported to the Build.

-Bad Ninjas game is now included in the projects folder by courtesy of Ricky
-Hud refresh speed can be set in the HUD screen.
-Added action trigger Reset Vars that allows to reset a range of variables to
its initial value.
-In HUD screen the background image can now be edited or deleted.
-When editing a trigger if it instantiates something it will show the
instantiated object in position in the preview screen.
-Switched to Amiblitz 3.9.4 compiler.
-Less strict asset processing when Building a game.
-Improved compatibility with old game projects.
-Improved calculation when setting Line Width now allows bigger maps.
-Fix for objects of type Shot not being automatically destroyed.
-Fix for compressed 16 sprite backgrounds not showing properly.
-Fix in vertical scroll leaving one empty line under certain conditions.
-Fix for some glitch in object rendering for multiscreen games.
-Fix for camera centering when using smaller displays.
-Fix for spritesheet screen always asking about palette reload even if it was
the same.
-Small optimizations.

-Added new action trigger Set Cam Limits to change the bounds of camera
-Refactor of some features allows to gain 14ks of memory in most games.
-Camera center now works correctly for reduced display sizes.
-EXPERIMENTAL: Support for games with only 2 and 4 colors.
-Fix for freeze after making a Build.
-Fix for the spritesheet number 9 not being exported correctly.
-For some reason it seems display was moved one pixes to the left, this has
been corrected.

-EXPERIMENTAL: Fetch mode can be set in the Screen menu for AGA games: Normal,
Double and Quadruple fetch modes are supported.
 -Increased Fetch modes can improve game speed, specially in machines without
 -With higher fetch modes, funny effects could happen when using sprites or
changing the screen width of the screen.
-Resize of the map dimensions now can automatic replace the tiles to the new
-Multiple WHDload slaves added: 
 -Workbench31_1.Slave   1 MB Chip  1 MB Fast
 -Workbench31_4.Slave   2 MB Chip  4 MB Fast
 -Workbench31_32.Slave  2 MB Chip 32 MB Fast
-Object drawing has been reimplemented for safer (but also slower) rendering.
-Embedded Help for trigger conditions is now more complete.
-If the Sprite layer was attached to an Object Set Sprite Pos detaches it.
-Set Sprite Pos will ignore parameters with coordinates less than -1000. This
way you can set up just x or y coodinate.
-Action Set NTSC moved to General category.
-In Level Objects screen you can select snap to tile to move objects only in
tile exact coordinates.
-In Level screen you can import and export maps in CVS format.
-General optimization.
-When an object is attached to mouse movement now it takes into account the
scrolling area.
-Fix in camara not reaching end of the level with reduced screen widths.
-Fix in brush width and height when using the tile shortcuts.

-Loading animation is now displayed during game loadings.
-F5-F10 Keys can be used as a shortcut for Play, Spritesheets, Animations,
Objects, Tiles and Levels screens.
-Animation screen now shows animation frame shortcuts.
-Sounds are now also packed using Imploder.
-Editor now checks the project version before loading it, prompting for
-In Game setup screen the game name and author can be setup, they will be
displayed when loading the WHDLoad.
-When building the project all images are processed for safety and maybe even
speed increase.
-New condition trigger to check if the game is running in an AGA machine.
-New trigger Instantiate Attached allows to Instantiate an object already
attached to the creator.
-New triggers Custom to Var to set up global variables with Object custom
-Additional checks for tileset loading.
-In Animation screen the name of the mirrored animation is now displayed.
-Improved UI in level editor screen.
-Improved UI in triggers screen.
-Projects updated, some improvements in Astro and Gravity games.
-Fixed memory corruption problems in certain situations.
-Fix in tileset shortcuts.
-Fix in Mutate trigger.
-Fix in Input screen.
-Fixes in palette handling.

-WHDLoad support when exporting the game, creating a lha package (LHA and
WHDLoad required in C:)
-Check instructions above to run games on The A500 Mini
-All image and audio assets can now be compressed when exporting the game
(Build button)
-New action trigger Orbitate Parent to have and object orbitate another one
-Spritesheets and tilesets can be deleted if no longer used
-Improved IFF ILBM compatibility for compressed graphics
-A bit of rollback to some chip memory optimizations to make the games more
-In level edit screen scrolls will scroll twice as fast for faster navigation
-All exe's are now compiled using latest Amiblitz3.9
-HUD texts are using color 1 by default to avoid using the same default
background colors
-In tileset screen when the tile image file is not valid it will be shown in
-Fix in Autoslice
-Fix for projects not using any tileSet
-Fix for some random crashes

-Load tileset, HUD, level background and load spritesheet accepts PNG files as
input, they will be converted to IFF.
-Thanks to TCH for giving me permission to include his PNG2ILBM tool.
-When building the project, the assets can now be compressed automatically
using Imploder.
-Added Trigger Is NTSC to detect if the display is PAL or NTSC.
-HUD is not being updated every frame anymore but every 16 frames.
-Object rendering processing has been modified.
-Fix for non looped Sprites being displayed at incorrect position.
-Fixes in level editor tabs.
-Fixes in render timers.
-Fixes in trigger system.
-Fixes in Overwrite color/gradient triggers.

-Now some games can work on Amiga with only 0.5MB of Chip RAM (Fast RAM still
-This means some games can run with just 1MB of RAM.
-Level loading has been optimized and now it is much faster to swap between
levels while playing.
-Scroll memory has been optimized severely.
-Tileset memory has been optimized too.
-Trigger system has been reimplemented to save quite a lot of Fast RAM.
-When no project is specified the Player will not open anymore a requester,
this improves compatibility with older kickstarts.
-Fix for crash when activating collision boxes display.
-Refactoring of palette merging, adding and loading between tilesets and
-In Level Objects editor, right button enables or disables the static objects
inside the current level.
-In the editor changing the level does not change the current tab anymore.
-68020 Editor and games check for 020+ CPU before starting.
-Now changing the values in the Screen menu will change the values assigned to
the current level.
-The example for hiscores, also known as Happy Bat has been updated.
-In main menu you can use F5 to play the game, or Shift+F5 to play the current
-In the editor when loading an AGA game in an ECS machine you can abort
loading it.
-Also, if you load an AGA game in an ECS machine you can still load it without
-Improved help in level menu.
-Small optimization for collision code.
-Fix in Dialogs when scroll is not in position 0,0.
-Fix in some sounds whistling after being played.
-Fix in -version parameter.
-Fix in trigger Mutate, now it will execute the rest of triggers in the
-Fix in HUD background not being loaded sometimes.

-Dialog engine has been reimplemented and now it does not need extra Chip
-Chip memory used by the HUD has been optimized.
-When Building the project, it now tries to optimize some parameters. Single
player games will be faster.
-In Game Setup screen, now you can edit a multiplier for the score in the
score table.
-In Level editor, now you can press C to clear tiles with a flood fill. (F
will do a flood fill with the selected tile)
-The Tiles palette is now stored in the low colors of the global palette.
-The RP player only will reserve memory for the used objects saving some
-Scroll system uses less bitplanes when tileset uses less colors than the game
making it faster.
-Tileset Chip memory usage has been optimized.
-When there is not enough chip memory to load music, the game can continue
without music.
-Removed some unused functions in the player.
-Level editor now has an option to reposition all the tiles in the map.
-Added action trigger Set Sprite Pos to change the position of the Sprite
-Added action trigger Set Sprite Y to change the vertical speed of the Sprite
-In Screens shorter than 320 width, Sprite layer now begins at coordinate 0 of
the visible screen.
-When slicing sprites using the Auto mode, the editor will ask if frame
offsets need to be recalculated.
-PHX audio routine now uses the one by Iggy Drougge, which means it supports
VBR relocation.
-Small code optizations.
-Fix that removes some ghost objects appearing in the Level Editor.
-Fix for action trigger HUD On/Off.
-Fix for HUD background not being loaded under some circumstances.

-General optimizations that should make the games around 10% faster compared
to previous version.
-Set Anim Time action trigger allows to change the playback speed of an
-Mul Var action triggers lets you multiplicate a Variable by a number.
-Changes in the Tileset sizes and loading, now it should use less space in
disk and in memory.
-Trigger screen code has been refactored, also making RP Editor file a bit
-Scroll update routines are move pipelined, meaning processing is more
distributed in different frames.
-Some more scroll optimization going on, starting with the the scrolling to
the right.
-Changes to Audio handling.
-Samples with loop should work again, they have been failing since the switch
to PHX audio.
-Added Stop LoopSFX action trigger to stop a looping sample.
-Fix in HUD background color displayed in the editor not being the correct

-Profiler update: Trigger conditions and actions are displayed. Also added
extra cathegories in the main bar.
-Code for global variables has been optimized.
-Code for input has been optimized.
-Render code has been optimized.
-New action Trigger Sprite Layer to enabled or disable the Level Sprite Layer.
-New action Trigger Sprite Spd X to set up the  Level Sprite Layer Speed in X.
-Removed HUD Enabled/Top/Bottom from HUD screen as now the setup is done in
Level Properties.
-Audio routines for player and the editor have been unified.
-Code has been converted to ASCII, this is just better for me but could have
some unknown implications.
-Some internal code refactoring.
-In Game Setup screen Target FPS has been renamed to Max FPS.
-FIX: Sprite setup not being seen in the Level Properties screeb
-FIX: When entering the level screen some old projects could crash the editor.

-Tile position is displayed while editing the map.
-Minimap not visible anymore in the Spritesheet screen.
-After editing a game text the menu is now refreshed.
-FIX: Triggers for attached objects not being executed after building a game.
-FIX: Dialog system was not checking if sprites were active causing the game
to end abruptly.
-FIX: Play SFX L+R trigger was always playing sound 0.
-FIX: Shadow Gameobjects being displayed in the level editor screens.
-Small fix in profiler menu text not showing in the right color.
-Some unused code removed.

-New Level Properties screen where you can set up: color copper effects,
background image and sprites. The music to play, the fade in/out effects, the
adjacent levels and the next and previous levels.
-Four options for copper effects: no change, solid color, gradient and
gradient from an external image using its palette.
-In Level edit screen tile shortcuts have been added to avoid the need of
going to the tiles screen to select the tile. The screen can still be accessed
using the button or the space key.
-In Level objects screen level objects shortcuts have been added to avoid
having to browse them.
-Audio is now using PHX library.
-Sprite background layer can now be set as a foreground layer.
-Game sprite layer is visible in the level properties screen.
-Level minimap is visible in the level screens.
-Level Tabs for map and tiles have been removed as they are no longer
-Added vertical movement for sprite layers.
-Added support for 16 colors sprite layers (Requires display of 304px width or
-Added looping toggle for sprite layers.
-24 bit depth palette is used for ECS games running in an AGA Amiga.
-When using displays thinner than 320px the display is now centered.
-Added action trigger Play AnimAngle that allows to set up the object frame
based on the obejct angle.
-Added action trigger Count Tile that stores in a variable the number of tiles
present in a level.
-Added action trigger Set Sprite GO to attach the sprite layer to a game
-Object rendering has been optimized for increased performance.
-Autoslice has been optimized to required less stack memory.
-Changed the method to check times on the profiler screen, it should not act
weird on long plays.
-In Animation screen the frames are displyaed in the correct possition
relative to the guide.
-When clicking an Object in Level screen it will be selecte only if it is
active in the current level.
-Spritesheet id is now visible in Animations screen.
-Changes in copper background and setting up the project if AGA is not
-Lighter usage of copperlist.
-Removed internal PowerPacker support for MOD files.
-Trigger Anim by angle renamed to Frame by angle.
-In animation screen a sound can be selected to play when playing an
animation. If the anim loops the sound will play again.
-Export has been renamed to Build, to have a clearer name.
-Profile timers are now using another CIA chip to avoid interfiering with PHX
-Profiler now shows the time that is spend on Object Triggers.
-Object Parent function has been renamed to Attach. Parent triggers also have
been renamed.
-More checks are done in audio screen when loading sounds.
-Sound screen now uses the editor palette.
-Object Text is now Helper, a text that is only shown while you are in the
editor mode.
-Shape temporal file is not saved into RAM anymore while in editor mode.
-Spritesheet pick frame can be used without previous slice.
-Spritesheet frames can be deleted.
-While decrunching the executables the cursor will change its color.
-Decompression of executables now will consume less memory.
-Editor and game icons do not require NewIcons anymore.
-Refactor on how the triggers are processed.
-Default project path is now the projects folder.
-FIX: weird issue when using 7 bitplanes in 68020 machines.
-FIX: in 68000 compatibility.
-FIX: in manual frame pick when scrolling the sprite sheet.
-FIX: in players using dialogs showing corrupted graphics.
-FIX: in Instantiated object, some variables were not correctly reseted.
-FIX: for big objects in Animation screen.
-FIX: under certain circunstances Tilesize was not changing in tiles screen.
-FIX: for glitch of the cursor in profiler screen.
-FIX: in Auto slice adding some extra empty frames. The fix also makes it 2x

-Number of Animations increased from 64 to 128. When updating project to this
version there is no going back.
-When saving a project, if using the same previous name a backup of the
project file is created.
-FIX: In tile properties of tileset 1 being used in all tilesets while in
-FIX: In tile properties screen solid tiles being displayed in incorrect
-FIX: In ground collisions where the Objects are bigger than tile size.
-FIX: Fixed glitch happening when using Camera Shake in large maps.

-FIX: When camera position moves abruptly, it was causing graphical
-FIX: Fix in Level Editor screen, some buttons not working when a lot of
objects were used.
-FIX: Fix in Square Grid Slice in Spritesheet screen.

-Added shortcuts for Level objects in the object editor, to easily see the
used ones and navigate quickly to one of them.
-Objects have two internal variables Custom 1 and 2, now their name can be
changed and the trigger name will change too for readability.
-Added action trigger Tile Type is that checks the collision type of the tile
where the object is.
-Added exception handling that will exit the editor or game when low on chip
ram or other exceptions.
-Level exits have been moved to the Level Properties tab.
-Change in scrolling routine when processing the left part of the map.
-Added Shotemup example in the projects folder.
-FIX: In Change Type trigger, not working as expected.
-FIX: In Change Tile trigger, now working fine when the tile was not on
-FIX: In Change Icon trigger, it was not working properly.

-Start button added to Play the game not from the current level but from the
initial game level.
-Level background menu is now in Properties tab in the Level Editor.
-New action trigger Change Icon to change an object icon.
-When editing an object with parent, parent object is now displayed.
-After a new project is created paths are initialized and point to the project
-BlockBreaker example has been added.
-FIX: Not enabled objects are not visible anymore in the level editor screen.
-FIX: When setting the frame manually in Animation screen.
-FIX: Tile On Screen trigger was not working properly.

-Profiler menu is here to help to find out any peformance problem in your
-Profiler data can be seen after playing a game, it only takes into account
what happened during the playing time.
-Sounds can loop if that option is selected in the Audio menu.
-OS version is displayed in settings menu.
-In Settings menu you can choose if you want the profiler screen to be shown
after each Play.
-In Settings menu you can disable Network to test multiplayer games without
the need of a network connection.
-Keyboard read routines have been reworked.
-Fix for the keyboard image display in Input Screen.
-Fix in export triggers to text, some triggers were incorrectly exported.

-In Objects screen it is possible to quick jump to objects thanks to the new
object bar.
-Camera code has been reworked.
-Camera set pos trigger has been reworked.
-Export now prompts user if files to run the game from floppy must be
-Edit Image creates a new IFF file if the Image field in empty in Tiles and
-Input menu now shows a keyboard image with the rawkey values to use.
-Background color added for HUD elements.
-Better error handling in load and save project.
-Vampire core is detected in settings screen.

-Help information is available in the editor, press the (i) button in the
bottom of the screen.
-Fix in Force NTSC flag that can be used from the CLI or the Icon Tooltype.
-Added Stamp action trigger that prints an object to the brackground of the
-Change in screen refresh when the camera position moves abruptly.

-Added HUD Refresh trigger to fully repaint he hud. Only use it when changing
-Editor stack increased to allow the sprite editor to cut bigger sprites.
-Now it is possible to copy and paste objects. It should work between projects
-Added C64 menu color scheme.
-Fix in games not using HUD.
-Fixes in the copperlist.
-Fix small glitch in the bottom of the menu.

-Added action Trigger Prev Level to move to the previous level.
-Added action Trigger Level# to var to set a Var with the current level
-Improved ApolloOS/AROS compatibility.
-FIX: In Spitesheet screen, Pick could lead to a crash.
-FIX: In edit Display Object x & y.
-FIX: In Level editor 1 key moves to the previous level.

-Pipeline fully moved to Amiblitz 3.8. Libs are now from this version.
-Input key functions replaced to be compatible with ApolloOs.
-Auto slice fixes to allow bigger sprite areas, stack reviewed.
-In Sprite Sheet screen now the start frame and end frame of the sheet is
-Added some more checks to auto slice.
-FIX: Start shape was badly calculated for sprite sheets bigger than 2.
-FIX: Only first sprite sheet was exported.

-Compiler changed from Amiblitz 2.44 to Amiblitz 3.8. This has some
-Now lower limit to play games is a Motorola 68000 instead of a 68020.
-There are two editors, one generic and one for 020+.
-When exporting a game you have to select if it is generic or for 020+.
-Performance seems slightly better.
-To avoid compilation issues, some more memory is used by the game player.

-In settings screen now you can select if you want to use a custom screen or
the workbench for file requesters.
-Added action Repeat Every to execute actions every certain time.
-In Animation screen the animation number can be selected using an input
-In Animation screen you can modify the frame offset using the cursor keys.
-In Objects screen, Display Offset X and Y can be set using an input field.
-Bigger limit for sprite size when using the Auto Slice option.
-Extra checks and optimization for Auto Slice option.

-In Screen menu, a color other than 0 can be overwritten, from 0(background)
to 127.
-BG Color and BG Rainbow action triggers are now named Overwrite Color and
Overwrite Gradient.
-Physics: Speed on col behavior reviewed.
-Performance: Improved performance of math routines.
-FIX: CD32 play CD routines fixed to allow more than one track being played.
-FIX: After moving to another level sometimes there was a glitch in the
-FIX: When re-adding objects in the level, sometimes they were not added.
-FIX: Screen width was not reset when loading a new game.

