84782 packages online
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Mumu present musicpack #1, the modules will also load straight into protracker.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
232 159 31.4% 06-Jan-94 12:47:40 DEVS/system-configuration
39220 18178 53.6% 04-Jan-94 18:08:28 gk/mod.another day of rain
25558 13925 45.5% 04-Jan-94 17:59:38 gk/mod.chip in motion
49698 34266 31.0% 04-Jan-94 22:10:18 gk/mod.control ur body
80880 60671 24.9% 04-Jan-94 18:01:18 gk/mod.heavy uggadunk!
17244 9014 47.7% 04-Jan-94 18:03:36 gk/mod.leisa
22506 11101 50.6% 04-Jan-94 18:02:14 gk/mod.lost wings of snail
6084 1857 69.4% 04-Jan-94 18:04:26 gk/mod.miniscribe
14768 4128 72.0% 04-Jan-94 21:58:20 gk/mod.more enhanced
85162 61913 27.2% 04-Jan-94 18:12:02 gk/mod.no limit
48448 31042 35.9% 04-Jan-94 17:47:06 gk/mod.not yet dead
54250 36461 32.7% 04-Jan-94 22:05:34 gk/mod.show me your
35116 21049 40.0% 04-Jan-94 18:14:14 gk/mod.what the fuck is 2u
6550 1565 76.1% 04-Jan-94 18:06:18 gk/mod.zimzon
37294 24055 35.4% 06-Jan-94 12:33:06 mod.sniglusion theme
73442 53524 27.1% 10-May-83 11:01:32 ms/mod.gate to heaven
12558 5025 59.9% 10-May-83 08:53:24 ms/mod.inte equinox!
10492 3849 63.3% 10-May-83 09:42:34 ms/mod.just4fun
10928 4410 59.6% 10-May-83 09:43:48 ms/mod.kennelklubben
62428 38348 38.5% 10-May-83 08:55:20 ms/mod.mindtwister
15918 2541 84.0% 10-May-83 09:18:30 ms/mod.shuriken
25544 18024 29.4% 10-May-83 09:46:18 ms/mod.snigeldreams
32774 22622 30.9% 10-May-83 09:48:08 ms/mod.snigelgroove
64 64 0.0% 06-Jan-94 12:46:52 S/Startup-Sequence
57036 16074 71.8% 13-Jan-94 17:32:32 SNIGLUSION
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
824194 493865 40.0% 18-Sep-94 08:11:04 25 files
Contents of demo/sound/mumu_mu1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 159 232 68.5% -lh5- 49d5 Jan 6 1994 DEVS/system-configuration
[generic] 18178 39220 46.3% -lh5- de8f Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.another day of rain
[generic] 13925 25558 54.5% -lh5- 0bb6 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.chip in motion
[generic] 34266 49698 68.9% -lh5- dfb3 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.control ur body
[generic] 60671 80880 75.0% -lh5- c724 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.heavy uggadunk!
[generic] 9014 17244 52.3% -lh5- f070 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.leisa
[generic] 11101 22506 49.3% -lh5- 9210 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.lost wings of snail
[generic] 1857 6084 30.5% -lh5- 32cb Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.miniscribe
[generic] 4128 14768 28.0% -lh5- 7fa0 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.more enhanced
[generic] 61913 85162 72.7% -lh5- 477e Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.no limit
[generic] 31042 48448 64.1% -lh5- 2fe0 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.not yet dead
[generic] 36461 54250 67.2% -lh5- 9809 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.show me your
[generic] 21049 35116 59.9% -lh5- 0cc1 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.what the fuck is 2u
[generic] 1565 6550 23.9% -lh5- 22a3 Jan 4 1994 gk/mod.zimzon
[generic] 24055 37294 64.5% -lh5- 69eb Jan 6 1994 mod.sniglusion theme
[generic] 53524 73442 72.9% -lh5- 9149 May 10 1983 ms/mod.gate to heaven
[generic] 5025 12558 40.0% -lh5- 030d May 10 1983 ms/mod.inte equinox!
[generic] 3849 10492 36.7% -lh5- 6a4d May 10 1983 ms/mod.just4fun
[generic] 4410 10928 40.4% -lh5- feca May 10 1983 ms/mod.kennelklubben
[generic] 38348 62428 61.4% -lh5- cd67 May 10 1983 ms/mod.mindtwister
[generic] 2541 15918 16.0% -lh5- 38fe May 10 1983 ms/mod.shuriken
[generic] 18024 25544 70.6% -lh5- 6ecb May 10 1983 ms/mod.snigeldreams
[generic] 22622 32774 69.0% -lh5- 289d May 10 1983 ms/mod.snigelgroove
[generic] 64 64 100.0% -lh0- 84a8 Jan 6 1994 S/Startup-Sequence
[generic] 16074 57036 28.2% -lh5- 95ed Jan 13 1994 sniglusion
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 25 files 493865 824194 59.9% Sep 18 1994
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