Title : TheBYOOT
Category : 4k intro
Group : Apathy (polish members)
Coded by : TCX
Hardware used : A600 2MB Chip
Software used : Trash`M-One 1.6
Tested on : A1200 and A600
Warning : Probably working on all amiga configuration but to launch you must
reset amiga and after that you can start this intro
Odpala prawdopodobnie na kaûdej Amidze.
Nalezy odpalac z goîego systemu tzn.tylko
po wykonaniu bootblocka,poniewaû intra 4k
(jak zresztâ i inne) pisze sië z pominiëciem
pewnych zasad (ze wzglëdu na dîugoôê kodu i jego szybkoôê).
Kontakt z Apathy: Korball/Apathy
Przemysîaw Korpysz
Niedziaîkowskiego 47/8
41-800 Zabrze
For join Apathy (only in Poland) or for friendly swap!
But no faked stamps!
Greets to : Floppy, Anadune, Venal, Fire, Stage Diving Club, Clan,
Eternal, World Fantasies, Thefect, Scum, Bucket, Intense,
P303, Claustrophobia, Void, Gothic, Erotic Design, Mavi,
RNO, Mystic, HV, Turnips, Sector 5, Skulls, Opium,
Freezers, Nah-Kolor, TRSI, Ambrosia, Iris, Funzine,
RamJam, Eltech, Rektum, Royal, Genetic, Honoo, Limited
Edition, FCI, Session, Axis, Anathema, Sardonyx, Passion,
Giants, Smellon, GHD, Scalaris, Artwork, Sanity, ABS,
special greets to Yoyo/Clan^Mavi for his friendship
Comment : This is our first production! Sorry for lame code!
Next production : Wicked Glenzation - 64K intro for Rush Hours
4k - for Rush Hours
Derobalizer - antyvirus
Contakt with coder : write to Korball
Signed by : Korball and Tcx of Apathy