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Short:RNO Records #100 musicdisk (68k,OS4,MOS)
Uploader:"jPV^RNO" <jpv amigascne org>
Download:demo/sound/rno-r100.lha - View contents

. .. .  .
        ::.:.::::        _____
        :::::: _____ ____\_   \
«----------____\_ .//   / /   /_-------------------------------------------»
    _______\___ /_|/   / /___/ /
  __\__  \   _   /    /_______/  ·r A V E  n E T W o R k  o V E R S C A N·
  \  _/ _/__ / _/____/  _____ _____ __________.____       _____       ____
  /  \     /___\.     __\_   \\_   \ _    /  /    /_______\__  \ ____/   /
 /___/____/ ..:.:    /   /   / /   /_/  /_\ /    /  _   /  _/ _//_ _/   /
        ...::::::   /   /   / /___/ /  /   /\   /   /  /   \     / \    \
        ::.:::.::  /___/____\______/___\___/\___\______\___/____/___\____\
         ______ ____ ____  _____  ____    ____     ______   _____
    _____\__ .//   //_   \_\__  \/   /___/_ _/_____\___ /___\_   \
   /   _   / |/   /  /   /_ _/ _/______   / \    \   _   /   /   /tR!
«-/    /  /      /  /___/ / \     /  /   /       /   / _/   /   /----------»
        ::::::.::                 [ RNO Records release #100 ]
        ::: :::::                          musicdisk
        : :::::::                
        :::::::::                              -
        ::::::: :                  · released Feb 15th, 2008 ·
        :::::::::                              -
        ::::.::::             requirements: 020+, AGA/RTG, some ram       
        :::::::::                 recommended: 030/50 or better
        :::::::::              works also on MorphOS and AmigaOS4  
        :::::.:::               you need 640x480x8bit screenmode
        :::::.:::                     (or 640x512 for AGA)
        :::::::::                              -
        :::::::::                     commandline options:
        :::::::::                  AHI - forces audio to AHI
        :::::::::            FREQ=xxxx - sets audio frequency for AHI
        :::::::::                PAULA - forces audio to Paula
        :::::::::              use PAULA whenever it is possible     
        :::::::::    ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
        :::::..:: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
        :::::::::       /\                                          \/
        :::::::::                        C R E D i T S
        ::.::::::                   main code <·> jPV
        :::::::::                     3d code <·> Britelite
        :::::::::               main graphics <·> XNI
        ::.::::::                  3d objects <·> XNI
        :::::::::            game gfx & fonts <·> Densho
        :::::::::                       music <·> XNI
        :::::::::                       music <·> Roz
        :::::::::                       music <·> RM
        :::::::::                       music <·> Densho
        :::::::::                       music <·> Zany
        :::::::::                       music <·> Goto80/UpRough
        :::::::::                  management <·> TFT
        :::::::::                  end object <·> Spiikki/Dekadence
        :::::::::            ptreplay.library <·> Pucko/Digital Dreams
        :::::::::              ptplay.library <·> Itix (currently)
        :::::::::              ptplay.library <·> Fredrik Wikstrom (OS4 port)
        :::::::::                 c2p routine <·> Mikael Kalms
        ::::.::::    ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
        :::.::::: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
        :::::::::       /\                                          \/
        :::::::::                        c O N T A C T
        :::::::::                     nickname at
        :::::::::                        #rno at ircnet
        ::::.::::    ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
        ::::::::: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
        :::::::::       /\                                          \/
        :::::::::                     l A S T  w O R D S
        :::::.:::    we are looking for more members so if you would like
        ::.::::::    to join us, contact densho by email with some examples
        ·.:· :·:     of your work and some personal info or come to Ircnet
                     channel #amigascne or #rno and have a chat with densho.

                     ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
                  / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
                        /\                                          \/
                  [ rAVE nETWORK oVERSCAN ]·[ info: tHrEAz/tWisted&dAmONEs ]

