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`----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----'
D A R K A G E Anno Domini 2oo1 Presents...
Book Of Songs / Complex
1oo% fixed, improved and relocated
done by Old-School lover StingRay as usual :)
Yep, here's another classic music disk, fixed for new-school :) Amigas.
As usual, all absolute address references have been fixed and the
trackloader rests in peace now. :D
To quit back to DOS, just press 'Esc' in the mainpart.
I'm too lazy to write more, so just enjoy the music and wait for
more fixes from your favourite fixx-man who's slowly growing old
(had my birthday on Nov-o9, feel free to send some presents ;D).
Coming soon: Titanics Trax #1 (95% finished, Yo Maurice!)
Lot's of BS1 cracktros [hi Skope/Up Rough ;)]
Coma/Rebels [10% finished, this will need LOT'S of time!
Hi Spot/Up Rough :D]
If you discover any bugs or if you want to request
some fixes, just start your mailer using the following address:
StingRay, 14-Nov-2oo1
___ ___
_____/\________/\___) ! ¬| _____/\__________ _____/\ .____
_/ ____ /\ __ _ /____ ___: !/ ____ /\_______ ¬\_ / __._ ¬\___! ¬!
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\_______ // ! i____ ! \___\_________\____| /_____! \ ___·
--------- \/___:----- \: | --- [ceA!] --- \______/ - : \__! ---
·___! we live, we die, we multiply ·_______\
.---.----(-( GiRL POWER? NO WAY! ONE MAN - ONE ROUTINE )-)---.---.
`-./ \.-'