-Added action trigger Net Connect to connect to a remote machine and have a
multiplayer network game.
One machine in server, the client needs to enter the server IP. In a LAN, just
need to type the internal IP.
In different networks you can use external IP, probably port forwarding is
needed to find the target machine in the local LAN. REDPILL uses port 6666.
-Added contition trigger On Net Connection to detect when a connexion has been
established or if it is disconnected.
-Added condition trigger Is Net Remote to check if one player is remote or
-Pong project has been updated to support two player network game
-Added action trigger Set Map Cols to activate/deactivate Object collisions.
-Added action trigger Norm Spd45 to adapt speed x and y when object is moving
in diagonal direction.
-Using Tool type NTSC in Game icon (or -NTSC parameter in the CLI) will force
the game to be launched in NTSC mode.
-Screen width now can go from 320 to 256, to allow for fast ports from other
-Input system has been simplified.
-Frame control redone again to avoid flickering issues and horizontal lines.
-Objects of type shot now follow better the direction of the objects
instantiating them.
-Small change in cursor color.
-Input fields for Object width and height.
-Input fields for HUD object pos X and Y.
-Speed on col trigger now works on angle motion objects.
-When Speed on col is negative does not stick the objects to the ground
-In Settings screen, now it is possible to select the Light theme for REDPILL
user interface.
-FIX: When using grid slice the frame offsets will be assigned automatically
the grid offset.
-FIX: Follow object was always following object 0.
-FIX: Only Vars from page 1 were accessible in the HUD screen.

-The frame control system has been redone, now it is faster and smoother.
-In Audio screen, after playing a sound the duration in seconds of the sound
is displayed.
-FIX: After deleting an object in the level, there was a freeze.
-FIX: games using sound effect were suffering slowdowns

-New triggers Obj Display X and Y to check the position of an object in the
-Palette is shown in the Screen menu.
-FIX: for TileProperties editting requiring FPU God knows why.
-FIX: EHB internal fixes.
-FIX: Possible crash when editing objects with large Icons.

-Extra HalfBrite (EHB) support added. Now you can have 64 colors in ECS games.
-Tile animations are now possible. Anim speed can be changed but for the time
being all animations have the same speed.
-FIX:When no sprites are used, the tile palette is used for the game.
-FIX:issue in Change Tile trigger when used tilesets with borders.
-FIX: issue in Dialogs not showing properly. This only happened in the
exported game.
-FIX: in bar HUD elements.
-Some other minor changes and fixes.

-New action trigger Play Anim 8 to play an animation based in the direction of
the object.
-Play Anim 8 uses 8 anims, starting with the Up/North Animation, and in
clock-wise order. It uses 8 animations.
-New action trigger Play Anim 4 to play an animation based in the direction of
the object.
-Play Anim 4 uses 4 anims, starting with the Up/North Animation, and in
click/wise order. It uses 4 animations.
-In a level, when a background image is used without any tiles placed, the
palette from the image will be used.
-For HUD bar elements, now it is possible to adjust the height of the bar.
-Extra check in Auto Slice to avoid slicing a big image by mistake.
-Level editor map now shows all available area instead of the camera limits
-FIX: Tile properties display fixed when using tiles with border.
-FIX: Fix in export game routines.
-FIX: moving a livel object leaved some trash in the screen.
-FIX: Level editor now can scroll to the bottom of the level.
-FIX: Fix in edit trigger up/down controls, now last trigger is reachable.

-Input buffering for Input Up and Input Fire: Save input for some frames.
Configure it in input screen.
-New condition Grounded that allows Coyote time or edge tolerance.
-Old Grounded and Not Grounded triggers are not invalid but deprecated.
-New action trigger Enable SFX that allows to turn on/off the sound effects in
the game.
-New action trigger Set NTSC to change display to PAL or NTSC.
-In RP Editor the gap between the game display and the editor display has been
-FIX: When changing the level the tab displayed could be wrong.
-FIX: Sprite background was not cleaned properly when loadgin a new project.
-FIX: For games without tiles, the palette was wrong.
-FIX: HUD elements could have some flickering when values changed too fast.

-New Triggers Show Scores and Enter Hiscore add Hi-Score functionality to
-In case of CD32, Enter Hiscore tries to save the scores in the local drive,
if not uses CD32 non-volatile memory. I hope someone can test it :)
-New project ex_hiscores shows how to use these new triggers.
-Fixed issue when exporting games that use image background and sprite
background at the same time.
-Updated Lha compression and now time is right for unpacked files (Until

-RedPill Puzzle by Lemming880 updated with the final release.
-Lumberjack Platform game by Lemming880 updated to the last version.
-Sort by Z trigger has been fixed, thanks to amiman99.
-Exporting had some issues after the map optimization, this has been fixed.
-External text editor has been fixed too.
-Small optimization for games that use 16x16 tiles.

-When exporting games, the level files will be smaller if not all the map
used, or if the map is not used at all.
-In Game Setup, the text edit now supports an external project, configure it
using icon Tooltyper.
-New action trigger Follow Obj <target obj> <speed> that sets up the speeds of
the object to match the targetted object.
-New action trigger Go to <Var> Level to load the level specified in the
valiables <Var>
-New action triggers Input Active to enable and disable player input.
-New condition triggers Input Active to check if player input is enabled or
-Improved checks on boolean values for trigger paramenters.
-Side check code back to older and slower but more robust implementation.
-In Objects screen now it is possible to go directly to one object.
-In Levels screen now it is possible to go directly to one level.
-When exiting the Editor and the Player the REDPILL fonts assignment is now
-Now it is possible to edit the background image of the level with the
external painting program.
-Tile on screen <i> condition trigger added to perform actions for each tile
<i> present on screen.
-Tile on map <i> condition trigger added to perform actions for each tile <i>
present on the level map.
-Move to Level trigger has been renamed to Go to Level.
-Fix for possible memory corruption problems when objects had negative
-Fixed issue with HUD bars and negative values.
-ex_mapenemies project has been added to teach the new triggers.
-Fixed issue when using Enemies collide with enemies option, cells not being
freed after enemy was destroyed.

-Noah game from Sensei-Sama included in the projets.
-Now you can use multiple spritesheets, still when slicing them some frames
can move or be overlapped. To be improved in future versions.
-REDPILL player now supports Version from AmigaOS and -version parameter
-Executable files now use Shrinkler 4.6.
-Now when using RPPlayer from cli if no parameter is given can get it from the
-Audio is restored (faulty in 7.8)
-Optimization: now non visible objects have animation logic deactivated.
-Optimization: less memory used when enemies collide option is not activated.
-Last opened projects logic improved.
-Adding support for number formatting in HUD, use 0s to specify the number of
digits to use.

-All new games will be created in the projects folder. When starting the
editor the main things you can do are creating a new project or loading an old
-Examples folder has been removed.
-Fast loading options have been added to access quickly your last loaded
-Mulipalette example has been added, it shows how to use two different 16
colors tilesets and 16 color sprites in a 32 color game.
-Side X behaviour has been refactored, behaviour could be slightly different.
-Anim Comp condition trigger has been implemented, it can replace Anim is and
Anim is not triggers.
-Anims with loop now allow a Next Anim to be filled, when the looping anim is
stopped it will play the specified next animation.
-Level being edited can now be changed in the Edit Level screen.
-If foreground and background colors chosen in the dialogs are the same the
text color chosen will change.
-An issue when going back from Tiles screen has been fixed.
-Issue with Text Dialogs rendering has been fixed.

-Action triggers have been optimized to speed up the object processing.
-Fixed possible error when using many audio files.
-Fixed game object icons failing to render in exported projects.
-Action trigger animation to angle was not working under certain conditions.
-Optimized memory used by objects when using REDPILLPlayer.
-Optimized chip memory used by objects when using REDPILLPlayer.
-CD32 Red button does not trigger Fire1 anymore.

-Fixed issue where object icons were not visible in runtime.
-Added action trigger to Set Target to closest object of one type.
-Tile solidity properties is now graphically visible in the Tile properties
-Added action trigger Multiply Speed by Var(iable).
-Added action trigger to set a Var(iable) with the count objects of some type.
-Keep on screen trigger moved to the render cathegory.
-Added action trigger Set Display Pos to set the position of an object
relative to the screen.
-Added options in sound screen to remove Sounds and Modules.
-Experimental PlayCD32 trigger improved.

-Added action trigger PlayCD32 to play audio tracks (Experimental).
-Added condition trigger to compare two Vars.
-Fixed CD32 buttons input triggers.
-Changed copper routine to avoid bottom color be displayed on top of the
-HUD fixes in text values.
-Fixes in sprite background loading.
-Follow camera fixes.
-Fix for a bug where some statics objets could be overwritten by instanced
-General bug fixing.

-Please make a backup of your projects before upgrading them to 0.7.4, the
.pill format has changed.
-Camera follow does not follow the object when it is not active in the current
-Force NTSC in Screen menu forces the game to run in NTSC resolution.
-Non visible objects icon is visible now in level edit screen.
-CD32 red button now activates fire1 button.
-Export function now exports less redundant files.
-Scroll coordinates now reset when a level is loaded or reloaded.

-Program stack size increased to 32Kb to avoid unstability and crashes when
using autoslice.
-Sorting and rendering by Z has been recoded to avoid objects disappearing.
-Fix: Screen Flash trigger was not working when HUD was on top.
-File requesters now have a maximum size.
-Fixed an issue preventing from changing Var pages when selecting a Var in the
-Sound module code is now more robust to avoid memory leaks.

-Parts of the HUD were erased under certain circumstances, this has been
-Camera Follow now doesn't follow the Object when it is not active.
-In Grid Slice, an empty frame was considered, reducing the number of
available frames, this has been fixed.
-Set Speed C action triggers now changes the side the Object if facing.
-Set Speed X from var now takes into account the side, if side is left speed X
will be negative.
-Some glitches removed when switching between menus.
-Minor fixes in audio.
-Some other minor fixes.

-Export added in main screen to export the project into an encrypted .redpill
file. This file can only be opened from the Redpill player.
-Export will create a folder named export, this export folder is the
distribution folder of your game.
-Now each map can have its own tileset, the palette will be adapted to the
spritesheet palette if there aren't enough colors available.
-This also means each level now has its own palette saved in a separate file
-Help for triggers is available inside the editor, just select a trigger and
press the Help key. Sadly it is not finishing and not all triggers are
documented, but it will come.
-Condition triggers had a general optimization resulting in faster condition
-Level object screen has been changed to allow editing in a simpler way,
several issues have been fixed.
-Object triggers can be exported to text for easier and global visualization.
-External text editor can be set in the icon, just like the image editor.
-In the HUD, the icon sprite used can be set with either a number or number
-Added manual sprite cut to manually cut frames from a spritesheet.
-Added action trigger Angle to target that sets the GO angle to point the
target, useful for shots and many more.
-Added action trigger Tiled Move <X in tiles> <Y in tiles> to move objects in
-Added action trigger Tiled Push to push other others away when moving objects
with Tiled Move.
-Collision boxes changed to the old (and better) routine.
-Animation frames can now last less than 0.05.
-Tabs added in the level editor screen for faster ediing.
-Minimap tab added to the level editor for quick visualization of tiles and
game objects, and map repositioning.
-Sound Generator added to create new sounds inside the editor, the save
feature uses DataToIff V1.1 - Sound File Conventer - Written by Janne Saarme
-Bouncing example added in the examples directory.
-Pillman game example has been added to the projects folder.
-Red color has been added in the editor for some menus and UI elements.
-Dialog engine noe uses AGA colors when the game is AGA.
-Added protection code to the custom load font, if font is not found it should
not break.
-If the background sprites cannot be loaded then level sprites are
-Frame has been removed from the HUD Bar element
-HUD Bar element now can show timer variables.
-Issue fixed with HUD texts numbers not being erased correctly.
-Fixed issue with triggers Hit->CustomX not working properly.
-Lumberjack platform by Lemming880 has been added to the projects.

-Use the Editor tooltip to choose your IFF paint program, then in tiles and
spritesheet screen you can quickly edit your images.
-Added action trigger New Question <question id> <text> to start a new
-Added action trigger Add Answer <value> <text> to add a new answer to the
started question.
-Added action trigger Ask Question <var>, that will set up a variable with the
value from answer.
-Now it is easier to set up the text to use in Show Text/Dialog.
-Text and Dialogs now stop the other triggers from being processed.
-In Level Objects screen you can use 1 and 2 to quickly move between levels.
-Added extra check to HUD code.
-Added extra checks to LoadSound.
-On load level added extra frame to avoid corrupted graphics.
-Fixed Color 0 being overwritten with certain settings.
-Disabled Blitz2 bitmap out bounds check.

-General trigger processing has been optimized.
-Collision system now uses internal blitz basic collision function.
-Optimized trigger Collides type, it should be much faster.
-Optimized trigger Sort by Z.
-Extra checks added to level editor flood fill.
-For grounded objets to trigger bottom collision every tick now they must have

-Added new action trigger Play SFX L+R to play a sound on all channels.
-Added some wait time after loading sounds to avoid floppy drive stay turned
-Fix for texts being lost after playing the game in the editor.
-Fix for color value in HUD components being assigned to label color.

-Added action trigger Set Z from Y to update Z value of objects based on Y.
The lower in screen is the object the bigger the Z will be (more in front of
-Added action trigger Sort in Z to update rendering of objects based on Z. It
is very unoptimized for now, better not to use it every frame.
-FIX: Fixed a bug in Y scrolling with big maps, introduced in last version.
-FIX: In editor static objects at (0,0) where not active until level editor
was used.
-FIX: Reseting the project before a load to avoid unwanted project
-FIX: Reseting some editor variables when switching or creating a new project.

-Scroll routines are more optimal than in previous version/s.
-Condition Timer not Active has been added.
-Now the Save&Load Checkpoint triggers take into account the level, and will
reload it in case it is necessary.
-Fix in Mutate To trigger, for some cases it was not keeping the old position
-In Animation screen, now you can choose the reference cross to be in the
center or in the bottom.
-In Animation screen, the frame was not refreshing after changing start frame,
this has been fixed.
-Action triggers added to Set Custom Var 0 and Custom Var 1 of objects using
the value of one global var.
-Action triggers added to Increment Custom Var 0 and Custom Var 1 of objects
using the value of one global var.
-Now the global REDPILL settings are saved and loaded.
-Change Tile trigger was been reimplemented to be faster.
-In Game Setup screen you can choose if the timers will use real clock or a
fixed time (classic Amiga way).
-In HUD when using a bar, the filled bar cannot overflow the maximum anymore
-When an object is grounded will trigger a bottom collision.
-Some minor optimization in objects update.
-Fixed screen shake trigger that was not working in certain situations.

-Joystick button reading has been changed as it was behaving oddly in WinUAE.
On real Amiga it was fine.
-Action trigger Recoil has been added.
-In Level editing, multitile grabbing support has been fixed to work fine in
all places of the tileset.
-Spritesheet autoslice was causing a crash in some cases, this has been fixed.
-Spritesheet autoslice now shows progress visually.
-There was a bug on scroll init that in some causes was showing wrong tiles in
the initial screens.
-Added confirmation request when exiting the program.

-About and Settings sections have been merged in Settings.
-New Project now asks for confirmation.
-Only used gameobjects are saved, decreasing the size of the .pill file
-New cursor design
-Added a Clear Map button to clear the current map.
-In Level menu, you can specify the exits of the map in the 4 directions. The
exits point to other level numbers, use -1 to assign no exit.
-Added action trigger Keep on Map to avoid an object getting out of map
-Added action trigger Check Exits to check current object against map
dimensions and it will trigger the change of level.
-Added 4 action triggers Set Exit <X> to modify the level exits.
-Added Impact action trigger to transmit motion impact from one object to the
impacted one.
-Flash Object trigger no longer makes the object blink, it stays in the same
color for the length of the flash.
-Change between levels has been modified to avoid a frame with incorrect
render at the start of the change.
-Added checks to avoid a crash when the system cannot find the tileset file in
the project.

-Fixed issue in ECS machines that could end in a crash.
-Fixed issue with games with multiple songs.
-Fixed issue when overwriting projects that ended making the file bigger than
it should.
-Added delays after reading files to avoid the floppy drive being on when it
should not.
-After starting to play a mod file the Amiga filter is turned off.
-Fixed issue with sprite backgrounds moving at loop speed and showing an

-Added Import text map feature, this is a text file using comma separated
values. tIDE for example uses this format.
-Sprite background code is removed when using a ECS machine. AGA and ECS
projects can use the background, it will not show up in ECS machines.
-Sprite background now loops properly every 256 pixels.
-Sprite background movement is disabled during dialogs.
-Added the possibility to allow the sprite backgrond to be affected by camera
movement, this value could be fractional.
-Fixed bug when going from a level with sprite backgeround to one without.

-To ease delevopment trigger parameters will show static or not static objects
depending on the trigger support.
-Animation screen has been improved with step by step controls (keys 1 and 2).
-In animation screen use space to play/stop the animation.
-Background independent scroll is supported with Amiga sprites. This feature
is still experimental and background image must be a 256x256 4 colors image.
Astro project shows this feature.
-Borders wont show anymore the background copper effect (ECS only).
-Objects menu has a different color, another test.
-Volume request has been disabled, this could help to prevent a crash when
loading the project and paths have changed.
-Fixed bug with parameters being messed up when deleting a trigger.
-Mirror game added to the package.

-Added support for song modules compressed in PowerPacker.
-Added Fade In and Fade Out action trigggers.
-Added On Fade Out condition to trigger something when fade is complete.
-Fixed a graphics glitch at the start of the games.
-Some fixes in scroll routines.
-Small changes that could make the game unstable.

-Added volume settings for the songs in the audio menu.
-Added condition triggers Collides Player X and Collides Player Y to check
only one dimension.
-Added action trigger Change Type to change type of object.
-Platform code modified to avoid unwanted behaviour in certain conditions.
-Scroll code modified to avoid certain artifacts and some problems with tiles
of 24 pixels.

-If camera target changes more than one screen of distance instead of a
travelling the camera moves immediatly to the target.
-Between two frames the scroll is going to move half of a tile at most.
-Scroll speed has been optimized.
-Bug on the top tile row when scrolling up has been fixed.
-Action Set var trigger when used in booleans will change UI of the parameter
to suit boolean values
-Condition trigger Var True fixed because curiosly it was failing with
-Added action triggers Load/Save/Reset checkpoint that will load/save the
object position.
-New action trigger Change Tiles will change every the tiles in the area of
the game object.
-Fixed a bug in the Level Object screen where some collision boxes where
displayed in incorrect locations.
-A new trigger WallJump has been added to the triggers library.
-Changed and fixed in the show text/dialog engine.
-Basic_platformer game example has been updated.

