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Uploaded by: ketola@tolsun.oulu.fi (Jari Ketola)
A demonstration first released at the Assembly 94 where it finished
third in the demo competition. This version is the actual "release"
version of the demo, as there was several "bugs" in the competition
This demo features ie. a Voxel landscape, gouraud shading, a doom
routine, rendered Intel Outside -logo by Henri Bl}field and a cow.
To run this demo you need atleast AGA, '020, 2mb chip, 4mb fast
and a hard disk (with atleast 4.7mb free space).
Contents of demo/euro/drool_this.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1161953 1834912 63.3% -lh5- 3751 Aug 9 1994 Animi
[generic] 36906 195228 18.9% -lh5- 20ee Aug 8 1994 City
[generic] 153042 652412 23.5% -lh5- 3b67 Aug 12 1994 Doomi
[generic] 144 192 75.0% -lh5- bff0 Aug 12 1994 fix.txt
[generic] 17184 34176 50.3% -lh5- b5b8 Aug 8 1994 Gouraud
[generic] 117074 332404 35.2% -lh5- 737f Aug 12 1994 Intel
[generic] 1057 2760 38.3% -lh5- 0303 Aug 12 1994 Loadi
[generic] 22640 40616 55.7% -lh5- 2d70 Aug 8 1994 PlasmaG
[generic] 187335 241076 77.7% -lh5- 0e89 Aug 8 1994 Texts
[generic] 66773 166888 40.0% -lh5- 2a9b Aug 8 1994 Texture
[generic] 17010 29980 56.7% -lh5- 2ced Aug 9 1994 Time
[generic] 446935 721468 61.9% -lh5- ddae Aug 10 1994 Voxeli
[generic] 259644 509864 50.9% -lh5- 38ee Aug 14 1994 Writer
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 2487697 4761976 52.2% Aug 22 1994
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