Short: Mr.Yo's 1993 4Ch Dance tune Author: (Andrea Alessandro "Mr.Yo" Licciardello) Uploader: audioref comm2000 it (Andrea Alessandro "Mr Yo" Licciardello) Type: mods/mryo Architecture: generic -- mOD dETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------->8 Tune : Ilakire Genre : Dance tune ? : Simple effects, some samples by Mr.Yo Patterns: 31 Finished: 18th Sep 1993 - ??:?? Released: 18th Sep 1993 - ??:?? Notes : A simple tune, dedicated to a special person. Techno lovers will appreciate for sure. -- mR.YO's qBISM bBS ------------------------------------------------------->8 . . : mODEM . . bSD wHQ! (Y) . . 33.6k : . _________ _______ _____ . : : : ___\ | /__|__| /_____\ | : sYSOP: Mr.Yo : O4O-12mB : : | ___ | | |____ | | . : pOWER! . : | | _|_ __| | | | | | : 2nDsYSOP: StUN : : . |_____\_|_____|__|______|__|_|_| : 1.3 gIGZ : : . . . : sTORAGE! : :...... ............ .......... .....: : ++39-(O)2-78O832 . :.... .....: ... ........ ......: [ nOTE: a O6O aND a 4.3 gB hD wILL bE aVAILABLE iN a vERY sHORT tIME ] -- cONTACT mR.YO ----------------------------------------------------------->8 aNDREA aLESSANDRO lICCIARDELLO vIALE pIAVE, 13 2O129 mILANO - iTALY tEL (hOME): ++39-2-798O35 tEL (hOME): ++39-2-76OO7886 tEL (wORK): ++39-2-294O4989 fAX (wORK): ++39-2-294O4311 bBS (qBISM): ++39-2-78O832 e-mAIL : iRC : #cybernet iRC : #amigaita -- tHE eND ----------------------------------------------------------------->8