Hey dear Amiga folks.
I've been playing around with Hollywood again, inspired from root on https://os4welt.de/.
The result was this program to view tele(video)text pages from the Internet.
The pages are created with a DEMO API that converts HTML pages to images and stored in T:.
If no more pages are loaded, the daily limit of the DEMO API has probably been reached.
For printing it uses:
jpeg2ps - convert JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2
jpeg2ps is available from http://www.ifconnection.de/~tm
and many other sites, notably CTAN mirrors.
Copyright (C) 1994-99 Thomas Merz (tm@muc.de)
Just look and maybe have fun with it...
TearsOfMe (GuardianOfTheBlind(at)t-online.de
- RTG Display
- codesets.library
- amissl
- Internet connection
21.12.21 New version applied - Pages input in text field with GO should work now.
01.01.22 New version with modified gui and bugfixes
06.01.22 Pages that have already been loaded are now not re-downloaded. and - added to page selection
07.01.22 Print (Postscript) and save as JPG
17.01.22 Selected pages can now be preloaded (slow)
19.01.22 v1.0 first version for OS4Depot
25.01.22 curl replaced by the hurl plugin; and a little faster thanks to tips from root
27.01.22 button for reload site added
30.01.22 Enter in textentry field now starts download
31.01.22 Numberentry with mouse starts now also download: Numberentry is now always active (thanks imagodespira); +,- in Numberentry Field for site up,down
03.02.22 Bug in numberentry and +,- removed
05.02.22 more bugfixex: position change ard/zdf button
08.02.22 subpages reworked; Automatic reload added
24.02.22 change rapa image display to hollywood display; zooming added
02.03.22 3sat added; Senderchoice now with cycle button; Sender wich is selected by vorladen is now the startsender{