Short:        Microbotics StarDrive SCSI driver update
Author:       Chris Brenner
Uploader:     amigaguy1985 gmail com
Type:         driver/media
Version:      2.1b
Architecture: m68k-amigaos = 1.3

This is an update to the Microbotics StarDrive SCSI driver. It is based on
the version 1.51 driver, and contains several enhancements and bug fixes.

A set of useful tools is also provided. Among these is a software autoboot
tool that allows for warm booting directly from the hard drive.

An Amiga running OS 1.3
A Microbotics Starboard 2 with the StarDrive SCSI module installed

  - Improved the example Startup-Sequence scripts.
  - Added an example Startup-Sequence script that works with the Rejuvenator.
  - Added a special autoboot tool that works with the ICD AdSpeed.
  - The autoboot tool can now set the device flags.
  - The autochange tool will now correctly exit if it detects the lite driver.
  - Added a new tool called RDBStackSize that sets the stack size for an RDB file system.
  - Added a driver for A-Max. 
  First Aminet release