Short: extract audio from AVI files Author: (Lorence Lombardo) Uploader: lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo) Type: mus/edit Version: 1.2 Requires: avilib.library, FPU Architecture: m68k-amigaos avi2aud v1.2 (C) 2011 Lorence Lombardo. avi2aud attempts to extract audio from AVI files. By default if the audio format is recognised then an appropriate extension will be added. By default a WAV or AU header will be written if the audio is in one of the supported formats. If you choose to write in WAV or AU format then the "sndfile.library" will be required, which is available from here:- The "avilib.library" can be obtained from here:- Usage:- avi2aud [H|E] H = no wav/au header, E = no extension eg. avi2aud test.avi out_aud h e If you feel that I have left out any audio format that should have been better supported then feel free to contact me. A sample AVI will also help. Feeling bored ? :) Why not check out this URL ?