-Added a sound volume setting for each sfx in the audio screen.
-Added flags to gameobjects to allow them to be awaken or processed only when
they are in the screen.
-For awaken objects there is a flag to put them to sleep when they are out of
the screen.
-Render processing now should be faster for objects not inside the screen.
-Now it is possible to delete any trigger, not just the last one.
-Added Save and Load options for a single trigger.
-Fixed dialogs not properly aligned when HUD was not enabled.
-Fixed a missing pixel line when the sprite was in certain positions in big
-SetPos to Obj trigger was repeteated twice, duplicity has been removed.
-IncPos trigger was missing, it has been added back.
-Load and save triggers filename extension were inconsistent, it has been

-First alpha release.
-Debug files RedPillPlayerDebug and RedPillEditorDebug have been removed.
-File format has changed, and old projects need to be updated. Backup your
project, load it and save it again to upgrade it.
-Instead of a single file, levels of the project are save in individual files.
Each level now has its own file, maximum number of levels has been increased
from 10 to 100.
-In Level Editor, now you have a reload level option in case you want to
discard your changes.
-Each project now contains a text file too. Game texts for now are only used
in Show Text and Show Dialog triggers.
-Number of animations increased from 32 to 64.
-Scroll routine has been optimized, now it uses much less cpu.
-Triggers have cathegories to find them easier: General, Input, Vars, Objects,
Cinematic, Map, Render, and Audio.
-Objects can have a parent object, in that case their position will be
dependant on the parent object.
-For an object with Parent you can specify the offset in X and Y, also if is
if affected by parent direction (lateral or 360).
-Triggers to manipulate parent properties: Set parent, Unset Parent and Parent
-Added trigger to Blink a game object for a number of frames.
-Added trigger to Flash a game object for a number of frames.
-REDPILL exe files are now packed with Shrinkler to reduce its filesize.
-When no trigger is selected, now it goes back to trigger screen instead of
going back to object screen.
-REDPILL player logo is now animated.
-Action Trigger Mutate to <gameobject> allows a gameobject to transform to
another type, use with caution.
-Action Trigger Keep On Screen to avoid objects get out of the screen.
-Hud on top has been implemented.
-Added triggers to turn Hud On and Hud off.
-HUD now supports a background image, you can add it in the HUD screen.
-HUD Labels and HUD values can be set to a color.
-HUD Labels now can be a text or an icon.
-HUD Values now can be a text, an icon or a bar.
-Game Object icons now support values up to 254.
-Text display triggers with/out title and with support for  multiple pages,
show Text for only text and Show Dialog for title + text.
-This versions contains an Amigaguide file that in the future will contain
REDPILL documentation.
-Fixed a bug when using Once condition trigger.
-Allowing negative render coordinates.
-Action trigger Keep On Screen added to keep a game object inside the screen.
-When an object collides with a ramp now it is considered a bottom collision
and will trigger collision triggers.

-You can set now Z of the objects to set the drawing order. The lower the
number the later they will be drawn.
-Added condition Trigger On Level Load that will be activated each time a
level is loaded.
-Added action trigger Halt Triggers that will stop trigger execution in that
object. This is useful for example to prevent objects outside screen to check
all triggers and waste CPU.
-Play Mod action trigger added to play 4 channel mods. Old trigger has been
renamed to Play Mod+SFX.
-Added Hit>Set Custom1/2 action triggers to set custom vars of the object
being hit by current object.
-Added Hit>Inc Custom1/2 action triggers to increase custom vars of the object
being hit by current object.
-Fixed bug that prevented color 0 being overwritten when using background
-Fixed bug that prevented rest of actions in a trigger being executed after a
level change.
-Added example trigger with 4 directions control.
-Game was not correctly loaded when it was in the path root, for example in
DF0: this is now fixed.
-Error message is displayed when Redpillplayer cannot find the path to the
-Fixed bug in Level screen that prevented objects being displayed when they
were at coordinates x=0 or y=0.

-Triggers folder now contains some basic examples for triggers. We start with
a 8 direction trigger for top-down games and a jump trigger for side view
-Fixed issue with some static objects being lost when changing levels if they
have been deactivated.
-Fixed issue that prevented the correct animation being shown for some objects
when changing levels.

-In input screen now it is possible to decide if object follows only X or Y
axis when using mouse.
-Position 0 limit for X and Y coordinates has dissapeared. But minimum drawing
coordinates are still 0.
-New action trigger Set position to Object position to make the position of
one object equal to another one.
-Fixed Action triggers Instantiate X, Instantiate Y, and Instantiate XY.
-Instantiate XY uses parameter one for Object and parameter two for X and Y
coordinates. X and Y will be the same.
-ECS screen setups now uses less copper operations (internal change).
-Audio can be disabled in the Editor using the Settings menu.
-Change tile trigger reimplemented.
-Fix: Time to live counters are resetted when instantiating objects.
-Fix: Changing level now resets the values of dynamic objects.
-Fix: Move to level now resets the tile map of the level.
-Momospace project updated.

-Added action trigger to set a random value to Custom Object var 1.
-Added action trigger to set a random value to Custom Object var 2.
-Added action trigger to set a random value to Custom Object timer.
-Fixed a bug when detecting if joystick buttons were released
-Fixed UI bug that caused a change in the action when changing second
parameter of a condition.

-You can select the font to be used in the game inside the Game Setup menu.
-Objects now have Custom1 and Custom2 vars that can be used for energy,
health, shots, etc.
-Condition and action triggers have been added to set, modify and check the
object custom vars.
-A custom timer has been added too, use Set GO Timer to start it, and GO Timer
Trig to check if it has been triggered.
-Options key is now supported, condition trigger added to check its status.
-When enabling and disabling HUD objects, HUD will be cleaned up only if a
change has been done.
-Fixed a bug in RedPillPlayer when using tooltypes that prevented the games
from starting.
-Fixed a bug in RedPillPlayer causing Reload level to act like Restart level.

-Added CD32 pad support, triggers added to read Play/Pause, Forward, Reverse,
Green, Yellow, Red and Blue buttons.
-Added NTSC support.

-Input menu has been implemented, now you can change game keys or use mouse
-Mouse input implemented, for now it is limited to games without scrolling.
-Joy button implementation is now completed.
-Number of Globals that can be used has been increased from 14 to 32.
-Added condition trigger Anim is not [animation].
-Action trigger Time to live [time] to destroy an object after a certain time
is now implemented.
-Added action trigger to screenshake[force][time] screen.
-Added action trigger to flash[color] screen.
-Added action trigger to set a Global value with the value of another one.
-Added action trigger to add the value of a Global to another one.
-Added action trigger Set Global RND [number] to set up a Global with a random
number from 0 to [number].
-Added action trigger Inc Pos[x][y] to move manually the position of an
-Added Instantiate X[x], Instantiate Y[y] and Instantiate XY[x][y] to
instantiate objects at the desired position have been added.
-Autoflip routine is now more robust to avoid crashes.
-Routine to check collisions has more checks to avoid crashes.
-Solved bug in Collides With Object trigger.
-Scroll routine has been optimized, still not super fast.
-Gameobject trigger execution time has been optimized.
-OK button has been moved for some screens to avoid button overlapping.
-Redpill puzzle game by Lemming880 has been added.
-Basic platformer example project has been added.
-Basic shooter example project has been added.
-Pang and pacman projects have been removed.

-Maximum number of frames increased from 100 to 320.
-Platform code has been reviewed to avoid artifacts.
-Project spritesheet is loaded on project loading, no need to reload it ecah
-Bigger default camera limits, full map limit as default.
-Scroll is now working on the tile selection screen and tile properties
-Sprite sheet slices are less prone to crash the program when something
unexpected happens.
-Added action trigger to set a game object visible or not.
-Fixed a bug on angle initializing causing some objects to start on incorrect
-Fixed a bug that was showing different frame offsets between the animation
screen and the runtime.

-Games from the RedPill game competition by Amiga Wave have been included:
MomoSpace by Tecniman and Amiga Racing by Juande3050.
-Support for big maps, now map are 84x84 tiles by default. You can modify
maximum width and height in the Edit Map screen.
-You can use shift key to speed up movement when moving around the level for
-Ramps are back! Ramp up and down at 45 degrees.
-Platform code was not working as intended, object was colliding as if it was
solid. It is now fixed.
-Tiled binary imported allows to read tilemaps made with Tiled. You must
convert them to binary first.
-Added condition triggers Is on Screen and Is off screen to check if the
GameObject is inside the game screen.
-Added contition trigger to check the current level.
-Added action triggers to set the Camera position and to increment the Camera
-Frame displayed now changes immediatly when changing frame in animation
-Offset line helpers in Animation Screen now go to the end of the screen.
-Added clear option in HUD screen to clear variables used by labels.
-Camera is now reseted when starting the game or when changing a level.
-When a GameObject is not enabled in the current level it is showed in black
in the Level Edit screen.
-Angular code is not recalculated every frame, this should help to increase
-Fixed a bug with tiles bigger than index 127.
-Set of different fixes for the HUD.
-Fixed a bug causing a crash in ECS machines with projects being created in
AGA machines.

-In Animation Menu offset of each frame can now be changed by dragging the
image with the mouse.
-In game setup you can select if you want enemies to collide against other
enemies to avoid them using the same space.
-Edit Level has been renamed to edit map, map now only refers to the level
-Background image in map edit screen can now be removed using the new Remove
-Load map and Save map features have been added.
-Added a condition trigger to check tiles with a comparison. Old one is keep
for compatibility.
-Added condition trigger to check if tile is solid. Parameters are the offset
in X or Y to check adjacent tiles.
-Added condition trigger to check if tile is not solid. Parameters are the
offset in X or Y to check adjacent tiles.
-Added action trigger to go to the next level (this sounded epic).
-Added action trigger to reload trigger. Right now it does the same as restart
level, but in the future reload will reset the tile status of the map.
-Added action trigger to change Display Offset of the object.
-Added action trigger to change Size of the object collision box. Use it with
-Animation player in animation screen now takes into consideration the target
frame rate of the game.
-Tile border parameter for the tilesets is working again.
-Fix for the issue causing past keys to be written when clicking on an edit
-Fixed a graphic glitch when changing levels both in the editor and the
-Fixed an issue with condition parameters not being edited correctly.
-Fixed an issue causing a crash when using a background image for the level
without tileset.
-Fixed a glitch when going from animation screen to the main screen.

-Trigger execution point has been changed back to the place it had in 0.4.x
-Scroll update routines are only called when there is scroll, it should speed
up games without scrolling.
-RedPillPlayer filesize has been greatly optimized, it is half than before.
-Amiblitz Int compile optimization has been turned on, but I noticed no
-Fix for a bug that blocked object movement when collisions were not activated
for that object.
-Fix for custom font not being included in previous version.
-Pacman project updated with target FPS set to 50.

-Main feature of this release is that now it uses advanced scrolling
implementation. This will allow RedPill games to make use of larger maps in
the future v0.5.x versions. It also allows RedPill to use less ChipRam. This
could lead to some bugs that will
be fixed in next versions. Look at ScrollingTrick.lha in Aminet to know more
about the implementation.
-Now multiple tile changes can happen in every frame.
-Object rendering has been changed too, BBlits are no longer used.
-Projects now have a target frame rate in the Game Setup screen: 50 fps, 25
fps, 17 fps, 12 fps. Default is 25 fps.
-Angular phyics have been redone with a more robust implementation. Shot type
objects now can follow the same direction of the object Instantiating them.
-Collisions have been changed again to be more optimal and perfect.A side
effect is that ramp collisions are lost in this version, they will be back
-Frame offsets have been added: Now you can modify the display offset by
-Grid slice has been optimized, now shapes are trimmed to its visible size.
-Animations are now changed once per frame and now everytime a PlayAnim
trigger is triggered.
-Stop Anim trigger does not need a parameter anymore.
-Temp files that are stored on ram: when playing from editor now use a common
-Custom font is being used in the editor.
-Debug info removed from tile properties screen.
-File names in tileset menu and sprites menu are truncated if length of name
is too big.
-Fixed a bug that made not possible to modify condition parameters in lines
-Fix in calculate map dimensions.
-Fixed bug in Target Distance trigger.

-In Screen menu now you can set up the background color and also the copper
rainbow color to use.
-Triggers can now be copy & pasted.
-In the camera settings now you can select the object to follow.
-Added shortcurts to go to the first and last triggers.
-Added condition trigger to know if a certain animation is playing.
-Added condition trigger to check if animation is in a certain frame.
-Added condition trigger to check if animation has reached the end.
-Added action triggers to change the background color and also the rainbow
color (start and end color).
-Added action trigger to change the object the camera is following.
-Animation values can be edited directly typing the values.
-Fix for a crash that happened when playing with grid and autoslice.

-To exit a game now you have to use ESC key instead of the right mouse button.
-Camera parameter Camera Forward Focus allows to change how forward the camera
moves towards where the player is facing.
-Camera parameter Camera Smoothing adds delay to the camera movement, the
higher the value the smoother it will be.
-New condition triggers to check object speed X and speed Y values.
-New condition triggers to check object angle and the speed on that angle.
-On Level Objects screen clicking anywhere on the screen shows the position on
the status bar.
-On Level Objects screen Object position can be set directly using the edit
-When entering Level Objects screen the first game Object is centered on
-When grabbing objects on Level Objects screen now the offset where you click
is taken into account.
-New project now cleans all the bitmaps from the previous loaded project.
-New action trigger to change Objects weight.
-New action trigger to change overall gravity.
-New condition trigger to check distance to target object.
-More than one level tile can be changed per frame when using Change Tile
-Collision routines have been greatly optimized.
-Fix for game display being erased everytime screen changed.
-Fix for calculate dimensions returning a value one tile short.
-Fixed tiles on the right and bottom of the level not being rendered.
-Galaga project updated with Nobody's work.Pacman project updated too.

-On the level editor, you can select more than one tile using mouse drag.
-Calculate level limits now works instead of returning maximum size.
-Camera takes into account level limits as camera limits.
-Set target trigger now uses a game object parameter instead of a number.
-Redpill logo is erased once an action takes place, just cosmetic issue.
-Fixed graphic issue when HUD values are updated.
-Fixed possible issue when changing between levels.
-Fixed incorrect collisions when using non static objects.
-Pacman and Galaga examples have been updated. Thanks to Nobody from EAB for
the changes to Galaga.

-Gadget for string values has been recoded to avoid the need of an FPU.
-Levels now have dimensions to avoid unwanted camera scroll.

-Tiles can have 3 shapes: Normal, Ramp Up and Ramp Down. Define them in the
Tiles screen.
-Audio: Amiga Mods can be played. Define them in the audio menu and use Play
Mod trigger to play them. They are loaded at play moment, it is better to play
them once at the start of the level.
-Audio: Amiga IFF sounds can be played. Define them in the audio menu and use
Play Sound trigger to play them.
-Sprite color Remap now gives an error message when failing.
-Sprite generation from sprite sheets is more robust.
-Physics and platform code has been redone (again) to support the new tile
-GameObjects process has been slightly optimized.
-When editting values the previous value is not lost anymore.
-When editing levels now you can use F to flood fill the current tile.

-ECS is supported, 1MB of Chip Ram is required to run RedPill Player, plus
some Fast Ram.
-Settings menu has been added, there can be configured if collision boxes are
displayed when playing a game (F1 while playing does the same).
-In Game Setup menu you can set up the Gravity for the game.
-GameObjects now have a friction parameter that defines how speed changes when
object collides. "Speed on col" trigger can be used to change it during
-Collision functions have been improved to avoid unwanted crashes.
-Blit buffers have been reduced to consume less chip memory.
-When RedPill is executed on an ECS machine, less chip memory is used for the
-Now less objects are drawn when they are not on screen.
-Objects of type Shot now die when they collide with another object and
collision is being checked.
-Side X condition trigger has been added to check if object is looking left or

-Player 2 input is now available. In input triggers you can select the input
to use (Player 1 - Amiga Port 1, Player 2 - Amiga Port 0)
-Collision system has been greatly improved, now they are edge based instead
of point based. Also after a collision the object repositions until it is in a
valid position.
-Screen parameters are now saved
-Angular parameter can now be used using the triggers "Set Angle", "Inc
Angle", "Set Thrust", "Inc Trust"
-Animation can be mapped to the angle of the object using the play animation
by angle trigger
-New Condition Trigger to check if a Timer is active
-New Condition Triggers to check if the object hit a collision on the left,
right, top or down edges.
-Improved implementation of the Change Tile Action Trigger, but for now only
supports one.
-New Action Trigger "Speed on col" that scales the speed of the object in the
axis the collision was detected. Parameter set to 0 will set the speed to 0, 1
will leave it as it was, -1 will inverse the speed.
-UI feeback for buttons is back
-New Gravity like game example
-New Pacman like game example

-For now the possibility to have more than one sprite sheet has been removed.
-Animations now have a label to make them easier to identify
-Initial level in game setup now works!
-When an animation has a mirror anim, you can see it at the same time than the
current animation.
-Triggers using animations as parametersnow use animation name and helper
-Triggers using objects as parameters now use objects name and helper selector
-New triggers Set position X and Set position Y
-Fixed issue where non enabled objects were visible in the level edit screen
-Fixed issue when changing level in runtime background was not refreshed
-Fixed issue with relative paths when using background images
-Fixed issue preventing the trigger comparisons to use the parameter <> "not

-Initial Pre-alpha release.

