Short: Infamous Jungle! #SLC/RoyaL Author: (Ola Lindfeldt) Uploader: fredrik lindfeldt nkja se (Fredrik Lindfeldt) Type: mods/slc Architecture: generic . .···························:············. : SLC / ROYAL .____________ :RELEASE iNFO: : .________| / : : ___:___ | /| /___/__:TYPe: MODULe: \ __/_|____ /_|___ / /:DATe: 960915: ._\_____ | / / l__/_ / :TIMe: 18:01: | / l__/_ / /______/..:............:. l____ / /_____/presents : : : s/_____/ : : Jungle : p: ·· SLC-The Infamous · : rELEASE : t:...........................:............: : This is my 3rd Jungle tune, that i've released...(i think) and it's also my contrib for the "junglecompo" organized by Celsius and HBomb. So big greetings to them, and thanks for thoose cool samples.... :-) --------------------------------------- (C) SLiCE / RYL.................1996