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Short: | MegaCatCheck v1.0 Checks Xeno\'s filecat for existance of files |
Author: | 640/800.0 Fidonet |
Uploader: | Brendan Pratt <bpratt sidecar livewire com au> |
Type: | comm/xeno |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-08-10 |
Download: | comm/xeno/MegaCC10.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/xeno/MegaCC10.readme |
Downloads: | 4431 |
Recently I had a hard drive failure and had to rebuild my system from
as usual old outdated backups from tapes and floppies.. Backing up is
one of those tasks I always seem to put off until later.. Usually much
later and in most cases too late. :(
While restoring and rebuilding my file bases I thought of this quick hack
that will do a scan of all your configured section directories and let
you know two things...
1. The names of all the files that it finds in your Section directories
that are NOT found in Xenolink's file cat.
This will allow you to use the list to add the files found if you
2. The names of all the files in your Xenolink file cat that are not
found in their respective directories on your drive(s).
You can also use this list to remove the names from the filecat
or locate the missing files and place them in the correct directory.
The code is very basic and is run from the CLI. It may also run as a CLI
Door from within Xeno and can be stopped by hitting CTRL C. I have never
tried it from within Xeno.
It will direct it's output to the shell you started it from or you can
re-direct it with the normal dos re-direction command. eg.
MegaCatCheck >Ram:Report.txt
Contents of comm/xeno/MegaCC10.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 205 351 58.4% -lh5- e2f5 Aug 7 1996 File_Id.Diz
[generic] 25064 53544 46.8% -lh5- 3271 Aug 7 1996 MegaCatCheck
[generic] 1579 3323 47.5% -lh5- d5fd Aug 7 1996 MegaCatCheck.doc
[generic] 391 835 46.8% -lh5- de12 Aug 7 1996 MegaCatCheck.info
[generic] 726 1393 52.1% -lh5- 0e86 Aug 7 1996 MegaCatCheck.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 27965 59446 47.0% Aug 10 1996
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