Short:        Hombre chipset, official 1993 info
Uploader:     takemehomegrandma hotmail com
Type:         docs/hard
Architecture: generic

This is a version of the "" archive containing shrinked versions
of the PDF-documents. The original PDF's were very large. For example, the
"Hombre_part_1.pdf" has been reduced in size from about 20MB to just 405kB. 

Please note that these PDF's requires a PDF reader capable of reading
Acrobat 10 formatted PDF files. Original readme-text follows:


This is a set of seven PDF documents supplied by Dr. Ed Hepler, Director of
System and VLSI architecture at Commodore Business Machines in 1993. The
documents introduce the PA-RISC based 'Hombre' chip set, which would have
powered the next generation of Amiga computers.

Included are a detailed overview over the architecture and a product 
presentation made for Philips listing goals, explaining design choices and 
giving performance estimates.

These documents were provided to an Amiga user by Dr. Ed Hepler himself and
can be redistributed (quote) "as long as they're not sold or edited and the
proper acknowledgement is made".