Contents of dev/misc/REDPILLGameCreator.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                   2372    2926  81.1% -lh5- db31 Oct 28  2023
[Amiga]                   4667    8940  52.2% -lh5- 8fc7 Aug 15  2023 REDPILL/bitmapfonts/RayOfHope2_MiniFont.iff
[Amiga]                   1706    1906  89.5% -lh5- d5b9 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                   1705    1906  89.5% -lh5- dcdb Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/
[Amiga]                    532    1182  45.0% -lh5- 102e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/actiontriggers.htm
[Amiga]                   1298    5101  25.4% -lh5- 3468 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/conditiontriggers.htm
[Amiga]                   1020    2086  48.9% -lh5- fa97 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/distribution.htm
[Amiga]                    793    2736  29.0% -lh5- 5c78 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/main.htm
[Amiga]                   1983    2151  92.2% -lh5- 1dab Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/
[Amiga]                    538    1072  50.2% -lh5- ae81 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/overview.htm
[Amiga]                    709    1460  48.6% -lh5- 1550 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/play.htm
[Amiga]                   1130    2529  44.7% -lh5- ac7d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_animation.htm
[Amiga]                    591    1202  49.2% -lh5- 9532 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_audio.htm
[Amiga]                   1425    2925  48.7% -lh5- a807 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_game.htm
[Amiga]                    834    1663  50.2% -lh5- 2f6e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_globals.htm
[Amiga]                    784    1554  50.5% -lh5- 01c3 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_hud.htm
[Amiga]                    701    1371  51.1% -lh5- b480 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_input.htm
[Amiga]                   2124    5059  42.0% -lh5- d634 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_levelobjects.htm
[Amiga]                    853    1682  50.7% -lh5- cf53 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_levelprops.htm
[Amiga]                   1427    3157  45.2% -lh5- 79f8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_objects.htm
[Amiga]                    627    1262  49.7% -lh5- 0c56 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_profiler.htm
[Amiga]                   1140    2278  50.0% -lh5- c9f3 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_screen.htm
[Amiga]                    694    1367  50.8% -lh5- 960f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_settings.htm
[Amiga]                   1235    2877  42.9% -lh5- 75f4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_spritesheet.htm
[Amiga]                   1062    2186  48.6% -lh5- 1bfb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/screen_tiles.htm
[Amiga]                    681    1377  49.5% -lh5- d640 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/main/start.htm
[Amiga]                   1704    1906  89.4% -lh5- f93f Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/
[Amiga]                   2616    9041  28.9% -lh5- fe8d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/actions.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1036  49.7% -lh5- deb9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/activate_timer.htm
[Amiga]                    585    1174  49.8% -lh5- ab6c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/add_answer.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1042  51.3% -lh5- 87ab Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/always.htm
[Amiga]                    532    1060  50.2% -lh5- 133a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/angle_from_8dir.htm
[Amiga]                    538    1108  48.6% -lh5- 6c3c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/angle_is.htm
[Amiga]                    578    1154  50.1% -lh5- 6dd4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/angle_to_target.htm
[Amiga]                    561    1152  48.7% -lh5- 3c50 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/anim_comp.htm
[Amiga]                    555    1141  48.6% -lh5- 3b3b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/anim_finishes.htm
[Amiga]                    519    1047  49.6% -lh5- 359c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/anim_frame_is.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1095  48.1% -lh5- 84e0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/anim_is.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1066  49.4% -lh5- 9bbd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/anim_is_not.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1057  49.9% -lh5- bc91 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/answer.htm
[Amiga]                    564    1129  50.0% -lh5- 2244 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/ask_question.htm
[Amiga]                    548    1105  49.6% -lh5- e0d1 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/attach_offset.htm
[Amiga]                    613    1230  49.8% -lh5- e6cc Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/attach_to.htm
[Amiga]                    534    1074  49.7% -lh5- 3b4c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/attach_to_collision.htm
[Amiga]                    541    1094  49.5% -lh5- 16ac Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/camera_follow.htm
[Amiga]                    532    1072  49.6% -lh5- 9a2a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/camera_inc.htm
[Amiga]                    523    1061  49.3% -lh5- 3240 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/camera_pos.htm
[Amiga]                    548    1107  49.5% -lh5- a439 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cam_follow_me.htm
[Amiga]                    542    1082  50.1% -lh5- 66eb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cam_pos_x.htm
[Amiga]                    544    1092  49.8% -lh5- 0f90 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cam_pos_y.htm
[Amiga]                    576    1153  50.0% -lh5- 6d33 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/can_anim_start.htm
[Amiga]                    559    1126  49.6% -lh5- 2d7c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_blue.htm
[Amiga]                    558    1137  49.1% -lh5- 79c5 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_forward.htm
[Amiga]                    557    1133  49.2% -lh5- 2dbc Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_green.htm
[Amiga]                    560    1130  49.6% -lh5- 64bf Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_play.htm
[Amiga]                    554    1121  49.4% -lh5- f96f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_red.htm
[Amiga]                    558    1135  49.2% -lh5- e29b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_reverse.htm
[Amiga]                    554    1126  49.2% -lh5- 8ec6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd32_yellow.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1073  49.9% -lh5- bd60 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cd_playing.htm
[Amiga]                    570    1125  50.7% -lh5- 0973 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_icon.htm
[Amiga]                    549    1113  49.3% -lh5- b182 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_offset.htm
[Amiga]                    548    1107  49.5% -lh5- e141 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_size.htm
[Amiga]                    513    1035  49.6% -lh5- a850 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_tile.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1074  49.8% -lh5- ee0c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_tiles.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1065  49.3% -lh5- 6aa6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_tiles_properties.htm
[Amiga]                    519    1062  48.9% -lh5- 0996 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_tile_properties.htm
[Amiga]                    511    1033  49.5% -lh5- 9c57 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/change_type.htm
[Amiga]                    570    1134  50.3% -lh5- c41e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/check_exits.htm
[Amiga]                    562    1172  48.0% -lh5- 435a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_h_wall.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1079  49.4% -lh5- 4a8c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_in_x.htm
[Amiga]                    536    1083  49.5% -lh5- 92ff Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_in_y.htm
[Amiga]                    617    1262  48.9% -lh5- 3e08 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_obj.htm
[Amiga]                    545    1095  49.8% -lh5- dea8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_player.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1054  50.0% -lh5- 21c4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_target.htm
[Amiga]                    569    1149  49.5% -lh5- 91cb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_type.htm
[Amiga]                    553    1136  48.7% -lh5- 7e6e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/collides_wall.htm
[Amiga]                    578    1193  48.4% -lh5- 7845 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/col_obj_count.htm
[Amiga]                    584    1202  48.6% -lh5- ed6c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/col_type_count.htm
[Amiga]                   1615    5229  30.9% -lh5- 3017 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/conditions.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1054  49.9% -lh5- 7351 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/contains_tile.htm
[Amiga]                    644    1282  50.2% -lh5- 5b6d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/contains_tile_tag.htm
[Amiga]                    602    1239  48.6% -lh5- 6468 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/countdown.htm
[Amiga]                    622    1259  49.4% -lh5- 5804 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/count_tile.htm
[Amiga]                    557    1107  50.3% -lh5- 8c22 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/count_tile_tag.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1040  49.5% -lh5- 9265 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/count_type.htm
[Amiga]                    571    1126  50.7% -lh5- 48bb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/cpu_is.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1072  49.9% -lh5- 8e96 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/custom1_to_var.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1072  49.9% -lh5- b537 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/custom2_to_var.htm
[Amiga]                    510    1025  49.8% -lh5- ae87 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/deactivate.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1049  50.0% -lh5- ce64 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/destroy.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1053  49.9% -lh5- 9ed6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/destroy_child(ren).htm
[Amiga]                    506    1030  49.1% -lh5- 65fd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/detach.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1070  49.8% -lh5- f33c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/display_ready.htm
[Amiga]                    597    1205  49.5% -lh5- 8584 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/dist_to_target.htm
[Amiga]                    555    1133  49.0% -lh5- 2d3e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/emit_particle.htm
[Amiga]                    604    1207  50.0% -lh5- cc3f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/enter_hiscore.htm
[Amiga]                    507    1016  49.9% -lh5- 1c5c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/fade_in.htm
[Amiga]                    503    1014  49.6% -lh5- c5d6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/fade_out.htm
[Amiga]                    551    1120  49.2% -lh5- 0352 Aug  5 21:31 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/follow_obj.htm
[Amiga]                    587    1180  49.7% -lh5- 635a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/follow_obj_8_dir.htm
[Amiga]                    565    1145  49.3% -lh5- d9e9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/follow_obj_free.htm
[Amiga]                    553    1114  49.6% -lh5- d2fc Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/frame_by_angle.htm
[Amiga]                    566    1134  49.9% -lh5- 76aa Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/frame_is.htm
[Amiga]                    590    1171  50.4% -lh5- 0c2a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/free_tile.htm
[Amiga]                    579    1201  48.2% -lh5- 1d0e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/from_editor.htm
[Amiga]                    528    1055  50.0% -lh5- fb1c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/fx_mask.htm
[Amiga]                    524    1043  50.2% -lh5- 78b7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/fx_value.htm
[Amiga]                    504    1019  49.5% -lh5- c456 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/global_to_spd_x.htm
[Amiga]                    500    1015  49.3% -lh5- 2c8c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/global_to_spd_y.htm
[Amiga]                    528    1052  50.2% -lh5- e44c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_blink.htm
[Amiga]                    563    1127  50.0% -lh5- 733f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_custom1_is.htm
[Amiga]                    561    1127  49.8% -lh5- b167 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_custom2_is.htm
[Amiga]                    532    1067  49.9% -lh5- 53bd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_flash.htm
[Amiga]                    550    1095  50.2% -lh5- 5384 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_timer_trig.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1058  49.7% -lh5- 6d0d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_to_<var>_level.htm
[Amiga]                    568    1140  49.8% -lh5- e930 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/go_to_level.htm
[Amiga]                    639    1327  48.2% -lh5- 19ce Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/grounded.htm
[Amiga]                    496    1003  49.5% -lh5- a6da Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/halt_triggers.htm
[Amiga]                    536    1102  48.6% -lh5- ff28 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/has_col_down.htm
[Amiga]                    540    1118  48.3% -lh5- afb8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/has_col_left.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1116  47.8% -lh5- 29fe Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/has_col_right.htm
[Amiga]                    536    1116  48.0% -lh5- caf6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/has_col_up.htm
[Amiga]                    491    1013  48.5% -lh5- 95d0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hit>inc_custom1.htm
[Amiga]                    496    1009  49.2% -lh5- f3c1 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hit>inc_custom2.htm
[Amiga]                    490    1013  48.4% -lh5- 7dc4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hit>set_custom1.htm
[Amiga]                    492    1013  48.6% -lh5- 370c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hit>set_custom2.htm
[Amiga]                    508    1016  50.0% -lh5- 0011 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hitstop.htm
[Amiga]                    519    1042  49.8% -lh5- cb1d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hudlabel_off.htm
[Amiga]                    528    1058  49.9% -lh5- 9b2f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hudlabel_on.htm
[Amiga]                    542    1067  50.8% -lh5- ceb0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hud_off.htm
[Amiga]                    547    1076  50.8% -lh5- 92bb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hud_on.htm
[Amiga]                    633    1263  50.1% -lh5- 6b36 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/hud_refresh.htm
[Amiga]                    554    1136  48.8% -lh5- 1917 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/idle.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1024  50.3% -lh5- 4907 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/impact.htm
[Amiga]                    623    1262  49.4% -lh5- c040 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_angle.htm
[Amiga]                    524    1074  48.8% -lh5- 5c54 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_c1_with_var.htm
[Amiga]                    530    1062  49.9% -lh5- 9c25 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_c2_with_var.htm
[Amiga]                    488     997  48.9% -lh5- ab21 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_custom1.htm
[Amiga]                    493     999  49.3% -lh5- fe5a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_custom2.htm
[Amiga]                    494    1003  49.3% -lh5- 2476 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_pos.htm
[Amiga]                    523    1049  49.9% -lh5- 1006 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_thrust.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1034  49.8% -lh5- 4eea Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_var.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1074  49.8% -lh5- 30a9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inc_var_with_var.htm
[Amiga]                    551    1094  50.4% -lh5- f0dd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_active.htm
[Amiga]                    568    1149  49.4% -lh5- 8a94 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_down.htm
[Amiga]                    570    1156  49.3% -lh5- 07d5 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_fire_1.htm
[Amiga]                    583    1165  50.0% -lh5- b943 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_fire_2.htm
[Amiga]                    596    1219  48.9% -lh5- 389a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_left.htm
[Amiga]                    546    1097  49.8% -lh5- 4709 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_options.htm
[Amiga]                    566    1149  49.3% -lh5- ce08 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_right.htm
[Amiga]                    566    1143  49.5% -lh5- 1319 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/input_up.htm
[Amiga]                    546    1104  49.5% -lh5- 38af Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inst._attached.htm
[Amiga]                    593    1200  49.4% -lh5- 945b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/instantiate.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1057  49.8% -lh5- 16a2 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/instantiatexy.htm
[Amiga]                    593    1197  49.5% -lh5- 8daf Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/instantiate_4_dir.htm
[Amiga]                    532    1075  49.5% -lh5- 1f4e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/instantiate_x.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1069  49.1% -lh5- e0a1 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/instantiate_y.htm
[Amiga]                    520    1043  49.9% -lh5- 8ff4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inv_speed_x.htm
[Amiga]                    517    1037  49.9% -lh5- 49e7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/inv_speed_y.htm
[Amiga]                    518    1033  50.1% -lh5- 3e64 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/is_aga.htm
[Amiga]                    529    1056  50.1% -lh5- 802a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/is_attached.htm
[Amiga]                    612    1238  49.4% -lh5- 4534 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/is_net_remote.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1047  50.2% -lh5- 15eb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/is_ntsc.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1067  49.4% -lh5- fa5a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/is_off_screen.htm
[Amiga]                    528    1070  49.3% -lh5- 11e2 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/is_on_screen.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1044  50.3% -lh5- e0fc Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/keep_on_map.htm
[Amiga]                    518    1039  49.9% -lh5- 5e1a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/keep_on_screen.htm
[Amiga]                    514    1043  49.3% -lh5- 8413 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/level#_to_var.htm
[Amiga]                    624    1278  48.8% -lh5- 69c5 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/level_is.htm
[Amiga]                    494     993  49.7% -lh5- cc11 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/load_bitmap.htm
[Amiga]                    518    1070  48.4% -lh5- 0734 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/load_checkpoint.htm
[Amiga]                    554    1114  49.7% -lh5- a53a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/load_vars.htm
[Amiga]                    477     967  49.3% -lh5- 2b9c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/main.htm
[Amiga]                   1983    2151  92.2% -lh5- 1dab Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/
[Amiga]                    519    1033  50.2% -lh5- e74c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/mod_e8.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1063  49.6% -lh5- 113c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/move_to_col.htm
[Amiga]                    518    1041  49.8% -lh5- 1b3f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/mul_speed_var.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1075  49.6% -lh5- be0e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/mul_var.htm
[Amiga]                    491     995  49.3% -lh5- 76b7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/mutate_to.htm
[Amiga]                    529    1064  49.7% -lh5- 86b2 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/net_connect.htm
[Amiga]                    641    1255  51.1% -lh5- 4769 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/never.htm
[Amiga]                    654    1312  49.8% -lh5- ad60 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/new_question.htm
[Amiga]                    549    1095  50.1% -lh5- 3217 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/next_level.htm
[Amiga]                    611    1204  50.7% -lh5- 0b02 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/norm_spd45.htm
[Amiga]                    560    1111  50.4% -lh5- 8520 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/nothing.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1098  47.9% -lh5- d7dd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/not_grounded.htm
[Amiga]                    550    1111  49.5% -lh5- 0e3d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/obj_count.htm
[Amiga]                    542    1093  49.6% -lh5- 84cd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/obj_display_x.htm
[Amiga]                    548    1103  49.7% -lh5- 2faa Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/obj_display_y.htm
[Amiga]                    558    1127  49.5% -lh5- f3fa Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/obj_type_count.htm
[Amiga]                    599    1213  49.4% -lh5- 9d51 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/once.htm
[Amiga]                    534    1071  49.9% -lh5- 2c13 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/on_fadeout_over.htm
[Amiga]                    537    1097  49.0% -lh5- 4b91 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/on_landed.htm
[Amiga]                    583    1194  48.8% -lh5- ddab Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/on_level_load.htm
[Amiga]                    532    1059  50.2% -lh5- f6bd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/on_net_connect.htm
[Amiga]                    571    1161  49.2% -lh5- d742 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/orbitate_parent.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1061  49.5% -lh5- 2f00 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/overwrite_color.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1067  49.4% -lh5- cf66 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/overwrite_gradient.htm
[Amiga]                    500    1007  49.7% -lh5- 933b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_anim.htm
[Amiga]                    603    1215  49.6% -lh5- 20e1 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_animangle.htm
[Amiga]                    595    1168  50.9% -lh5- b955 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_anim_4.htm
[Amiga]                    595    1166  51.0% -lh5- ee57 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_anim_8.htm
[Amiga]                    523    1048  49.9% -lh5- b5a8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_cd32.htm
[Amiga]                    550    1092  50.4% -lh5- 535f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_mod+sfx.htm
[Amiga]                    497    1008  49.3% -lh5- 4681 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_mod.htm
[Amiga]                    541    1084  49.9% -lh5- 9010 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_sfx_l+r.htm
[Amiga]                    588    1175  50.0% -lh5- c212 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_sfx_rnd.htm
[Amiga]                    522    1050  49.7% -lh5- a9ab Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/play_sound.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1081  49.3% -lh5- c33e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/position_x.htm
[Amiga]                    537    1087  49.4% -lh5- a69a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/position_y.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1056  49.9% -lh5- 0bbd Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/pos_x_clamp.htm
[Amiga]                    535    1066  50.2% -lh5- 3260 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/pos_y_clamp.htm
[Amiga]                    551    1112  49.6% -lh5- 5bf0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/prev_level.htm
[Amiga]                    549    1121  49.0% -lh5- 87a8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/print_text.htm
