Short: Digitcount script v. 1.0 for Personal Paint 7.+ Author: (Matti Niskanen) Uploader: mattkane freenet hut fi (Matti Niskanen) Type: gfx/ppaint Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet and Aminet CD-ROM PROGRAMS USING THE FILES - Personal Paint from version 7.+ INSTALLATION - Copy digitcount.pprx to PPaint:Rexx and Personal Paint will find it in the next launch DESCRIPTION This script will load a GIF file and then with the user's help counts the right widths of the digit characters. Finally it will save the sizes to the annotation field of the selected GIF file. I created this to make digit-creating easier for the Unix "cgi-bin access counter program Copyright (C) 1995 George Burgyan" The format of the annotation of the digit file seems to be that the first value tells how many characters the file has. The second value will tell the horizontal offset of the first character. The third value is the offset for the second character and so on. 4:0:10:20:30:40 This means that the file contains four characters. The first one is between 0 and 9, the second one is between 10 and 19. The last one is between 30 and 39, so that's why there must be the ending offset. The height of the characters depends on the height of the GIF file. Somebody could enhance this script. There is no undo, for example.