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Easy to use (I think so anyway) convert program for use with 'magic file'
written by Manual Groeneweg.
Reason why:
Every month I receive a nice cd-rom with some new shareware on it.
On these cd-roms there is also a nice file with all the filenames and
file_id.diz files. Because i'm a xlk sysop I was so sick of continously
converting those FID's by hand with ced I started to learn the E program
language and started programming.
What does it do:
Basicly it converts this type of list:
----------------------[major snap]---------------------------------
FLD-S40.LHA P 315841 05-12-96 _.___________ _ ____ _ _____ _ _______
_| __( /___ _ \___ _ \___ _ (_
)_ __/ / / ) _( ) _( / /---.
l___| l______/_______/_______/_______/·w! |
. |
| SFX V.3.34 000 |
| 1/2 [128]|
WOB-C35.DMS P 886473 05-12-96 .-----------------------------------------.
::::::___ _/\ ::::_____/\:::::_____/\::::::
:::::/ / \ \::::\ _ /:::::\ ___ \:::::
::::/ / _ \ \:::/\/ | \:::::/\/ / /:::::
::::\ \/ \/ /::/ /__| \:::/ |/ \:::::
:::::\__\_/ /__:\____/ /__:\__|_ /__:::
: A Collection from the latest useful :
: utilities ................ Disk #35 :
HF-MW104.LZX P 78757 05-12-96 ___/\__/\______ ___ _/\___ ____ _/\___
/ /_ \ ___/ /_/ /_/. ___/_/ _ \/ ___/
/ _ / __)_ /¯\ /¯\ __/ / | _/_ __)_
\ /__/\___ /__ \__ \__|_ /___¦ /__ /
\/ \/ \__/ \__/ \/·NL·|__/ \/
.------------> tOOL dIVISISON <------------.
| |
| * mAGIC wEB mAKER v1.04 + KEYFILE * |
| |
`->-----------[ by pREACHER! ]-----------<-'
-5!r Iq - tHa UlTiMaTe - (( 3nTeRpRi5e -^--
02:41:33 -=- nODE: 2 -=- cPS: 2052 -=-
----------------------[ end of major snap]------------------
to a file that can be used by magicfile(by manual groeneweg) and that looks
like this:
SFX V.3.34 000
Collection of utilities
mAGIC wEB mAKER v1.04
If you read the magic file manual or guide and if you are not stupid you'll
see the every file is configured in 4 lines.
1. filename
2. size
3. path
4. desc
how to use:
Fid2mf v1.0 works in a shell (it doesn't open one YET!) then it asks for
the lha path the dms path and the lzx path on your cd-rom or anything.
Then it asks what list to convert.
So far so good
after that it displays the filename, recognises the arc type and type the
place folowed by the fileid.id of that file. Then it asks for a oneliner
(max 40 chars).
Personally i use powersnap to create that oneliner or you can type one
Fid2mf creates a file in ram: called 'lijst.mf'
That's basicly it (almost)
Before your start converting add some crap to the last line of your to
convert file. (else it doesn't convert te last filename good)
If fid2mf sees anything else than a dms, lha or lzx archive it doesn't
convert and you'll have to type a ']' so that no oneliner is written
This proggy was written by ME (EcLyPsE) with a lot of help from
KleinDuimpje from lightforce.
This Proggy is E-mailware.. Send me an email if you like it..
(probably the .readme file is bigger than the executeable)
to do:
* gui progging
* make sure it converts all files
* get rid of enoying ']' typing by not recognized archives
* suggestions?
Contents of comm/xeno/fid2mf.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 152 203 74.9% -lh5- ed30 Aug 25 1996 lijst.mf
[generic] 1418 5067 28.0% -lh5- 8153 Aug 24 1996 lijst24
[generic] 2488 5280 47.1% -lh5- aedf Aug 25 1996 fid2mf
[generic] 1875 5005 37.5% -lh5- dfd6 Aug 25 1996 fid2mf.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 5933 15555 38.1% Aug 25 1996
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