[Amiga]                    562    1140  49.3% -lh5- 3904 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/print_var.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1044  49.3% -lh5- 1ed8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/probab._var.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1050  50.0% -lh5- c925 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/probability.htm
[Amiga]                    541    1084  49.9% -lh5- 4ebe Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/quit.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1046  50.2% -lh5- 052d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/random_dir_4.htm
[Amiga]                    521    1032  50.5% -lh5- 4740 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/recoil.htm
[Amiga]                    591    1191  49.6% -lh5- cbdf Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/reload_level.htm
[Amiga]                    627    1288  48.7% -lh5- aff4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/remap_color.htm
[Amiga]                    605    1260  48.0% -lh5- e8bf Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/repeat_every.htm
[Amiga]                    510    1039  49.1% -lh5- 8bc9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/reset_checkpoint.htm
[Amiga]                    554    1123  49.3% -lh5- 48fe Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/reset_vars.htm
[Amiga]                    604    1212  49.8% -lh5- f3dc Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/restart_level.htm
[Amiga]                    501    1012  49.5% -lh5- 8dc6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/resume_anim.htm
[Amiga]                    521    1053  49.5% -lh5- 2761 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/save_checkpoint.htm
[Amiga]                    544    1100  49.5% -lh5- da08 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/save_vars.htm
[Amiga]                    530    1073  49.4% -lh5- f132 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/screen_flash.htm
[Amiga]                    534    1081  49.4% -lh5- 9ba7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/screen_shake.htm
[Amiga]                    528    1055  50.0% -lh5- 8d31 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_acc_x.htm
[Amiga]                    529    1049  50.4% -lh5- 83bf Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_acc_y.htm
[Amiga]                    618    1248  49.5% -lh5- b1d9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_angle.htm
[Amiga]                    537    1063  50.5% -lh5- 1310 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_anim_time_(between_frames).htm
[Amiga]                    523    1051  49.8% -lh5- d4b6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_c1_with_var.htm
[Amiga]                    521    1069  48.7% -lh5- 00f1 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_c2_with_var.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1037  49.7% -lh5- 958b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_cam_limits.htm
[Amiga]                    493    1003  49.2% -lh5- a4e4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_custom1.htm
[Amiga]                    498    1011  49.3% -lh5- a967 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_custom1_rnd.htm
[Amiga]                    486     997  48.7% -lh5- d4e0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_custom2.htm
[Amiga]                    498    1019  48.9% -lh5- ac70 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_custom2_rnd.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1060  49.6% -lh5- a6f1 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_display_pos.htm
[Amiga]                    509    1032  49.3% -lh5- c631 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_exit_d.htm
[Amiga]                    511    1039  49.2% -lh5- dbd4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_exit_l.htm
[Amiga]                    515    1034  49.8% -lh5- 85a2 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_exit_r.htm
[Amiga]                    511    1032  49.5% -lh5- cd41 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_exit_u.htm
[Amiga]                    522    1053  49.6% -lh5- 66e8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_fx_level.htm
[Amiga]                    493     992  49.7% -lh5- d3da Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_global_rnd.htm
[Amiga]                    496    1006  49.3% -lh5- ab9b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_go_timer.htm
[Amiga]                    505    1018  49.6% -lh5- 2f37 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_go_timer_rnd.htm
[Amiga]                    539    1081  49.9% -lh5- c092 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_gravity.htm
[Amiga]                    514    1034  49.7% -lh5- 7d14 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_map_cols.htm
[Amiga]                    528    1051  50.2% -lh5- 19dc Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_ntsc.htm
[Amiga]                    507    1017  49.9% -lh5- a6e9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_position.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1086  49.1% -lh5- 74a8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_position_x.htm
[Amiga]                    531    1084  49.0% -lh5- fbee Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_position_y.htm
[Amiga]                    499    1002  49.8% -lh5- 9038 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_pos_to_obj.htm
[Amiga]                    523    1045  50.0% -lh5- da4c Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_speed_x.htm
[Amiga]                    522    1047  49.9% -lh5- ad71 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_speed_y.htm
[Amiga]                    606    1271  47.7% -lh5- 2e00 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_sprite_pos.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1067  49.4% -lh5- 87df Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_target.htm
[Amiga]                    565    1124  50.3% -lh5- f239 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_target_fps.htm
[Amiga]                    494    1000  49.4% -lh5- f66d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_text.htm
[Amiga]                    524    1053  49.8% -lh5- 888f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_thrust.htm
[Amiga]                    506    1018  49.7% -lh5- e917 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_var.htm
[Amiga]                    532    1070  49.7% -lh5- 5bb6 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_var_to_var.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1072  49.7% -lh5- 2d13 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_visible.htm
[Amiga]                    529    1069  49.5% -lh5- 4d1f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_weight.htm
[Amiga]                    586    1182  49.6% -lh5- 7c4d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/set_z_from_y.htm
[Amiga]                    504    1020  49.4% -lh5- dea5 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/sfx_enable.htm
[Amiga]                    593    1212  48.9% -lh5- 7df3 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/show_dialog.htm
[Amiga]                    529    1056  50.1% -lh5- 45f9 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/show_hiscores.htm
[Amiga]                    563    1120  50.3% -lh5- fb7a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/show_text.htm
[Amiga]                    544    1119  48.6% -lh5- 0e93 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/side_x.htm
[Amiga]                    519    1046  49.6% -lh5- 7ea0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/solid_tile.htm
[Amiga]                    565    1116  50.6% -lh5- 45e2 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/sort_by_z.htm
[Amiga]                    538    1100  48.9% -lh5- 2616 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/speed_(angle).htm
[Amiga]                    592    1175  50.4% -lh5- 59bf Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/speed_on_col.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1086  49.1% -lh5- 2cfb Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/speed_x.htm
[Amiga]                    531    1085  48.9% -lh5- fdd2 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/speed_y.htm
[Amiga]                    511    1041  49.1% -lh5- 7402 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/sprite_layer.htm
[Amiga]                    519    1045  49.7% -lh5- d797 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/sprite_spd_x.htm
[Amiga]                    517    1039  49.8% -lh5- ea0a Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/sprite_spd_y.htm
[Amiga]                    520    1050  49.5% -lh5- 9f53 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/sprite_to_go.htm
[Amiga]                    572    1170  48.9% -lh5- 2374 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/stamp.htm
[Amiga]                    498    1012  49.2% -lh5- 8b78 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/stop_anim.htm
[Amiga]                    516    1035  49.9% -lh5- 21a7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/stop_cd32.htm
[Amiga]                    533    1073  49.7% -lh5- 6582 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/stop_loopsfx.htm
[Amiga]                    512    1027  49.9% -lh5- fd04 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/stop_mod.htm
[Amiga]                    517    1041  49.7% -lh5- 4b3f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/target_closest.htm
[Amiga]                    620    1293  48.0% -lh5- c536 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/target_pos_x.htm
[Amiga]                    618    1285  48.1% -lh5- a3e7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/target_pos_y.htm
[Amiga]                    594    1223  48.6% -lh5- be05 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tiled_move.htm
[Amiga]                    574    1167  49.2% -lh5- aa77 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tiled_push.htm
[Amiga]                    560    1131  49.5% -lh5- 220f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_comp.htm
[Amiga]                    536    1076  49.8% -lh5- f17d Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_is.htm
[Amiga]                    607    1258  48.3% -lh5- 23a5 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_on_border.htm
[Amiga]                    584    1191  49.0% -lh5- da19 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_on_map.htm
[Amiga]                    616    1251  49.2% -lh5- 6593 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_on_screen.htm
[Amiga]                    624    1242  50.2% -lh5- 93b8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_tag_is.htm
[Amiga]                    564    1138  49.6% -lh5- fe79 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/tile_type_is.htm
[Amiga]                    547    1094  50.0% -lh5- 43ff Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/timer_active.htm
[Amiga]                    543    1098  49.5% -lh5- a44e Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/timer_not_active.htm
[Amiga]                    527    1055  50.0% -lh5- 5361 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/time_to_live.htm
[Amiga]                    518    1034  50.1% -lh5- cfb4 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/toggle_var.htm
[Amiga]                    651    1341  48.5% -lh5- ad59 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/to_all_colls.htm
[Amiga]                    526    1054  49.9% -lh5- 328f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/trig_var_x.htm
[Amiga]                    557    1105  50.4% -lh5- 8c78 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/turn_back.htm
[Amiga]                    557    1123  49.6% -lh5- fdb8 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/var_clamp.htm
[Amiga]                    510    1027  49.7% -lh5- 1d00 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/var_comp_var.htm
[Amiga]                    530    1066  49.7% -lh5- 35b7 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/var_false.htm
[Amiga]                    609    1235  49.3% -lh5- ce9f Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/var_int.htm
[Amiga]                    591    1193  49.5% -lh5- 7bba Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/var_is.htm
[Amiga]                    536    1075  49.9% -lh5- e75b Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/var_true.htm
[Amiga]                    635    1308  48.5% -lh5- 6e40 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/x_var_triggered.htm
[Amiga]                    525    1056  49.7% -lh5- d3a0 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/z_from_father.htm
[Amiga]                    520    1046  49.7% -lh5- b32a Nov 20 16:14 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/__uae___CiPdzBycar__level_htm
[Amiga]                    520    1046  49.7% -lh5- b32a Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/__uae___go_to__var__level_htm
[Amiga]                    491    1013  48.5% -lh5- 95d0 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/__uae___hit_inc_custom1_htm
[Amiga]                    496    1009  49.2% -lh5- f3c1 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/__uae___hit_inc_custom2_htm
[Amiga]                    490    1013  48.4% -lh5- 7dc4 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/__uae___hit_set_custom1_htm
[Amiga]                    492    1013  48.6% -lh5- 370c Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/htmlhelp/triggers/__uae___hit_set_custom2_htm
[Amiga]                    154   15017   1.0% -lh5- 2239 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    204   14980   1.4% -lh5- c0b7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    111   14953   0.7% -lh5- 1758 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-10.rpl
[Amiga]                    111   14953   0.7% -lh5- 144d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-11.rpl
[Amiga]                    180   14994   1.2% -lh5- d469 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    158   14979   1.1% -lh5- 8334 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    117   14953   0.8% -lh5- 548d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    118   14953   0.8% -lh5- 57ef Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    114   14953   0.8% -lh5- 4e83 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    112   14953   0.7% -lh5- b2b3 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    112   14953   0.7% -lh5- e2ae Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    112   14953   0.7% -lh5- 4745 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                   1545    3170  48.7% -lh5- 6f90 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/L?eme.TXT
[Amiga]                    670    1085  61.8% -lh5- 5d18 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/L?
[Amiga]                    148     776  19.1% -lh5- 1a95 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/Peque?o Noah004.pal
[Amiga]                   5122  190651   2.7% -lh5- 06dd Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/Peque?o Noah004.pill
[Amiga]                  11734   55240  21.2% -lh5- f5b1 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/Peque?o Noah004.shapes
[Amiga]                   9061   23416  38.7% -lh5- 6fb7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/0-TITULO
[Amiga]                   5352   11388  47.0% -lh5- db6d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/1-UTERO
[Amiga]                   4223   26400  16.0% -lh5- b829 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/2-INCUBADORA
[Amiga]                  30245   42554  71.1% -lh5- ba03 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/3-NOAH
[Amiga]                  12887   19008  67.8% -lh5- c00b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/bacteria.iff
[Amiga]                   8177    9642  84.8% -lh5- b691 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/contento
[Amiga]                  10605   12878  82.3% -lh5- 7038 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/grito
[Amiga]                  11891   21758  54.7% -lh5- 47cd Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/jug1.iff
[Amiga]                  11962   24876  48.1% -lh5- ed54 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/jug2.iff
[Amiga]                   8894   13812  64.4% -lh5- 26ba Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/jug3.iff
[Amiga]                  10687   17414  61.4% -lh5- 3c1a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/jug4.iff
[Amiga]                  11341   17618  64.4% -lh5- 378f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/jug5.iff
[Amiga]                  13515   21444  63.0% -lh5- 0baa Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/jug6.iff
[Amiga]                  21783   51752  42.1% -lh5- 247f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/latido.mod
[Amiga]                  41541   64060  64.8% -lh5- 4780 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/llanto.iff
[Amiga]                  17384   24660  70.5% -lh5- 698d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/meropenem.iff
[Amiga]                  25744   38664  66.6% -lh5- 699e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/no1.iff
[Amiga]                  20384   46988  43.4% -lh5- 1b06 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/no2.iff
[Amiga]                  16263   25050  64.9% -lh5- a699 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/no3.iff
[Amiga]                  15319   33942  45.1% -lh5- 2f5d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/no4.iff
[Amiga]                   3098    6448  48.0% -lh5- b4cb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/pedo1.iff
[Amiga]                   2599    5144  50.5% -lh5- a961 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/pedo2.iff
[Amiga]                   2796    5736  48.7% -lh5- e8ec Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/pedo3.iff
[Amiga]                   2942    6092  48.3% -lh5- 63f7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/pedo4.iff
[Amiga]                  90785  243810  37.2% -lh5- 4e4a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/portada.mod
[Amiga]                   6265    7260  86.3% -lh5- 2da7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/saturacion.iff
[Amiga]                  21544   33502  64.3% -lh5- 7332 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/si1.iff
[Amiga]                  14199   30308  46.8% -lh5- 91c4 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/si2.iff
[Amiga]                  29369   42506  69.1% -lh5- 2ed8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/si3.iff
[Amiga]                  24282   48022  50.6% -lh5- 8fdb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/si4.iff
[Amiga]                  95300  125426  76.0% -lh5- 921f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/sonidos/uci.mod
[Amiga]                  13729   36338  37.8% -lh5- a5de Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/res/Z-SPRITES
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   2937   10660  27.6% -lh5- 5c89 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/-Noah-/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    300     776  38.7% -lh5- 5e74 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/AbsoluteZero004.pal
[Amiga]                   6237  153166   4.1% -lh5- 8a31 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/AbsoluteZero004.pill
[Amiga]                  15775   44236  35.7% -lh5- a12c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/AbsoluteZero004.shapes
[Amiga]                 285685  459126  62.2% -lh5- 116b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/absolutezerointro.mod
[Amiga]                 386976  509530  75.9% -lh5- 9f36 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/absolute_ending.mod
[Amiga]                   2972   29882   9.9% -lh5- c183 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/ending.iff
[Amiga]                   1877    3646  51.5% -lh5- 99d6 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/endingparallax.iff
[Amiga]                   1973    3698  53.4% -lh5- ea56 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/endingparallax.iff.DE
[Amiga]                   1845    3590  51.4% -lh5- 75a8 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/endingparallax.iff.ES
[Amiga]                   1845    3584  51.5% -lh5- 9144 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/endingparallax.iff.FR
[Amiga]                   1847    3570  51.7% -lh5- 513e Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/endingparallax.iff.IT
[Amiga]                   1751    3512  49.9% -lh5- 8ee8 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/endingparallax.iff.PT
[Amiga]                   2068    5064  40.8% -lh5- 6f1b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/gus_logo.iff
[Amiga]                  56883  106884  53.2% -lh5- 6ebe Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/hot ice.mod
[Amiga]                   1116   25610   4.4% -lh5- a2c5 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/hud.iff
[Amiga]                     58     256  22.7% -lh5- b77b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     44     256  17.2% -lh5- 4285 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     35     256  13.7% -lh5- 3ed3 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     46     256  18.0% -lh5- b1fd Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     45     256  17.6% -lh5- c14c Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     36     256  14.1% -lh5- c99c Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     76     256  29.7% -lh5- 1270 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     76     256  29.7% -lh5- 1270 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     43     256  16.8% -lh5- 0d9a Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     42     256  16.4% -lh5- f663 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     36     256  14.1% -lh5- 84eb Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     57     256  22.3% -lh5- f696 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     48     256  18.8% -lh5- b817 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     68     256  26.6% -lh5- ac63 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     54     256  21.1% -lh5- a67a Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                     71     256  27.7% -lh5- a1a0 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                  20111   36290  55.4% -lh5- dcd9 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/levelsel.iff
[Amiga]                  20363   36442  55.9% -lh5- 8e29 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/levelsel.iff.DE
[Amiga]                  20352   36408  55.9% -lh5- 27fb Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/levelsel.iff.ES
[Amiga]                  20351   36462  55.8% -lh5- ee12 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/levelsel.iff.FR
[Amiga]                  20311   36456  55.7% -lh5- 7ad0 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/levelsel.iff.IT
[Amiga]                  20400   36458  56.0% -lh5- 1df6 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/levelsel.iff.PT
[Amiga]                    106     512  20.7% -lh5- 3919 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/
[Amiga]                  32923   47980  68.6% -lh5- 4bbf Jun 14  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/menu.iff
[Amiga]                  32861   48044  68.4% -lh5- 06fe Jun 16  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/menu.iff.DE
[Amiga]                  32936   48034  68.6% -lh5- 4676 Jun 16  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/menu.iff.ES
[Amiga]                  32872   48020  68.5% -lh5- 6cbe Jun 16  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/menu.iff.FR
[Amiga]                  32899   48024  68.5% -lh5- 69da Jun 16  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/menu.iff.IT
[Amiga]                  32895   48016  68.5% -lh5- 5a92 Jun 16  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/menu.iff.PT
[Amiga]                   6742   13184  51.1% -lh5- 6e0e Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/parallax1.iff
[Amiga]                    418    1126  37.1% -lh5- df54 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/selector_locked_sprite.iff
[Amiga]                   6583   35432  18.6% -lh5- 148b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/sprites0.iff
[Amiga]                  11515   38614  29.8% -lh5- 9aab Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/sprites1.iff
[Amiga]                    731   25084   2.9% -lh5- d876 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/sprites2.iff
[Amiga]                    529   25122   2.1% -lh5- 46bf Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/sprites3.iff
[Amiga]                   6567    9226  71.2% -lh5- 36e5 Jun 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/assets/tileset16.iff
[Amiga]                    424    1190  35.6% -lh5- 69ce Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    378   15024   2.5% -lh5- 5015 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    485    1294  37.5% -lh5- 998d Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    287   15024   1.9% -lh5- 3fd2 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    510    1356  37.6% -lh5- 1362 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-10.iff
[Amiga]                    330   15024   2.2% -lh5- 32fa Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-10.rpl
[Amiga]                    369    1124  32.8% -lh5- 839e Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-11.iff
[Amiga]                    363   15024   2.4% -lh5- af93 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-11.rpl
[Amiga]                    750    1762  42.6% -lh5- 1b2b Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-12.iff
[Amiga]                    533   15024   3.5% -lh5- d62f Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-12.rpl
[Amiga]                    369    1124  32.8% -lh5- 839e Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-13.iff
[Amiga]                    375   15024   2.5% -lh5- 96cf Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-13.rpl
[Amiga]                    512    1472  34.8% -lh5- 6064 Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-14.iff
[Amiga]                    511   15024   3.4% -lh5- 4ca0 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-14.rpl
[Amiga]                    364    1140  31.9% -lh5- 8bbb Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-15.iff
[Amiga]                    313   15024   2.1% -lh5- b3fe Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-15.rpl
[Amiga]                    849    1766  48.1% -lh5- 4505 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-16.iff
[Amiga]                    162   15023   1.1% -lh5- ea6c Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-16.rpl
