Short:        PT-MOD by Jogeir Liljedahl
Author:       Jogeir Liljedahl / Noiseless Productions
Uploader:     aaj rhi hi is  (Agust "Nemesis1")
Type:         mods/jogeir
Architecture: generic

The following MODs are taken from Dizzy Tunes:
MOD.Happy_Hour, MOD.Led_Storm, MOD.Overture, MOD.Slomo, MOD.Mystified
(missing are: MOD.Its_Noiseless, MOD.Living_In_A_Dream)

The following MODs are taken from Dizzy Tunes II:
MOD.Attributed_Horror, MOD.Mixified, MOD.Oro_Incenso, MOD.Signia,
MOD.The_Wanderer_II (originally named The_Wanderer, but due to another mod
by him having same name, I renamed this one as TW_II), MOD.Face_Another_Day_2,
MOD.Guitar_Slinger, MOD.Out_Of_Silence, MOD.Underwater (DT II loader tune).

From RAW #3: MOD.Endless (MOD.Tiny_Tunes is a longer version)
From RAW #5: MOD.Helmet_Shake
Face Another Day was released seperately by Razor 1911 as a music disk (1 mod).
MOD.Rainbow is a conversion of a C64 tune by Red.
MOD.Led_Storm, MOD.Secret_Agent , MOD.Ghouls, MOD.Follin_Hiscore are conversions
of Tim Follin tunes.
MOD.Beast-PlayTunes2-5 are conversions of "Shadow of the Beast" tunes, please
note though that at least 1 of them is missing (due to a faulty .dms file I got
:( And probably more mods missing from that music disk :(
MOD.Full_Moon-End is from Virtual Dreams Fullmoon AGA demo.
From VD's Love AGA demo: MOD.Love-Main_Theme & MOD.Mystified (also known as 
                         MOD.Love-Theme_2... same mod !)
MOD.What_Is_Love is a conversion of the radio hit song by Halligan/Torello
MOD.The_Alibi is a remix by MHK (?) of a part of JL's MOD.Endless, which in turn
is a conversion of a original C64 tune by Laxity.

Of these I have fixed for CIA tempo compatibility:
MOD.Face_Another_Day, MOD.Face_Another_Day_2, MOD.Slomo, MOD.Overture.
Some of the others are also touched up because they often ended by setting the
tempo to 20h.  I have changed this to 1Fh in all cases.