Short: SonicDrug GoaTrance By:SLC/RoyaL Author: (Ola Lindfeldt) Uploader: toaster katrinelund lls se (Fredrik Lindfeldt) Type: mods/slc Architecture: generic . .···························:············. : SLC / ROYAL .____________ :RELEASE iNFO: : .________| / : : ___:___ | /| /___/__:TYPe: MODULe: \ __/_|____ /_|___ / /:DATe: 960623: ._\_____ | / / l__/_ / :TIMe: 15:10: | / l__/_ / /______/..:............:. l____ / /_____/presents : : : s/_____/ : : GoaTrance : p: ·· SoniC DruG ···· : rELEASE : t:...........................:............: : A 100% High Quality GoaTrance Release! Wicked resonance modulations, a real space sonic trip! :o) GET IT! possibly new address in July-96: And then I'll try to keep it very updated! Rave on dudes!!