Short:        Simple test equipment projects, Disk 2.
Author: (Barry Walker).
Uploader:     wisecracker tesco net (Barry Walker)
Type:         docs/hard
Architecture: generic

Requires: Standard AMIGA A500 or better.
          WorkBench 1.3x or better.
          NTSC or PAL.
          The mouse is optional.
          An external floppy disk drive is required.
          The archived file length is 337908 Bytes.

Version:  3.00.15.

Distribution: PD, (Freeware).


  This is Emailware:-

  If you like these projects or have any comments to make then Email me
  (Barry Walker) on:-


  This will give me the incentive to carry on.



    The legal stuff:-

    These programs are the copyright of (C)2000 Barry Walker with all
    rights reserved.
    They are freeware and no profit will be made from them, also all of
    the files must remain unaltered and intact including this one.
    The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
    failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of these


    Testing evaluation.

    All projects were intended for use with both NTSC and PAL in mind.
    All projects were tested on an A500 with various memory configurations,
    the same A500 switched to 1MB Chip Ram and emulating WB2 using
    the A500+ emulator, an A600 with various memory configurations,
    the same A600 emulating WB3 with various memory configurations,
    an A1200 with various memory configurations and a similar A1200 with
    a Turbo LC accelerator board with an '030 and 34MB of total memory.
    thanks to Laurence J Greatorex, and also to Bob Eva for testing on his
    A1200 system with a total of 10MB of memory.


  There are 4 projects in this archive:-

  5) A Stereo LF Audio Function Generator from 25Hz to 2500Hz, Sine, Square
     Triangle and Noise functions, plus Sweep facility.
  6) An Analogue to Digital converter for the beginner. This is required
     for future projects. A simple 0 to +5 Volts DC voltmeter is in here.
  7) A 1 Watt to 100 Watts Audio Power Meter, (RMS).
  8) An RF Probe (Sniffer) for Transmitter alignment.


                 Projects list so far in order of issue.

  A) TestGear1.lha & TestGear1.readme:-

  1) TestCard Generator.
  2) Signal Injector.
  3) Sine/Square Generator.
  4) Pulse Generator.


  B) TestGear2.lha & TestGear2.readme:-

  5) Stereo LF Audio Function Generator.
  6) Analogue to Digital Converter.
  7) Audio Power Meter.
  8) RF Probe, (Sniffer).
