* Autodoc paths
At startup, MAutodoc looks for autodoc files in the default directories :
- gg:autodocs for MorphOS
- SDK: for AmigaOS4
For example on OS4, autodocs are in the directory "SDK:Documentation/AutoDocs/".
I put my MUI autodocs in a subdirectory "MUI/" that is parsed too.
If you want to give more paths, just put them in argument when running the program.
* Easy to use
Once the window opened, libraries are split into 3 lists :
- System : all the common autodocs
- MUI : specific includes concerning MUI classes
- ReAction : specific includes concerning ReAction classes
Just click one of the 3 tabs and choose a library in the list.
Then click on a function name to see its documentation.
* Future
I know this autodoc viewer is not finished and could add several user oriented features :
- add more default include paths thanks to a nice prefs window
- add icons or something to distinguish attributes and methods
- manage 2 environments to swap, a nice feature for those who use cross-compilation
* Changes in version 0.20
- Added tab for Reaction
- Added detection of marker 0x0c (normally put between two functions as separator).
- Added parsing of doc files only
- Added AmiUpdate support for OS4
- Removed general warnings, cleaned the code