Short:        New shoot'em up from F1Software
Author:  (Christopher Caleb)
Uploader:     phil ware5d demon co uk (Phil Wilkinson)
Type:         game/demo
Requires:     2MB chip and hard drive
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This  is  a  one  level  demo  from  F1 Software, Protoype.  This is a huge
scrolling  shoot'em  up  with  loads  of  power  ups  and very tricky level
guardians.   This  demo  requires a hard drive to run, the full game can be
used from floppies, but again a hard drive is highly recommended.

How much?
To  obtain the full version contact F1 Software. The price of Prototype is
£7.99 UKP + 75p Postage UK, 1UKP Europe, 2UKP ROW.

How can I pay?
We can accept Access/Visa/Mastercard/Eurocard/
              Cheques insterling drawn on a UK bank
              Cash in UKP or US Dollars (at your own risk)
              Make cheques payable to : 'F1 Software' please.

You can order by post (same day turnaround)
                 phone (same day sendout)
                 E-mail/credit card.


Our snail address is:

F1 Software,
1, Lower Mill Close,
South Yorkshire,

Our WWW site address is:

You can get our catalogue disk here free of charge detailing 200+ EXCLUSIVE
Amiga titles.

Telephone: (44) (0)1709-888127 (office hours 10.00am - 7.00pm Mon - Sat)


* 15.11.97 *