[Amiga]                    345    1124  30.7% -lh5- e94f Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-17.iff
[Amiga]                    108   14982   0.7% -lh5- d032 Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-17.rpl
[Amiga]                    429    1342  32.0% -lh5- 4eae Oct  7  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-18.iff
[Amiga]                    163   15030   1.1% -lh5- a4bc Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-18.rpl
[Amiga]                    550    1458  37.7% -lh5- d201 Aug 15  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-19.iff
[Amiga]                    181   15068   1.2% -lh5- 27fd Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-19.rpl
[Amiga]                    454    1188  38.2% -lh5- 9aaa Jul 23  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-2.iff
[Amiga]                    345   15024   2.3% -lh5- 9e02 Jul 23  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                   1043    1964  53.1% -lh5- 7e7a Aug 15  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-20.iff
[Amiga]                    165   15019   1.1% -lh5- 1cf1 Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-20.rpl
[Amiga]                    345    1124  30.7% -lh5- e94f Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-21.iff
[Amiga]                    272   15024   1.8% -lh5- 8aaa Jul 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-21.rpl
[Amiga]                    651    1596  40.8% -lh5- f138 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-3.iff
[Amiga]                    399   15024   2.7% -lh5- f8ca Jul 23  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    930    1914  48.6% -lh5- ed3e Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-4.iff
[Amiga]                    293   15024   2.0% -lh5- 33b5 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    568    1784  31.8% -lh5- 9a01 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-5.iff
[Amiga]                    281   15024   1.9% -lh5- 0db1 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    830    1700  48.8% -lh5- fd62 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-6.iff
[Amiga]                    454   15024   3.0% -lh5- 94e9 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    866    1858  46.6% -lh5- 3edf Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-7.iff
[Amiga]                    478   15024   3.2% -lh5- d2fb Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    824    1828  45.1% -lh5- 7911 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-8.iff
[Amiga]                    418   15024   2.8% -lh5- 148b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    566    1464  38.7% -lh5- 6e0b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-9.iff
[Amiga]                    458   15024   3.0% -lh5- 9804 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                    975    1828  53.3% -lh5- 5f0d Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/ReadMe
[Amiga]                   1105    1776  62.2% -lh5- 2365 May  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/
[Amiga]                   1268    2493  50.9% -lh5- 113c Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/ReadMeESP
[Amiga]                   1105    1776  62.2% -lh5- 2365 May  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/
[Amiga]                   3291    4176  78.8% -lh5- 4b84 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound0-QUITAR_BLOQUE
[Amiga]                   6774    7498  90.3% -lh5- ac39 Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound1-CREAR_BLOQUE.8svx
[Amiga]                   7560    8328  90.8% -lh5- 0d9a Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound10-ENEMY_DEAD.8svx
[Amiga]                   1346    1724  78.1% -lh5- 9d93 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound11-Salto.8svx
[Amiga]                   8155    9534  85.5% -lh5- b7ba Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound12-TOPE_YETI_OBST.8svx
[Amiga]                  12287   13308  92.3% -lh5- 9c29 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound13-YETI_PRESENCIA.8svx
[Amiga]                   1511    2178  69.4% -lh5- c72a Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound14-cabezazo.8svx
[Amiga]                   4396    6450  68.2% -lh5- c5d6 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound15-rayo_disparando.8svx
[Amiga]                   3058    4490  68.1% -lh5- 94ee Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound16-SLIME_WALK.8svx
[Amiga]                   2949   25048  11.8% -lh5- 1642 Jun 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound17_Selection_menu.8svx
[Amiga]                   3027    3852  78.6% -lh5- ead6 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound2-caminando_nieve.8svx
[Amiga]                   1817    1834  99.1% -lh5- f60b Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound3-DISPARO_GARGOLA.8svx
[Amiga]                  30984   42726  72.5% -lh5- 36d7 Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound4-terminar_nivel.8svx
[Amiga]                  14819   17940  82.6% -lh5- 143b Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound5-Faltan_baterias.8svx
[Amiga]                   9314   10814  86.1% -lh5- 20fc Jun 17  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/Sound6-recoger_item.8svx
[Amiga]                   7413   11152  66.5% -lh5- c825 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound7-ALL_BATT_COLLECTED.8svx
[Amiga]                    947    1036  91.4% -lh5- 7ad3 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound8-SALTO_PIEDRA.8svx
[Amiga]                   5781    5940  97.3% -lh5- c539 Jun 13  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/sfx/sound9-DAMAGE_PLAYER.8svx
[Amiga]                    450    1024  43.9% -lh5- 11d2 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    357     620  57.6% -lh5- 036e Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/textsDE.rpt
[Amiga]                    516    1163  44.4% -lh5- 6ff5 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/textsES.rpt
[Amiga]                    332     610  54.4% -lh5- e48e Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/textsFR.rpt
[Amiga]                    308     540  57.0% -lh5- 4b12 Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/textsIT.rpt
[Amiga]                    305     561  54.4% -lh5- ac1f Jun 18  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/textsPT.rpt
[Amiga]                   6787   10200  66.5% -lh5- 30b0 Jun 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/AbsoluteZero/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    456     776  58.8% -lh5- d0ee Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/astro/astro017.pal
[Amiga]                   2227   40758   5.5% -lh5- cc56 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/astro/astro017.pill
[Amiga]                  22384   53896  41.5% -lh5- 8131 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/astro/astro017.shapes
[Amiga]                   5255    8662  60.7% -lh5- ac91 Sep 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/astro/astrobackground
[Amiga]                   4220    8932  47.2% -lh5- c8a4 Oct 31  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/astroenemies.iff
[Amiga]                   2587    8358  31.0% -lh5- 1851 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/astroitems.iff
[Amiga]                  25683   54328  47.3% -lh5- 0ec6 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/astro/astromaster
[Amiga]                  12267   26218  46.8% -lh5- 7450 Oct 31  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/astroplayer.iff
[Amiga]                  16376   26450  61.9% -lh5- 8016 Oct 31  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/astrotiles.iff
[Amiga]                  44639   63158  70.7% -lh5- be97 Oct 31  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/cover.iff
[Amiga]                    831    1596  52.1% -lh5- 79f2 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/astro/hud.iff
[Amiga]                   2157    3222  66.9% -lh5- 1462 Oct 31  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/hudn.iff
[Amiga]                    857    1998  42.9% -lh5- 44a1 Nov 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    335   15024   2.2% -lh5- 6b0b Nov 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    953    1814  52.5% -lh5- db1b Nov 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    289   15024   1.9% -lh5- 4d47 Nov 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                   1364    2214  61.6% -lh5- de4c Nov 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-2.iff
[Amiga]                    134   15013   0.9% -lh5- b42d Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    952    1752  54.3% -lh5- 0619 Jan 22  2024 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-3.iff
[Amiga]                    184   14989   1.2% -lh5- fde9 Jan 22  2024 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                     70   14953   0.5% -lh5- 3a94 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                     70   14953   0.5% -lh5- 39f6 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 69eb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- cc99 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 9c84 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 396f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                   8312   17036  48.8% -lh5- 47df Sep 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/astro/player_s60.iff
[Amiga]                  16440   16805  97.8% -lh5- 6ac0 Dec  4  2006 REDPILL/projects/astro/player_s60.png
[Amiga]                   3527   12336  28.6% -lh5- a3e0 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/sfx_jetpack.iff
[Amiga]                   3483   12288  28.3% -lh5- 9578 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/sfx_jetpack.raw
[Amiga]                   2011    3120  64.5% -lh5- 4d14 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/sfx_laser.iff
[Amiga]                   1970    3072  64.1% -lh5- 3be7 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/sfx_laser.raw
[Amiga]                   1161    2552  45.5% -lh5- bed6 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/astro/spritebackground.iff
[Amiga]                     59     316  18.7% -lh5- 181d Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/astro/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                  16436   27354  60.1% -lh5- d82b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/astro/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   4567    4607  99.1% -lh5- bade Dec  4  2006 REDPILL/projects/astro/tl0.png
[Amiga]                   5272    5310  99.3% -lh5- f10f Dec  4  2006 REDPILL/projects/astro/tl1.png
[Amiga]                   7896   12038  65.6% -lh5- b55b Sep 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/astro/world-0.iff
[Amiga]                   5174    5203  99.4% -lh5- d2dd Dec  4  2006 REDPILL/projects/astro/world-0.png
[Amiga]                   4892   10208  47.9% -lh5- 6128 Sep 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/astro/world-1.iff
[Amiga]                   3598    3598 100.0% -lh0- 9035 Dec  4  2006 REDPILL/projects/astro/world-1.png
[Amiga]                     79     776  10.2% -lh5- 4a0b Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/BadNinjas002.pal
[Amiga]                   6949  203053   3.4% -lh5- 55cf Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/BadNinjas002.pill
[Amiga]                  43835  112352  39.0% -lh5- e178 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/BadNinjas002.shapes
[Amiga]                  27096   42046  64.4% -lh5- 941f Mar 30  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/BadNinjasSprites.iff
[Amiga]                  15233   26388  57.7% -lh5- 2109 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/BadNinjasTiles.iff
[Amiga]                   2025    5858  34.6% -lh5- 9a42 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/BossHit.iff
[Amiga]                   1486    1622  91.6% -lh5- 7ace Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/Button.iff
[Amiga]                    323    2470  13.1% -lh5- 818c Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/casting.iff
[Amiga]                    375    2564  14.6% -lh5- f06b Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/contralulations.iff
[Amiga]                   3246    5980  54.3% -lh5- 2cb9 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/credits.iff
[Amiga]                   2751    6662  41.3% -lh5- eae3 Mar 30  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/end1.iff
[Amiga]                   1953    5438  35.9% -lh5- a1e2 Mar 30  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/end2.iff
[Amiga]                   1479    4570  32.4% -lh5- 2c72 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/end3.iff
[Amiga]                   1541    4534  34.0% -lh5- 16b8 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/end4.iff
[Amiga]                  17206   23580  73.0% -lh5- 1387 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/FirstSteps(ins)Fireb0y.mod
[Amiga]                   2068    5064  40.8% -lh5- 6f1b Dec 27  2008 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/gus_logo.iff
[Amiga]                  70578  105366  67.0% -lh5- 6023 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/HardMeasures(intro)Rod.mod
[Amiga]                  28002   45370  61.7% -lh5- c186 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/Inamonst(boss)Fireb0y.mod
[Amiga]                     47      47 100.0% -lh0- 663d Nov 22  2018 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/info
[Amiga]                   5884    9768  60.2% -lh5- d323 Apr  3  2021 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/Keyboard.iff
[Amiga]                  24237   43498  55.7% -lh5- 20d4 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/LaMelodiaSinFin(ending)Rod.mod
[Amiga]                     86   14955   0.6% -lh5- aeee Nov  5  2023 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    328    1520  21.6% -lh5- 5d03 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    116   15000   0.8% -lh5- 777c Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    222   14955   1.5% -lh5- 846e Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-10.rpl
[Amiga]                    275   14971   1.8% -lh5- fadc Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-11.rpl
[Amiga]                    653   14955   4.4% -lh5- b05b Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-12.rpl
[Amiga]                    588   14955   3.9% -lh5- 854d Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-13.rpl
[Amiga]                    190   14955   1.3% -lh5- da3e Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-14.rpl
[Amiga]                    244   14971   1.6% -lh5- c276 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-15.rpl
[Amiga]                    953   14955   6.4% -lh5- f416 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-16.rpl
[Amiga]                   1784   14955  11.9% -lh5- 0af5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-17.rpl
[Amiga]                    189   14955   1.3% -lh5- 5d68 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-18.rpl
[Amiga]                    246   14971   1.6% -lh5- 7cb0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-19.rpl
[Amiga]                    125   14969   0.8% -lh5- ecfd Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                   1207   14955   8.1% -lh5- 1d95 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-20.rpl
[Amiga]                    945   14955   6.3% -lh5- 0640 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-21.rpl
[Amiga]                    195   14955   1.3% -lh5- 6bd2 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-22.rpl
[Amiga]                    222   14975   1.5% -lh5- fdeb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-23.rpl
[Amiga]                    239   14993   1.6% -lh5- 744d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-24.rpl
[Amiga]                    210   14964   1.4% -lh5- e21d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-25.rpl
[Amiga]                    203   14964   1.4% -lh5- ac14 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-26.rpl
[Amiga]                    211   14964   1.4% -lh5- cccd Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-27.rpl
[Amiga]                    211   14964   1.4% -lh5- a70d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-28.rpl
[Amiga]                    217   14970   1.4% -lh5- 887f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-29.rpl
[Amiga]                    277   14971   1.9% -lh5- c4aa Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    194   14955   1.3% -lh5- 57c1 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-30.rpl
[Amiga]                    211   14967   1.4% -lh5- 1d8e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-31.rpl
[Amiga]                    280   14971   1.9% -lh5- a86d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-32.rpl
[Amiga]                    266   14969   1.8% -lh5- bd2e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-33.rpl
[Amiga]                    217   14968   1.4% -lh5- 711c Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-34.rpl
[Amiga]                    511   14955   3.4% -lh5- 0a07 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-35.rpl
[Amiga]                     72   14955   0.5% -lh5- c6f3 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-36.rpl
[Amiga]                    582   14955   3.9% -lh5- cb2c Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    599   14955   4.0% -lh5- ea67 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    207   14955   1.4% -lh5- d1d9 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    288   14971   1.9% -lh5- 7525 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    787   14955   5.3% -lh5- 4e8e Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    803   14955   5.4% -lh5- 0671 Apr 13  2024 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                    764    3220  23.7% -lh5- eef0 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level1Title.iff
[Amiga]                    875    3382  25.9% -lh5- 9663 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level2Title.iff
[Amiga]                    672    3032  22.2% -lh5- 84c8 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level3Title.iff
[Amiga]                    736    3124  23.6% -lh5- 0af4 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level4Title.iff
[Amiga]                    771    3174  24.3% -lh5- 0014 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/level5Title.iff
[Amiga]                   3983    6436  61.9% -lh5- 2ef9 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/NinjaAction.iff
[Amiga]                   5101    8292  61.5% -lh5- b4b8 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/NinjaHit.iff
[Amiga]                   3628    4110  88.3% -lh5- e0b6 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/PlayerAction.iff
[Amiga]                   2972   10690  27.8% -lh5- 1a2d Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/PlayerHit.iff
[Amiga]                   3342    4108  81.4% -lh5- 8b0c Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/PlayerJump.iff
[Amiga]                  18481   28888  64.0% -lh5- 459d Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/PushTitle.iff
[Amiga]                   2057    5414  38.0% -lh5- 632e Dec 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/redpill_320_splash.iff
[Amiga]                   1196    3620  33.0% -lh5- 606e Nov 22  2018 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/rickyplace.abk
[Amiga]                  35518   61114  58.1% -lh5- 4d5e Mar 26  2019 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/RoninSoul(in game)Rod.mod
[Amiga]                   4718   11228  42.0% -lh5- 9aad Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/RPLogo.iff
[Amiga]                    627    2990  21.0% -lh5- f6af Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/SeeCheat.iff
[Amiga]                   4239    9408  45.1% -lh5- 0c33 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/SelectLevel.iff
[Amiga]                   4354   10686  40.7% -lh5- 22e6 Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/SoundTest.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 28  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                  15445   26106  59.2% -lh5- 131f Mar 29  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/Thaks4Play.iff
[Amiga]                  15382   26056  59.0% -lh5- e54b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BadNinjas1.1a/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   2521   70994   3.6% -lh5- b2a6 Apr 14  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/game008.bak
[Amiga]                     91     776  11.7% -lh5- e290 Apr 14  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/game008.pal
[Amiga]                   2529   70994   3.6% -lh5- 9063 Apr 14  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/game008.pill
[Amiga]                   1993    3712  53.7% -lh5- b7e8 Apr 14  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/game008.shapes
[Amiga]                    217    1136  19.1% -lh5- e938 Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    706   14989   4.7% -lh5- e72e Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    325    1398  23.2% -lh5- 1942 Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    368   14989   2.5% -lh5- d47c Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                   4265   11956  35.7% -lh5- e08d Jun 12 19:36 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/level-2.iff
[Amiga]                    170   14989   1.1% -lh5- 90b4 Jun 10 11:58 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    371    2956  12.6% -lh5- 67d8 Apr  8  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/res/hud.iff
[Amiga]                   2094    4968  42.1% -lh5- fa9b Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/res/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                   3406    6828  49.9% -lh5- 1325 Apr  7  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/res/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                    297     838  35.4% -lh5- 30cb May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   3402    7546  45.1% -lh5- cadc Apr  7  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_platformer/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                     52     776   6.7% -lh5- d8cc Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/game009.pal
[Amiga]                   1681   27934   6.0% -lh5- a69b Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/game009.pill
[Amiga]                    502    1656  30.3% -lh5- 011c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/game009.shapes
[Amiga]                    101     974  10.4% -lh5- 8a28 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                     93   14989   0.6% -lh5- 0b65 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- cd3a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                     67   14953   0.4% -lh5- 25d0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                     68   14953   0.5% -lh5- 26c5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                     68   14953   0.5% -lh5- 76d8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                     68   14953   0.5% -lh5- 75ba Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 25a7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 80d5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- d0c8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 7523 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                    560     946  59.2% -lh5- 40f3 Sep  2  1980 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                     37     300  12.3% -lh5- f7b9 May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/basic_shooter/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                     71     776   9.1% -lh5- 5296 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/BitmapFont002.pal
[Amiga]                   1148   14413   8.0% -lh5- 6d4b Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/BitmapFont002.pill
[Amiga]                   4226   13992  30.2% -lh5- fba1 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/BitmapFont002.shapes
[Amiga]                    123    1024  12.0% -lh5- 608b Oct  9  2023 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                     75   14989   0.5% -lh5- 135f Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                   4667    8940  52.2% -lh5- 8fc7 Aug 15  2023 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/RayOfHope2_MiniFont.iff
[Amiga]                     45     296  15.2% -lh5- acd5 Aug 15  2023 REDPILL/projects/BitmapFont/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                     78     776  10.1% -lh5- cee8 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/BlockBreaker004.pal
[Amiga]                   1454   20503   7.1% -lh5- 9d78 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/BlockBreaker004.pill
[Amiga]                    130     432  30.1% -lh5- 15c1 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/BlockBreaker004.shapes
[Amiga]                    127    1024  12.4% -lh5- e256 Oct  9  2023 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    159   14989   1.1% -lh5- a359 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                   1320    2096  63.0% -lh5- f4c6 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/sfx_coll.iff
[Amiga]                    550    2096  26.2% -lh5- 5648 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/sfx_hit.iff
[Amiga]                    742    6192  12.0% -lh5- 32ed Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/sfx_lifelost.iff
[Amiga]                    193    2274   8.5% -lh5- 900a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    185    2336   7.9% -lh5- 0a5a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                    191    3046   6.3% -lh5- 61f8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    186    2336   8.0% -lh5- c20b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/untitled177.iff
[Amiga]                    150    1816   8.3% -lh5- 3977 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/BlockBreaker/untitled179.iff
[Amiga]                   1323   20383   6.5% -lh5- 6d7f Aug  7 19:19 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/BobPerfTest.bak
[Amiga]                     96     776  12.4% -lh5- 7909 Aug  7 19:19 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/BobPerfTest.pal
[Amiga]                   1323   20383   6.5% -lh5- 0931 Aug  7 19:19 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/BobPerfTest.pill
[Amiga]                    328     480  68.3% -lh5- 0a51 Aug  7 19:19 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/BobPerfTest.shapes
