Ami-Autoresponder! 1.0 By Peter Kirby <>
OK, I guess many of you guys are asking.. What does it do?? Well I am not sure
if you have ever been given an address that you write to that automatically
sends information back?? No??!!? OK, well that is what this does anyway!
What is basically done is you have a username setup from your system and any
messages sent to this user are scanned by this program, replys made, sent and
finally the mail file is deleted. This has been tested on Ami-TCP b3.0 which
I think most people use anyway!
The example is setup the same as I use on my system. I send my PGP Public key
to anyone who requests it. It does no checks on subject etc just as long as
the message is sent to the selected user it kicks into action!
Copy Arespond into Amitcp:bin or C: or wherever you want it.
Copy Arespond.cfg into S: and edit it to suit your system.
AR-MSG.TXT is the text file I use to send to any user asking for my keyfile!
All you need do is change this to what you want!
Now what you do is find a way to execute Arespond whenever you link down, you
could run it manually after you have recieved Email so it sends it straight
away but it is up to you how you get it to be run!
% codes???? Whaaaattt!!????
A lot of % codes appear here. Well here is a list of what they mean.
Basically the %codes represent a variable. Whenever you see one they will be
replaced by the correct information.. They can be used in two places.
1: The Sendcommand keyword in the config file
2: Anywhere in the file that is sent to users!
The codes are as follows:
%dt = Current date
%tm = Current time
%tn = Destination Internet address (Where you are sending to)
%fn = Local username (From the field USERNAME in config)
%an = Answername (From the field ANSWERNAME in config)
%tf = tempfile (From field TEMPFILE in config)
%rn = Real name of the user you are sending to
%rn will be the same as %tn if no real name can be extracted.
The future
Future versions of this program will hopefully support different messages
depending on what is on the subject line. I am working on this!
If you would like any other features mail me at the address shown at the
bottom of this message.
Bugs?? Where!!!
Any bugs you can see?? Let me know at
Source Code
Source code is in Blitz Basic and is available by sending a message to me!