Contents of demo/sound/rno-r100.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 8915   20224  44.1% -lh5- df5c Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/densho-ghettoblaster.3df
[generic]                10435   19072  54.7% -lh5- 287f Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/goto80-fallos4all.3df
[generic]                25235   40568  62.2% -lh5- be21 Oct 18 23:11 rno-r100/data/libraries/os4/ptplay.library
[generic]                 6958   11576  60.1% -lh5- c867 Apr 13  2007 rno-r100/data/libraries/ptplay.library
[generic]                 4610    8048  57.3% -lh5- 535b Oct  3 12:45 rno-r100/data/libraries/ptreplay.library
[generic]                19037   50420  37.8% -lh5- 90d6 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rnomb
[generic]                 9077   18352  49.5% -lh5- c90d Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/roz-transexual.3df
[generic]                 8107   26272  30.9% -lh5- ef3e Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/roz-transexual2.3df
[generic]                 4262    9280  45.9% -lh5- cfc9 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/tv.3df
[generic]                 4614   11152  41.4% -lh5- 561d Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/zany-hardhouse.3df
[generic]                 2223   10288  21.6% -lh5- 7b0a Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/zany.3df
[generic]               253919 1524168  16.7% -lh5- 7c0f Feb 15 14:28 rno-r100/rno-r100
[generic]                 3108   14992  20.7% -lh5- 7a0b Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/densho.3df
[generic]                22213   32152  69.1% -lh5- 5d0f Apr 13  2007 rno-r100/data/libraries/ptplay.library.elf
[generic]                11854   65536  18.1% -lh5- dc34 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/lm0.raw
[generic]                12814   65536  19.6% -lh5- 895f Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/lmo.raw
[generic]                  889    4144  21.5% -lh5- 2eba Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rm.3df
[generic]                85070  146864  57.9% -lh5- d3a5 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rno-clip1.mod
[generic]                63469  107868  58.8% -lh5- 92fc Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rno-clip2.mod
[generic]               202689  276708  73.3% -lh5- 1ba1 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rno-clip3.mod
[generic]                 6852   14824  46.2% -lh5- c4e1 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rno0.3df
[generic]                21212   35344  60.0% -lh5- 9f88 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rno1.3df
[generic]                22812   41776  54.6% -lh5- 7b1b Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rnox.3df
[generic]                 5135    8176  62.8% -lh5- 4da4 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/roz-hurmuri.3df
[generic]                 1472    6448  22.8% -lh5- 98f3 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/roz.3df
[generic]                 9146   16528  55.3% -lh5- 214c Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/xni-buRNOut.3df
[generic]                 1536    7120  21.6% -lh5- 8a05 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/xni.3df
[generic]                 2177    7600  28.6% -lh5- 1703 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/densho-invader.3df
[generic]                 3222   16144  20.0% -lh5- a5ae Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/goto80.3df
[generic]                10980   65536  16.8% -lh5- 492a Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/lm2.raw
[generic]                11053   65536  16.9% -lh5- 3b24 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/lmx.raw
[generic]                11536   26200  44.0% -lh5- 0e61 Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/rm-giveyou.3df
[generic]                 4230    8800  48.1% -lh5- a7ef Feb 14 17:30 rno-r100/data/xni-breeze.3df
[generic]                10092   31198  32.3% -lh5- d72e Feb  8 19:43 rno-r100/music/fallos4all.mod
[generic]               341335  508278  67.2% -lh5- 8130 Feb  1 21:24 rno-r100/music/giveyou.mod
[generic]                90059  237816  37.9% -lh5- b5d5 Feb  4 12:22 rno-r100/music/mod.baseinvaders
[generic]               220597  336500  65.6% -lh5- 75b9 Feb  1 21:25 rno-r100/music/mod.hurmuri
[generic]               402171  627408  64.1% -lh5- 760e Feb  8 16:57 rno-r100/music/transexual.MOD
[generic]               235251  397126  59.2% -lh5- 29c5 Feb  1 21:26 rno-r100/music/xni-breeze.mod
[generic]               264125  398724  66.2% -lh5- 8fb9 Feb  1 21:27 rno-r100/music/xni-buRNOut.mod
[generic]               101534  171558  59.2% -lh5- 98da Feb 10 12:23 rno-r100/music/Zany-HardHouse.mod
[generic]                 8551    8551 100.0% -lh0- befc Feb 15 00:02 rno-r100/bonus/PNG-icon/
[generic]                 3323    4652  71.4% -lh5- 42ad Feb 14 20:14 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_big/rno100-1.png
[generic]                85780   85780 100.0% -lh0- d643 Feb 14 20:15 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_big/rno100-2.png
[generic]               138681  138681 100.0% -lh0- 136a Feb 15 15:09 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_big/rno100-3.png
[generic]               223625  223625 100.0% -lh0- 37d7 Feb 14 20:31 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_big/rno100-4.png
[generic]               106505  106505 100.0% -lh0- fb7c Feb 15 15:10 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_small/rno100-3.png
[generic]               130081  130081 100.0% -lh0- 9be1 Feb 14 20:41 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_small/rno100-4.png
[generic]               118109  155794  75.8% -lh5- afe0 Feb 14 21:37 rno-r100/music/belgium.mod
[generic]               326842  626268  52.2% -lh5- 6500 Feb 14 22:46 rno-r100/music/mod.ghettowanker
[generic]                 1323    5057  26.2% -lh5- ad9a Feb 13 19:08 rno-r100/rno-r100.nfo
[generic]                  238     541  44.0% -lh5- 1741 Feb  3 17:46 file_id.diz
[generic]               116969  116969 100.0% -lh0- 7288 Feb 15 15:29 rno-r100/bonus/animgif/rno-r100_anim.gif
[generic]                 3631    4339  83.7% -lh5- fcf0 Feb 15 15:50 rno-r100/bonus/newicon/
[generic]                18866   19616  96.2% -lh5- f3fb Feb 14 20:41 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_small/rno100-1.png
[generic]                63555   63555 100.0% -lh0- ef80 Feb 14 20:41 rno-r100/bonus/screenshots_small/rno100-2.png
[generic]                 3620    4329  83.6% -lh5- f718 Feb 15 16:05 rno-r100/
[generic]                 3563   10517  33.9% -lh5- dfbe Feb 15 16:02 rno-r100/rno-r100.txt
[generic]                 1862    2811  66.2% -lh5- d4a4 Feb 15 16:52
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        59 files 3891149 7199531  54.0%            Feb 16 06:50
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