[Amiga]                    361    2756  13.1% -lh5- 28dd Aug  3 16:34 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/img/sprites_004.iff
[Amiga]                    149    3384   4.4% -lh5- 183d Aug  7 19:18 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    135   15018   0.9% -lh5- b6a7 Aug  7 19:19 REDPILL/projects/BobPerfTest/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                   2652    6166  43.0% -lh5- 0de6 Feb 12  2023 REDPILL/projects/disco/assets/snap.iff
[Amiga]                   1507    7178  21.0% -lh5- e671 Feb 14  2023 REDPILL/projects/disco/assets/spotlight.iff
[Amiga]                    404    1358  29.7% -lh5- 657f Feb 14  2023 REDPILL/projects/disco/assets/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                 203619  279034  73.0% -lh5- 5ba7 Aug 31  2002 REDPILL/projects/disco/assets/whitenight.MOD
[Amiga]                     78     776  10.1% -lh5- 09d2 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/disco/disco002.pal
[Amiga]                   1709   37317   4.6% -lh5- fad6 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/disco/disco002.pill
[Amiga]                   3276   27098  12.1% -lh5- 77e3 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/disco/disco002.shapes
[Amiga]                    126    1074  11.7% -lh5- 50f8 Oct  9  2023 REDPILL/projects/disco/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    172   14989   1.1% -lh5- b4b5 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/disco/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Mar  4  2023 REDPILL/projects/disco/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    397    2074  19.1% -lh5- 9aea Mar  4  2023 REDPILL/projects/disco/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                     69     776   8.9% -lh5- 3153 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/game005.pal
[Amiga]                   1224   20359   6.0% -lh5- b876 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/game005.pill
[Amiga]                    115     468  24.6% -lh5- ffb2 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/game005.shapes
[Amiga]                    207     480  43.1% -lh5- d343 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/gfx.iff
[Amiga]                    118    1074  11.0% -lh5- ac05 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    159   14989   1.1% -lh5- 237c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    227    5224   4.3% -lh5- eaba Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_bouncing/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   5158    6192  83.3% -lh5- 8f9f Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/death.iff
[Amiga]                    242     776  31.2% -lh5- 5f2f Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/ex_fx002.pal
[Amiga]                   1811   27258   6.6% -lh5- 71d1 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/ex_fx002.pill
[Amiga]                  15898   39024  40.7% -lh5- 2f28 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/ex_fx002.shapes
[Amiga]                    562    3688  15.2% -lh5- f264 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/flame.iff
[Amiga]                    299    2096  14.3% -lh5- d753 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/jump.iff
[Amiga]                    283    1124  25.2% -lh5- 5503 Jan 22  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    470   15016   3.1% -lh5- 0178 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    331    1264  26.2% -lh5- 7293 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    510   15024   3.4% -lh5- bad0 Nov 11  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    439    1338  32.8% -lh5- 131a Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-2.iff
[Amiga]                    592   15017   3.9% -lh5- dd15 Feb  1  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    266    1124  23.7% -lh5- 1cf4 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-3.iff
[Amiga]                    103   14982   0.7% -lh5- ac5b Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                 185306  280156  66.1% -lh5- 591f Dec 22  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/MOD.dragon slayer
[Amiga]                   7610   17382  43.8% -lh5- 6742 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/parallax.iff
[Amiga]                   1942   11168  17.4% -lh5- aede Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/parallaxinterior.iff
[Amiga]                    827    1072  77.1% -lh5- 6c59 Feb  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/sfx_landed.iff
[Amiga]                   9154   26128  35.0% -lh5- 935a Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Mar  4  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                  19615   44304  44.3% -lh5- 4c4d Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                  19079   34830  54.8% -lh5- e987 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    440    2874  15.3% -lh5- 7221 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_fx/untitled184.iff
[Amiga]                  24414   39806  61.3% -lh5- 47d4 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/assets/bat_cover.iff
[Amiga]                   2629    7672  34.3% -lh5- 37e7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/assets/forest_256x256_4c.iff
[Amiga]                    879    1374  64.0% -lh5- 91f8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/assets/hud.iff
[Amiga]                    253     776  32.6% -lh5- 3b3e Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/ex_hiscores004.pal
[Amiga]                   1532   23827   6.4% -lh5- 6caa Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/ex_hiscores004.pill
[Amiga]                    954    2552  37.4% -lh5- d3b6 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/ex_hiscores004.shapes
[Amiga]                    477    2096  22.8% -lh5- b0e0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/fly.iff
[Amiga]                    425    2048  20.8% -lh5- 44fa Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/fly.raw
[Amiga]                    315   15004   2.1% -lh5- 5775 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    935    1930  48.4% -lh5- 0a6e Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    151   15065   1.0% -lh5- 414c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                     74   14953   0.5% -lh5- b757 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                   1250    4496  27.8% -lh5- 95ba Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/psprites.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    649    2442  26.6% -lh5- 73e9 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                    669    3162  21.2% -lh5- 1059 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_hiscores/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    114     776  14.7% -lh5- 8ca4 Aug  5 17:09 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/ex_mapenemies005.pal
[Amiga]                   1880   27324   6.9% -lh5- 1c68 Aug  5 17:09 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/ex_mapenemies005.pill
[Amiga]                   1151    3312  34.8% -lh5- cc5d Aug  5 17:09 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/ex_mapenemies005.shapes
[Amiga]                    770    4080  18.9% -lh5- 0267 Aug  8 18:47 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    171   14999   1.1% -lh5- 0e03 Aug  8 18:47 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    155   14953   1.0% -lh5- 1e80 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    503    1072  46.9% -lh5- 7100 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundDamage.iff
[Amiga]                    465    1024  45.4% -lh5- b0cb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundDamage.raw
[Amiga]                   1444    2096  68.9% -lh5- 593f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundKill.iff
[Amiga]                   1401    2048  68.4% -lh5- ad25 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundKill.raw
[Amiga]                   1740    3120  55.8% -lh5- 372f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundShot.iff
[Amiga]                    403   15408   2.6% -lh5- cbf6 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundWin.iff
[Amiga]                    359   15360   2.3% -lh5- 0587 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/soundWin.raw
[Amiga]                   1211    4108  29.5% -lh5- d4db Aug  5 16:58 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   4277    9452  45.2% -lh5- 9cf7 Aug  5 16:53 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/tilesE.iff
[Amiga]                   4298   10172  42.3% -lh5- 6758 Aug  5 17:00 REDPILL/projects/ex_mapenemies/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                     63     776   8.1% -lh5- a799 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/ex_multipalette005.pal
[Amiga]                   1259   19663   6.4% -lh5- 7696 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/ex_multipalette005.pill
[Amiga]                    224     560  40.0% -lh5- e660 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/ex_multipalette005.shapes
[Amiga]                    109    1074  10.1% -lh5- 8513 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    131   14989   0.9% -lh5- 9d24 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    127   14953   0.8% -lh5- bfc5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    145   14953   1.0% -lh5- c698 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    178   14953   1.2% -lh5- 50c0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                     48   14112   0.3% -lh5- 26e9 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/map0
[Amiga]                    319    2562  12.5% -lh5- 445a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/res/SpritesRed.iff
[Amiga]                    412    3492  11.8% -lh5- 6178 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/res/TilesetBlue.iff
[Amiga]                    348    3508   9.9% -lh5- 42ba Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/res/TilesetGreen.iff
[Amiga]                     62     322  19.3% -lh5- c032 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    442    6422   6.9% -lh5- 45c6 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    352    6534   5.4% -lh5- 429e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/ex_multipalette/tileset1.rpb
[Amiga]                    400   16486   2.4% -lh5- 419b Nov 25 17:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/bg.iff
[Amiga]                    581    3560  16.3% -lh5- 7e85 Nov 25 17:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/charmap-oldschool_white.iff
[Amiga]                     47     776   6.1% -lh5- 6fc8 Nov 30 11:54 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/ex_particles.pal
[Amiga]                   2088   35209   5.9% -lh5- 47a6 Nov 30 11:54 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/ex_particles.pill
[Amiga]                   2035   11068  18.4% -lh5- 6b28 Nov 30 11:54 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/ex_particles.shapes
[Amiga]                  69199  112348  61.6% -lh5- 8d7a Nov 25 17:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/guru_meditation.mod
[Amiga]                    419   18722   2.2% -lh5- c168 Nov 30 11:53 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    142   15046   0.9% -lh5- c770 Nov 30 11:54 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    438    2534  17.3% -lh5- 18ce Nov 25 17:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                     96    3384   2.8% -lh5- f0dd Nov 25 17:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_particles/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                  64008   98536  65.0% -lh5- bcc7 Sep  7 20:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/epic all.mod
[Amiga]                    139     776  17.9% -lh5- 508c Sep  8 17:26 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/ex_UIBars.pal
[Amiga]                   1530   21227   7.2% -lh5- 9e80 Sep  8 17:26 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/ex_UIBars.pill
[Amiga]                   4136    9528  43.4% -lh5- e52e Sep  8 17:26 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/ex_UIBars.shapes
[Amiga]                  13508   35968  37.6% -lh5- 653c Sep  5 22:49 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/forest-road.iff
[Amiga]                  15444   28610  54.0% -lh5- 063f Sep  8 17:26 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    163   15052   1.1% -lh5- 1779 Sep  8 17:26 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                   4082    8034  50.8% -lh5- 3cbe Sep  7 13:45 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/sprites1.iff
[Amiga]                    193    3384   5.7% -lh5- 36f0 Sep  7 13:45 REDPILL/projects/ex_UIBars/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   4053   10746  37.7% -lh5- eb78 Nov 28  1980 REDPILL/projects/galaga/images/backgr.iff
[Amiga]                    541     956  56.6% -lh5- 76a0 Nov 24  1980 REDPILL/projects/galaga/images/
[Amiga]                    797    2210  36.1% -lh5- 2755 Nov 28  1980 REDPILL/projects/galaga/images/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                    351    1372  25.6% -lh5- 33fe Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    161   15007   1.1% -lh5- d63c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                     67   14953   0.4% -lh5- 1a5c Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                     68   14953   0.5% -lh5- 4a41 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                     68   14953   0.5% -lh5- 4954 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 1949 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 1a2b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 4a36 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- ef44 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- bf59 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 1ab2 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                     56     776   7.2% -lh5- 1578 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/galaga/shooter009.pal
[Amiga]                   1758   30518   5.8% -lh5- 6f82 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/galaga/shooter009.pill
[Amiga]                   2630    6688  39.3% -lh5- 1a3b Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/galaga/shooter009.shapes
[Amiga]                   2331    4762  49.0% -lh5- 24ea Nov 28  1980 REDPILL/projects/galaga/sprites/NES-Galaga-Galaga.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    843    6132  13.7% -lh5- 34db Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/galaga/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    310     776  39.9% -lh5- 593a Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/gravity011-multiplayer.pal
[Amiga]                   1556   30530   5.1% -lh5- 359c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/gravity011-multiplayer.pill
[Amiga]                  19555   52332  37.4% -lh5- cfc2 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/gravity011-multiplayer.shapes
[Amiga]                    310     776  39.9% -lh5- 593a Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/gravity011.pal
[Amiga]                   1495   27157   5.5% -lh5- 36ea Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/gravity011.pill
[Amiga]                  19563   52332  37.4% -lh5- 21c4 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/gravity011.shapes
[Amiga]                    352    1174  30.0% -lh5- 65b5 Oct 11  2023 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    255   15020   1.7% -lh5- 2099 Apr  9  2024 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                     68   14953   0.5% -lh5- 21d6 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                     69   14953   0.5% -lh5- 71cb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                     70   14953   0.5% -lh5- 72de Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                     70   14953   0.5% -lh5- 22c3 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 21a1 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 71bc Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- d4ce Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 84d3 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                     71   14953   0.5% -lh5- 2138 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                    414    3354  12.3% -lh5- 5e41 Aug 29  2023 REDPILL/projects/gravity/sprites/other.IFF
[Amiga]                  19799   28572  69.3% -lh5- 1db9 Aug 29  2023 REDPILL/projects/gravity/sprites/SHIPS.IFF
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Aug 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/gravity/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   2104   15248  13.8% -lh5- bb95 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/tiles/dual.iff
[Amiga]                  19384   31324  61.9% -lh5- dcf8 Oct 15  1980 REDPILL/projects/gravity/tiles/TILES.IFF
[Amiga]                  19630   32566  60.3% -lh5- 542a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/gravity/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   6697   17274  38.8% -lh5- 257e May 30  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/ending_v3.iff
[Amiga]                    268     460  58.3% -lh5- 9df2 May 30  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/
[Amiga]                  16005   27938  57.3% -lh5- 14b5 May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/Level_02_v2.iff
[Amiga]                    268     460  58.3% -lh5- 9df2 May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/
[Amiga]                  16099   28588  56.3% -lh5- 2d0e May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/Level_03_v2.iff
[Amiga]                    268     460  58.3% -lh5- 9df2 May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/
[Amiga]                  14463   28784  50.2% -lh5- 168f Jun  1  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/Time_over.iff
[Amiga]                    267     460  58.0% -lh5- 827e Jun  1  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/
[Amiga]                  27227   39046  69.7% -lh5- e1ee May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/Titulo_v4.iff
[Amiga]                    268     460  58.3% -lh5- 9df2 May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Backgrounds/
[Amiga]                    126     776  16.2% -lh5- 3142 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/juande3050_v8.pal
[Amiga]                   2452   48151   5.1% -lh5- f95c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/juande3050_v8.pill
[Amiga]                  12470   24080  51.8% -lh5- 4724 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/juande3050_v8.shapes
[Amiga]                    765    1724  44.4% -lh5- 2568 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    236   15015   1.6% -lh5- e946 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    320   14953   2.1% -lh5- e3a9 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    101   14981   0.7% -lh5- 1ec4 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    330   14953   2.2% -lh5- 6a1a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    110   14981   0.7% -lh5- c808 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    335   14953   2.2% -lh5- 06a6 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    106   14979   0.7% -lh5- bf7b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    307   14953   2.1% -lh5- 23f0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                     65   14953   0.4% -lh5- 6ba2 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    105   14979   0.7% -lh5- 196a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                   4583    9460  48.4% -lh5- 51ea May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Musics/ending_vol.mod
[Amiga]                   4668   16928  27.6% -lh5- 21ed May 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Musics/ingame_vol.mod
[Amiga]                   5012   14008  35.8% -lh5- ba48 May 17  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Musics/menu1_vol.mod
[Amiga]                  21522   26990  79.7% -lh5- 6924 May 20  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Musics/overdrive_levelcomplete.mod
[Amiga]                  21113   25946  81.4% -lh5- d550 May 20  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Musics/overdrive_timeout.mod
[Amiga]                  64691   73772  87.7% -lh5- 86e1 May  7  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_acelerando3.iff
[Amiga]                  29391   62068  47.4% -lh5- d416 May  7  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_arrancando.iff
[Amiga]                  18835   24355  77.3% -lh5- 0669 May  7  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_derrape.iff
[Amiga]                   9297   13210  70.4% -lh5- 9dab May 29  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_golpe.iff
[Amiga]                  12476   14498  86.1% -lh5- 0c3d May  7  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_motor.iff
[Amiga]                  35029   40896  85.7% -lh5- c14d May  7  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_no_acelerador.iff
[Amiga]                   8692   14275  60.9% -lh5- 4937 May 16  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sounds/sonido_vuelta.iff
[Amiga]                  13189   21018  62.8% -lh5- f480 May 30  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sprites/ferrari_rot_44x25_v4.iff
[Amiga]                    267     460  58.0% -lh5- f969 May 30  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Sprites/
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                  15225   26174  58.2% -lh5- bca3 May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Tiles/tiles_32x32_v9.iff
[Amiga]                    268     460  58.3% -lh5- 11c0 May 31  1980 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/Tiles/
[Amiga]                  15428   28450  54.2% -lh5- e592 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/juande3050-racing/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    231     776  29.8% -lh5- 99a6 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/Knight/Knight002.pal
[Amiga]                   2490   34196   7.3% -lh5- ff48 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/Knight/Knight002.pill
[Amiga]                  37891   91448  41.4% -lh5- 8e0c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/Knight/Knight002.shapes
[Amiga]                   2522    6414  39.3% -lh5- 702c Aug  2 06:37 REDPILL/projects/Knight/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    986   15051   6.6% -lh5- b6fb Aug  2 06:37 REDPILL/projects/Knight/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    368    1452  25.3% -lh5- a9a1 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    170   15044   1.1% -lh5- 7d15 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                   8519   16890  50.4% -lh5- 24a8 Dec 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/enemies1.iff
[Amiga]                   4502    7000  64.3% -lh5- dec8 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/espada2.iff
[Amiga]                   5561   14110  39.4% -lh5- c641 Dec 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/explosion.iff
[Amiga]                  14003   20980  66.7% -lh5- f55e Dec 19  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/middle256.iff
[Amiga]                  13742   30878  44.5% -lh5- 565b Dec  9  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/player1.iff
[Amiga]                   8530   18914  45.1% -lh5- 5378 Dec 21  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/player1b.iff
[Amiga]                 541976  714046  75.9% -lh5- da06 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/recopilacion.mod
[Amiga]                  87176  121308  71.9% -lh5- 4c00 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/ROMANTIC.MOD
[Amiga]                   2841    4200  67.6% -lh5- 1010 Dec 23  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/soundExplosion.iff
[Amiga]                   4645    6884  67.5% -lh5- c6b6 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/soundjump.iff
[Amiga]                   2381   77072   3.1% -lh5- 8fd2 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/start-screen.iff
[Amiga]                  24661   44838  55.0% -lh5- 7b75 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/res/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                  23988   43916  54.6% -lh5- 7946 Dec 22  2023 REDPILL/projects/Knight/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   1901    2572  73.9% -lh5- a8d5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/images/LJP_HUD.iff
[Amiga]                   6103   14058  43.4% -lh5- 4c9a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/images/LJP_Intro.iff
[Amiga]                   4635   12384  37.4% -lh5- 2ba4 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/images/LJP_Outro.iff
[Amiga]                   8085   16864  47.9% -lh5- acb7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/images/LJP_SpriteSet.iff
[Amiga]                   7260   20624  35.2% -lh5- 1f49 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/images/LJP_TileSet.iff
[Amiga]                    876    1136  77.1% -lh5- 45d7 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    149   15010   1.0% -lh5- e0d9 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    268   14953   1.8% -lh5- cf6c Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    303   14953   2.0% -lh5- bbda Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-10.rpl
[Amiga]                    316   14953   2.1% -lh5- f156 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-11.rpl
[Amiga]                    318   14953   2.1% -lh5- 6f63 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-12.rpl
[Amiga]                    351   14953   2.3% -lh5- f214 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-13.rpl
[Amiga]                    333   14953   2.2% -lh5- f4dc Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-14.rpl
[Amiga]                    377   14953   2.5% -lh5- bc01 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-15.rpl
[Amiga]                    362   14953   2.4% -lh5- 35b5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-16.rpl
[Amiga]                    313   14953   2.1% -lh5- 057e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-17.rpl
[Amiga]                    344   14953   2.3% -lh5- 9733 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-18.rpl
[Amiga]                    331   14953   2.2% -lh5- bbec Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-19.rpl
[Amiga]                    327   14953   2.2% -lh5- 227e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    358   14953   2.4% -lh5- 9dbf Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-20.rpl
[Amiga]                    207   14974   1.4% -lh5- 8943 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-21.rpl
