84781 packages online
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Short: | MegaCD a complete CD-ROM package for Xenolink BBS V1.3 |
Author: | 640/800 Fidonet |
Uploader: | bpratt sidecar livewire com au (Brendan Pratt) |
Type: | comm/xeno |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1995-10-03 |
Download: | comm/xeno/MegaCD.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/xeno/MegaCD.readme |
Downloads: | 4530 |
Version 1.3 of MegaCD by D.Huckett. A complete CD-ROM package for Xeno
-link 1.95+. NOW allows requests from OFFLINE CD's and Auto fills
requests when CD is loaded.. Includes MegaRXDL, a Xenolink door
Interface to allow the addition of externally marked files (via Arexx
or CLI script) to be added to the sendfile list and Downloaded as
normal online files..
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
16175 4069 74.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MCDList
554 325 41.3% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MCDList.info
3832 1646 57.0% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MCDReqMan
572 342 40.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MCDReqMan.info
4917 2014 59.0% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Search.rexx
32854 17227 47.5% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Aminet_7.dex
126 84 33.3% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +CD_Filelists.dex
628 250 60.1% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +CLIRexx.info
2754 1310 52.4% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MCDLister.doc
8308 3592 56.7% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaCD.doc
40366 14390 64.3% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaCD.guide
1836 973 47.0% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaCDOnline.doc
1218 428 64.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MCD.header
23064 7517 67.4% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaCD.rexx
15382 5110 66.7% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaReq.rexx
2417 1145 52.6% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaREQCH.rexx
507 303 40.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +.entry.txt
5646 1963 65.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Aminet5.cfg
5654 1966 65.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Aminet5_NET.cfg
6109 2119 65.3% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Aminet7.cfg
2918 705 75.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +CLIPARTHEAVEN.cfg
122 85 30.3% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +FILELISTS.cfg
429 214 50.1% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Files.bbs
1454 490 66.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +CD.cfg
373 177 52.5% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Files.bbs
4604 1117 75.7% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +Files.bbs
333 129 61.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
4011 1767 55.9% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaCDOnline.rexx
9665 1758 81.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
5861 1013 82.7% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
4181 997 76.1% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
8150 1722 78.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
2213 579 73.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
10221 2179 78.6% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +files.bbs
280 192 31.4% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +File_ID.diz
856 515 39.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +History.PleaseRead
8808 3625 58.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaRXDL.guide
3166 1220 61.4% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +REGISTRATION.txt
358 251 29.8% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 FILE_ID.Diz
3275 1427 56.4% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 MegaCD.readme
15388 9356 39.1% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaRXDL
610 347 43.1% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaRXDL.readme
15992 9435 41.0% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaSF
3192 1365 57.2% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaSF.guide
