Short:        Info/pix about the DraCo Amiga-clone
Author: (Lars SFX Eilebrecht)
Uploader:     SFX appl2 hrz uni-siegen de (Lars SFX Eilebrecht)
Type:         docs/anno
Architecture: generic

The package consists of some pictures of the DraCo
hardware and a guide with some information about
this new system.

just take a look at it... :-)

     / ____________________/       LARS EILEBRECHT  -  Shadowfox@IRC
    / /     ___   __           Internet:
         / __/ / /   __
        / /_     /   /_      PGP-key on request (eMail/IRC/WWW)
 ____/ / / __/   /     /_/  
/_____/ / /     /_/           "Keep it simple: as simple as possible,
       /_/          _          but no simpler."    (Albert Einstein)