[Amiga]                    338   14953   2.3% -lh5- 8fcd Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    342   14953   2.3% -lh5- e0b6 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    336   14953   2.2% -lh5- e33b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    340   14953   2.3% -lh5- 393f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    374   14953   2.5% -lh5- fe90 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    341   14953   2.3% -lh5- 2e1d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    282   14953   1.9% -lh5- e3ce Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                    788     788 100.0% -lh0- 2db4 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform004-25fps.pal
[Amiga]                   3396  104836   3.2% -lh5- 7d25 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform004-25fps.pill
[Amiga]                   6599   18336  36.0% -lh5- b24c Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform004-25fps.shapes
[Amiga]                    788     788 100.0% -lh0- 2db4 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform004.pal
[Amiga]                   4173  105717   3.9% -lh5- aae8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform004.pill
[Amiga]                   6612   18336  36.1% -lh5- 3366 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform004.shapes
[Amiga]                    788     788 100.0% -lh0- 2db4 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform005-25fps.pal
[Amiga]                   3319   81724   4.1% -lh5- ad96 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform005-25fps.pill
[Amiga]                   6606   18336  36.0% -lh5- 34f3 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform005-25fps.shapes
[Amiga]                    788     788 100.0% -lh0- 2db4 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform005.pal
[Amiga]                   3320   81724   4.1% -lh5- b606 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform005.pill
[Amiga]                   6613   18336  36.1% -lh5- 651c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/LumberjackPlatform005.shapes
[Amiga]                   4977   12444  40.0% -lh5- 9988 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/music/MOD.intro
[Amiga]                  10559   17190  61.4% -lh5- d62c Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/music/MOD.outro
[Amiga]                    211     273  77.3% -lh5- eb61 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/ReadMe
[Amiga]                    258     611  42.2% -lh5- 3afd Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/
[Amiga]                   2089    2442  85.5% -lh5- 59e3 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/axe_swipe.iff
[Amiga]                   1784    2212  80.7% -lh5- c6a1 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/enemy_die.iff
[Amiga]                    276    2964   9.3% -lh5- 0eda Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/enemy_hurt.iff
[Amiga]                   3338    9346  35.7% -lh5- fa92 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/jump.iff
[Amiga]                   1698   15980  10.6% -lh5- cace Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/player_die.iff
[Amiga]                   8724   17784  49.1% -lh5- 149a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/teleport.iff
[Amiga]                  10966   18372  59.7% -lh5- a4b7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/sounds/woodlog.iff
[Amiga]                    136     477  28.5% -lh5- eb10 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   8419   23766  35.4% -lh5- 2fff Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/LumberjackPlatform/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   2152    5446  39.5% -lh5- 229e Jun 10 14:27 REDPILL/projects/Merc/assets/back2_16c.iff
[Amiga]                   4896    9690  50.5% -lh5- e0c8 Jul 12 17:24 REDPILL/projects/Merc/assets/chas.iff
[Amiga]                  36137   82488  43.8% -lh5- 8ffe Jul 13 15:50 REDPILL/projects/Merc/assets/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                   1769    5782  30.6% -lh5- 916e Jul 14 15:47 REDPILL/projects/Merc/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    510   15046   3.4% -lh5- b8a7 Jul 14 15:47 REDPILL/projects/Merc/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                     98     776  12.6% -lh5- c051 Jul 13 16:05 REDPILL/projects/Merc/Merc002.pal
[Amiga]                   1961   37268   5.3% -lh5- 2ef3 Jul 13 16:05 REDPILL/projects/Merc/Merc002.pill
[Amiga]                   3033    7064  42.9% -lh5- b3c8 Jul 13 16:05 REDPILL/projects/Merc/Merc002.shapes
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Nov 18  2022 REDPILL/projects/Merc/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                  13419   29906  44.9% -lh5- 21b6 Jul 13 15:50 REDPILL/projects/Merc/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    147     788  18.7% -lh5- 53eb Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/mirror/game025.pal
[Amiga]                   2483   27647   9.0% -lh5- 0679 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/mirror/game025.pill
[Amiga]                   2964    7024  42.2% -lh5- 1ecf Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/mirror/game025.shapes
[Amiga]                    202    1236  16.3% -lh5- 4f7a Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    241   14982   1.6% -lh5- 457c Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    227   14982   1.5% -lh5- d58d Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-2.iff
[Amiga]                    253   14982   1.7% -lh5- 0ec7 Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-3.iff
[Amiga]                    267   14982   1.8% -lh5- f5a1 Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-4.iff
[Amiga]                    278   14982   1.9% -lh5- a712 Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-5.iff
[Amiga]                    201   14982   1.3% -lh5- 62d5 Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-6.iff
[Amiga]                    311   14982   2.1% -lh5- ae2c Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-7.iff
[Amiga]                    306   14982   2.0% -lh5- f24a Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    206    1236  16.7% -lh5- 478f Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-8.iff
[Amiga]                    243   14982   1.6% -lh5- de53 Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    210    1190  17.6% -lh5- a860 Jun  3  2023 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-9.iff
[Amiga]                    127   15006   0.8% -lh5- c709 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/mirror/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                   3591   12478  28.8% -lh5- 8cbd Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/cover003.iff
[Amiga]                  10475   15704  66.7% -lh5- 1b5f Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/death.iff
[Amiga]                   3196    7528  42.5% -lh5- 7260 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/jump.iff
[Amiga]                   1826    5178  35.3% -lh5- 23c2 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/key.iff
[Amiga]                  13659   62786  21.8% -lh5- 168f Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/mirror intro.mod
[Amiga]                   7610   49064  15.5% -lh5- f9aa Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/mirror main music.mod
[Amiga]                    626    1214  51.6% -lh5- 006f Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/MirrorPalette32Col
[Amiga]                   1818    3010  60.4% -lh5- 83a2 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/MirrorSpriteSet001
[Amiga]                   1907    5144  37.1% -lh5- d188 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/MirrorTileSet002
[Amiga]                   6466   12800  50.5% -lh5- 9995 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/open door.iff
[Amiga]                  12281   16676  73.6% -lh5- e0df Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/open door2.iff
[Amiga]                   5819    7220  80.6% -lh5- a23e Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/projects/mirror/res/stage_clear.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/mirror/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   1879    7862  23.9% -lh5- a014 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/mirror/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    140    1336  10.5% -lh5- d000 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    189   15006   1.3% -lh5- c507 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    126   14966   0.8% -lh5- faf2 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    126   14965   0.8% -lh5- f8a5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    201   14953   1.3% -lh5- b797 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    208   14953   1.4% -lh5- 7235 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    220   14953   1.5% -lh5- a0ee Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    124   14966   0.8% -lh5- c81d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    117   14963   0.8% -lh5- a882 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    104   14953   0.7% -lh5- 6cdb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                     96   14953   0.6% -lh5- 31ab Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                     89     788  11.3% -lh5- c45c Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/MS038.pal
[Amiga]                   2847  101299   2.8% -lh5- adfe Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/MS038.pill
[Amiga]                   5973   24540  24.3% -lh5- 4877 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/MS038.shapes
[Amiga]                   4362    4842  90.1% -lh5- 2c22 Apr 26  1995 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Disparo.iff
[Amiga]                   2406    2712  88.7% -lh5- 8d77 Apr 19  1998 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Explosion.iff
[Amiga]                   3018   10650  28.3% -lh5- 6989 Jun  3  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Final
[Amiga]                   1583    4924  32.1% -lh5- 0186 Jun  3  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/GameOver
[Amiga]                   4074    7588  53.7% -lh5- 18c9 May 15  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Historia
[Amiga]                  36498   52982  68.9% -lh5- fa03 Oct  9  1996 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/mod.Caminando
[Amiga]                   6686    8218  81.4% -lh5- cd9b Apr 19  1998 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Paso.iff
[Amiga]                   4330   12760  33.9% -lh5- 4da0 May 19  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Presentacion
[Amiga]                   6413   14940  42.9% -lh5- 1801 May 26  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Sprites
[Amiga]                   3549    8426  42.1% -lh5- 5e11 May 15  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Tiles
[Amiga]                  22035   34138  64.5% -lh5- d30b May 15  1980 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/Res/Titulo2
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   3622   10612  34.1% -lh5- 2997 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/MomoSpace/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                   1556    5168  30.1% -lh5- 9b33 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/bigpill.iff
[Amiga]                   1519    5120  29.7% -lh5- a682 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/bigpill.raw
[Amiga]                    130     788  16.5% -lh5- de94 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pillman/game004.pal
[Amiga]                   1666   20474   8.1% -lh5- 98f2 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pillman/game004.pill
[Amiga]                    624    2272  27.5% -lh5- f79b Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pillman/game004.shapes
[Amiga]                    167    1036  16.1% -lh5- d2ab Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/pillman/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    333   14989   2.2% -lh5- 8e43 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pillman/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    496    8240   6.0% -lh5- 5a40 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/pick01.iff
[Amiga]                    446    8192   5.4% -lh5- cfc2 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/pick01.raw
[Amiga]                    815    3170  25.7% -lh5- 1a5c Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/sprites/sprites16.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    903    3812  23.7% -lh5- d6fb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/tiles/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                   1163    8302  14.0% -lh5- decc Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pillman/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    784    7402  10.6% -lh5- fedf Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pong/images/pongcover.iff
[Amiga]                    790    6104  12.9% -lh5- 797e Oct  2  1980 REDPILL/projects/pong/images/pongfield.iff
[Amiga]                   1641   15220  10.8% -lh5- af04 Oct  2  1980 REDPILL/projects/pong/images/pongmaster.iff
[Amiga]                    142   14974   0.9% -lh5- b1aa Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pong/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    130    1186  11.0% -lh5- d857 Aug 30  2023 REDPILL/projects/pong/level-1.iff
[Amiga]                    172   15023   1.1% -lh5- 80f7 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pong/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                     74     788   9.4% -lh5- 45a7 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pong/pong20.pal
[Amiga]                   1922   41446   4.6% -lh5- ed85 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pong/pong20.pill
[Amiga]                   1966   19216  10.2% -lh5- ab88 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/pong/pong20.shapes
[Amiga]                   2321    9598  24.2% -lh5- d055 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/pong/sprites/pongsprites.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/pong/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                   1792    3304  54.2% -lh5- b135 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_BG.iff
[Amiga]                   2119   13666  15.5% -lh5- 7efb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_End.iff
[Amiga]                   1803   10716  16.8% -lh5- e085 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_GameOver.iff
[Amiga]                   1687    5132  32.9% -lh5- d7a7 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_Info.iff
[Amiga]                   2162   12526  17.3% -lh5- db46 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_Intro.iff
[Amiga]                   5148   17936  28.7% -lh5- b513 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_Sprites.iff
[Amiga]                    912    4538  20.1% -lh5- 4178 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/images/RPP_Tileset.iff
[Amiga]                    198    1086  18.2% -lh5- 877a Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    303   15050   2.0% -lh5- 92b3 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    345   14995   2.3% -lh5- c868 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-1.rpl
[Amiga]                    350   14995   2.3% -lh5- ee7f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-10.rpl
[Amiga]                    349   14995   2.3% -lh5- 1f47 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-11.rpl
[Amiga]                    346   14995   2.3% -lh5- 3ca8 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-12.rpl
[Amiga]                    357   14995   2.4% -lh5- 3ecb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-13.rpl
[Amiga]                    357   14995   2.4% -lh5- 3e3e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-14.rpl
[Amiga]                    360   14995   2.4% -lh5- d232 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-15.rpl
[Amiga]                    347   14995   2.3% -lh5- 835b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-16.rpl
[Amiga]                    347   14995   2.3% -lh5- 6b77 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-17.rpl
[Amiga]                    370   14995   2.5% -lh5- ce26 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-18.rpl
[Amiga]                    345   14995   2.3% -lh5- 469e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-19.rpl
[Amiga]                    350   14995   2.3% -lh5- 6e2d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-2.rpl
[Amiga]                    361   14995   2.4% -lh5- de64 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-20.rpl
[Amiga]                    290   15014   1.9% -lh5- 6087 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-21.rpl
[Amiga]                    286   15015   1.9% -lh5- cf20 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-22.rpl
[Amiga]                    273   15019   1.8% -lh5- 281a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-23.rpl
[Amiga]                    353   14995   2.4% -lh5- 0949 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-3.rpl
[Amiga]                    344   14995   2.3% -lh5- eab5 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-4.rpl
[Amiga]                    342   14995   2.3% -lh5- 510f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-5.rpl
[Amiga]                    353   14995   2.4% -lh5- ff6d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-6.rpl
[Amiga]                    354   14995   2.4% -lh5- c19f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-7.rpl
[Amiga]                    353   14995   2.4% -lh5- b268 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-8.rpl
[Amiga]                    334   14995   2.2% -lh5- 881f Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/level-9.rpl
[Amiga]                   1188    2798  42.5% -lh5- a4ac Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/music/MOD.2000_AD3
[Amiga]                   2368    7580  31.2% -lh5- 7890 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/music/MOD.Defjam3
[Amiga]                   1497    5434  27.5% -lh5- 3572 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/music/MOD.Faith4
[Amiga]                   4576   15000  30.5% -lh5- 5091 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/music/MOD.sweetimpression
[Amiga]                     91      99  91.9% -lh5- a184 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/ReadMe
[Amiga]                    251     611  41.1% -lh5- 4b5c Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/
[Amiga]                    153     788  19.4% -lh5- 12f8 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/RedpillPuzzle004.pal
[Amiga]                   5095  112001   4.5% -lh5- f885 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/RedpillPuzzle004.pill
[Amiga]                   4659   27652  16.8% -lh5- 3b20 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/RedpillPuzzle004.shapes
[Amiga]                   3091    7084  43.6% -lh5- 6403 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/sounds/RPP_bleep.iff
[Amiga]                   3224   16286  19.8% -lh5- 5e4a Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/sounds/RPP_death.iff
[Amiga]                   2323    6050  38.4% -lh5- 19f0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/sounds/RPP_jewel_bump.iff
[Amiga]                   8469   28090  30.1% -lh5- 605d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/sounds/RPP_jewel_end.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d May  8  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    993    6802  14.6% -lh5- 3cf4 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/RedpillPuzzle/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                    581    1758  33.0% -lh5- afdb Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/bg-stars.iff
[Amiga]                  45251   98146  46.1% -lh5- 3b5b Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/FUNZINE.mod
[Amiga]                    191    2836   6.7% -lh5- ef25 Sep  8 17:29 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/level-0.iff
[Amiga]                    235   15029   1.6% -lh5- adfe Sep  8 17:29 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/level-0.rpl
[Amiga]                    138     788  17.5% -lh5- 86f0 Sep  8 17:29 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/profilercheck_v2.pal
[Amiga]                   1850   40666   4.5% -lh5- b8ea Sep  8 17:29 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/profilercheck_v2.pill
[Amiga]                   3937   11096  35.5% -lh5- 4cf8 Sep  8 17:29 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/profilercheck_v2.shapes
[Amiga]                    136     788  17.3% -lh5- 86f0 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/shotemup005.pal
[Amiga]                   1849   43985   4.2% -lh5- d588 Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/shotemup005.pill
[Amiga]                   3953   11096  35.6% -lh5- 7c2b Mar 28  2024 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/shotemup005.shapes
[Amiga]                   3655    6192  59.0% -lh5- bafe Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/soundshot.iff
[Amiga]                   3613    6144  58.8% -lh5- 12b0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/soundshot.raw
[Amiga]                   4195    9086  46.2% -lh5- cfc0 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/sprites.iff
[Amiga]                     10     256   3.9% -lh5- 934d Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/texts.rpt
[Amiga]                    549    2618  21.0% -lh5- 9b4e Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/tiles.iff
[Amiga]                    542    3826  14.2% -lh5- e066 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/projects/shotemup/tileset0.rpb
[Amiga]                  40157  112289  35.8% -lh5- 079c Nov 30 23:27 REDPILL/ReadMe
[Amiga]                   1106    1776  62.3% -lh5- 63be Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                   8961   25407  35.3% -lh5- 2ee6 Aug  4 18:12 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                   1121    1800  62.3% -lh5- de87 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                 172064  172064 100.0% -lh0- 3224 Nov 30 23:40 REDPILL/RedPillEditor
[Amiga]                   1369    8457  16.2% -lh5- 61d2 Nov 20 16:14 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                 173116  173116 100.0% -lh0- 6253 Nov 30 23:41 REDPILL/REDPILLEditor020
[Amiga]                   1368    8457  16.2% -lh5- 76e4 Nov 20 16:14 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                    174     244  71.3% -lh5- b840 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/cursor.iff
[Amiga]                    163     202  80.7% -lh5- 2e7b Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/cursorECS.iff
[Amiga]                     23     264   8.7% -lh5- 08a3 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/AON.font
[Amiga]                   1376    2616  52.6% -lh5- 88e7 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/AON/8
[Amiga]                    114     207  55.1% -lh5- 2e8d Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/fontcache
[Amiga]                     27     264  10.2% -lh5- ef09 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/Melter.font
[Amiga]                   1798    3240  55.5% -lh5- 4fda Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/melter/8
[Amiga]                     35     264  13.3% -lh5- f89a Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/MicroKnight.font
[Amiga]                   1374    2568  53.5% -lh5- 4821 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/fonts/MicroKnight/8
[Amiga]                   2068    5064  40.8% -lh5- 6f1b Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/gus_logo.iff
[Amiga]                   5618   17031  33.0% -lh5- 4db7 Nov 30 23:38 REDPILL/res/HelpActions_EN.txt
[Amiga]                   3747   14744  25.4% -lh5- 0f12 Nov 30 23:38 REDPILL/res/HelpConditions_EN.txt
[Amiga]                   2770    7952  34.8% -lh5- 228a Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/
[Amiga]                   5884    9768  60.2% -lh5- d323 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/Keyboard.iff
[Amiga]                  84572   84572 100.0% -lh0- 261b Nov 30 23:42 REDPILL/res/REDPILLPlayer
[Amiga]                  85372   85372 100.0% -lh0- 4cea Nov 30 23:43 REDPILL/res/REDPILLPlayer020
[Amiga]                  78436   78436 100.0% -lh0- 9423 Nov 30 23:44 REDPILL/res/REDPILLPlayerA500
[Amiga]                   2370    6164  38.4% -lh5- 825c Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/res/redpill_320_splash.iff
[Amiga]                     21      21 100.0% -lh0- 8fe4 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/startup-sequence
[Amiga]                      4       4 100.0% -lh0- d1a9 Apr 14  2024 REDPILL/res/startup-sequenceA500
[Amiga]                   1694    1906  88.9% -lh5- 1b1a Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/
[Amiga]                   4633    7283  63.6% -lh5- 8e7d Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/whdload/
[Amiga]                   3176    4584  69.3% -lh5- 78df Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/whdload/Game_1MbChip.Slave
[Amiga]                   2607    7284  35.8% -lh5- 78de Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/whdload/
[Amiga]                   3178    4584  69.3% -lh5- f910 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/whdload/Game_32MbFast.Slave
[Amiga]                   4281    7283  58.8% -lh5- 5264 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/res/whdload/
[Amiga]                   3178    4584  69.3% -lh5- ed86 Dec 16  2022 REDPILL/res/whdload/Game_4MbFast.Slave
[Amiga]                   2731    4648  58.8% -lh5- eaa2 Jul 20  2022 REDPILL/tools/DataToIff
[Amiga]                  38293   76176  50.3% -lh5- 4590 Dec 11  2023 REDPILL/tools/png2ilbm
[Amiga]                  15003   54473  27.5% -lh5- 88d1 Nov 30 23:37 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                   1123    1800  62.4% -lh5- e2d8 Oct 28  2023 REDPILL/
[Amiga]                     90    3392   2.7% -lh5- a0c1 Nov 27  2017 REDPILL/triggers/4direction.triggers
[Amiga]                     83    3392   2.4% -lh5- 297b Nov 19  1980 REDPILL/triggers/8direction.triggers
[Amiga]                     69    3392   2.0% -lh5- b0cc Nov 19  1980 REDPILL/triggers/Jump.triggers
[Amiga]                     35     106  33.0% -lh5- 6871 Jan 23  2021 REDPILL/triggers/WallJump.trigger
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total      1149 files 6098459 15864355  38.4%            Nov 30 23:22
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