84781 packages online
No screenshot available
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+----- Tristar & Red Sector Presents ------+
Well mates, seems that it was up to me to upload this splendit AGA
Demo from The Sleeping Gods! Nah, it was released 1 1/2 years ago but
it is rather cool anyway. Enjoy!
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ /\ /\________|__
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\ _ o _ /_/__ /____ _ /__\Sk¡n
\__/ \\__/. / / / // o\
+--/________\// \ /________ / \\--+
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+----- Tristar & Red Sector Presents ------+
_________/\ _________/\ ___________/\ _______/\
___/ . \__/ . \__/ _________/_(_________)__
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|-tRSi-| / | \ · / -911/|
. .:|______:__________/_________:____\______________/___________/_|:. .
The SECOND time in a row... (It seems that we are damned - fUCK) !!!
"Why the hell does TRSi release a trackmo (non-dos-basis) as LHA-Archive
and not as usual DMS-Package" you may ask... Correct! The explaination is
quite simple; due a failure of The Disk Masher (just ask eg. Blackhawk or
Flake; they know what I am talking about... the dms-routine is full of
bugs) there appears a CHECKSUM ERROR (DMS ERR8) while un-packing the FIRST
disk (which makes it iMPOSSIBlE to un-dms it in a correct way). Be sure
that there are eg. no error tracks on disk! It is just one of those lousy
pack-error of the dms! So we had to archive the 2nd disk with another
full-disk-comprimizer... ZOOM!
No panic, Zoom was included in the *2nd* Lha-archive due the fact that it
is not very popular (ever seen a file like TRSI-RSI.ZOM?). You simply have
to decrunch the 2nd disk with dms and the second one with Zoom (as I
already said; included in the TRSi-CD1.LHA file). Sorry for that but it
was not our fault. Check it our by yourself if you do not believe us;
compress the 2nd disk and try to de-compress it. You will NOT be
Thank you for patience, CONtROL Of TRSi <dEMO sECTION>
Grab these two files...
tRSI-CD1.lHA /\ /\________|__
______/ \______ /\______/ _____/\
\ _ o _ /_/__ /____ _ /__\Sk¡n
\__/ \\__/. / / / // o\
+--/________\// \ /________ / \\--+
: / /______|\____\ \/\______/ :
+----- Tristar & Red Sector Presents ------+
tRSI-CD2.lHA /\ /\________|__
______/ \______ /\______/ _____/\
\ _ o _ /_/__ /____ _ /__\Sk¡n
\__/ \\__/. / / / // o\
+--/________\// \ /________ / \\--+
: / /______|\____\ \/\______/ :
+----- Tristar & Red Sector Presents ------+
| CUBIC DREAM (DREAM³) *AGA* tRACKMO [2/2] | (including ZOOM)
. .
__ _ _/ | __ _ _/ |
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\_ |___/ __/__ _____/ .____/ . _/ l__/ | \/| | _/ _____/
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l_______l___ l___ l___ l___ l___! | l___! l___ |
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Contents of demo/track/cudream1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 196 405 48.4% -lh5- 5111 Jan 7 1980 fILE_ID.DIZ
[generic] 817340 817340 100.0% -lh0- f867 Jan 7 1980 TRSi-CD1.ZOM
[generic] 1663 6427 25.9% -lh5- f534 Jan 7 1980 TRSi-CDM.NFO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 819199 824172 99.4% Aug 4 1996
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