1130 412 63.5% 01-Oct-95 19:56:22 +MegaSF.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
280509 107850 61.5% 01-Oct-95 19:58:50 45 files
Contents of comm/xeno/MegaCD.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4069 16175 25.2% -lh5- ed6a Oct 1 1995 megacd/clirexx/MCDList
[generic] 325 554 58.7% -lh5- ee6a Oct 1 1995 megacd/clirexx/MCDList.info
[generic] 1646 3832 43.0% -lh5- 7385 Oct 1 1995 megacd/clirexx/MCDReqMan
[generic] 342 572 59.8% -lh5- 240d Oct 1 1995 megacd/clirexx/MCDReqMan.info
[generic] 2014 4917 41.0% -lh5- 6ce6 Oct 1 1995 megacd/Search.rexx
[generic] 17227 32854 52.4% -lh5- 3e2a Oct 1 1995 megacd/search/Aminet_7.dex
[generic] 84 126 66.7% -lh5- 007d Oct 1 1995 megacd/search/CD_Filelists.dex
[generic] 250 628 39.8% -lh5- 1003 Oct 1 1995 megacd/CLIRexx.info
[generic] 1310 2754 47.6% -lh5- cd2a Oct 1 1995 megacd/docs/MCDLister.doc
[generic] 3592 8308 43.2% -lh5- 9676 Oct 1 1995 megacd/docs/MegaCD.doc
[generic] 14390 40366 35.6% -lh5- 6276 Oct 1 1995 megacd/docs/MegaCD.guide
[generic] 973 1836 53.0% -lh5- 4395 Oct 1 1995 megacd/docs/MegaCDOnline.doc
[generic] 428 1218 35.1% -lh5- d5bd Oct 1 1995 megacd/MCD.header
[generic] 7517 23064 32.6% -lh5- 2635 Oct 1 1995 megacd/MegaCD.rexx
[generic] 5110 15382 33.2% -lh5- ada0 Oct 1 1995 megacd/MegaReq.rexx
[generic] 1145 2417 47.4% -lh5- 64dd Oct 1 1995 megacd/MegaREQCH.rexx
[generic] 303 507 59.8% -lh5- f3e1 Oct 1 1995 megacd/.entry.txt
[generic] 1963 5646 34.8% -lh5- 59a6 Oct 1 1995 megacd/configs/Aminet5.cfg
[generic] 1966 5654 34.8% -lh5- 019d Oct 1 1995 megacd/configs/Aminet5_NET.cfg
[generic] 2119 6109 34.7% -lh5- 4531 Oct 1 1995 megacd/configs/Aminet7.cfg
[generic] 705 2918 24.2% -lh5- a6ab Oct 1 1995 megacd/configs/CLIPARTHEAVEN.cfg
[generic] 85 122 69.7% -lh5- 3465 Oct 1 1995 megacd/configs/FILELISTS.cfg
[generic] 214 429 49.9% -lh5- 0a09 Oct 1 1995 megacd/filelists/ibm/Files.bbs
[generic] 490 1454 33.7% -lh5- 7406 Oct 1 1995 megacd/CD.cfg
[generic] 177 373 47.5% -lh5- 8ac2 Oct 1 1995 megacd/filelists/amiga/Files.bbs
[generic] 1117 4604 24.3% -lh5- e4c4 Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/aircraft/Files.bbs
[generic] 129 333 38.7% -lh5- b0c4 Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/aircraft/tif/files.bbs
[generic] 1767 4011 44.1% -lh5- 441c Oct 1 1995 megacd/MegaCDOnline.rexx
[generic] 1758 9665 18.2% -lh5- ce55 Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/advertse/files.bbs
[generic] 1013 5861 17.3% -lh5- d27e Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/advertse/tif/files.bbs
[generic] 997 4181 23.8% -lh5- 4ecd Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/animals1/cats/files.bbs
[generic] 1722 8150 21.1% -lh5- bf40 Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/animals1/tif/files.bbs
[generic] 579 2213 26.2% -lh5- 5b21 Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/animals1/dogs/files.bbs
[generic] 2179 10221 21.3% -lh5- f2b5 Oct 1 1995 megacd/hdindexes/cliparth/animals1/files.bbs
[generic] 192 280 68.6% -lh5- e6df Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/File_ID.diz
[generic] 515 856 60.2% -lh5- 21de Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/History.PleaseRead
[generic] 3625 8808 41.2% -lh5- 2f4c Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/MegaRXDL.guide
[generic] 1220 3166 38.5% -lh5- e90c Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/REGISTRATION.txt
[generic] 251 358 70.1% -lh5- 4b51 Oct 1 1995 FILE_ID.Diz
[generic] 9356 15388 60.8% -lh5- 4d74 Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/MegaRXDL
[generic] 347 610 56.9% -lh5- 22e3 Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/MegaRXDL.readme
[generic] 9435 15992 59.0% -lh5- 28a5 Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/MegaSF
[generic] 1365 3192 42.8% -lh5- 91ee Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/MegaSF.guide
[generic] 412 1130 36.5% -lh5- 0a4c Oct 1 1995 megarxdl/MegaSF.info
[generic] 1175 3275 35.9% -lh5- f0f6 Oct 1 1995 MegaCD.readme
[generic] 752 1327 56.7% -lh5- ac47 Oct 1 1995 Sysop.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 46 files 108350 281836 38.4% Oct 2 1995
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