Backyard Borthers announces a graphics competition...

Here's a FAQ about the compo.....

- Who are "Backyard Brothers"?
- They are two (or three indeed) brothers whose family don't
  let them go anywhere else than their backyard. So they had
  to stay in the backyard trying to entertain themselves..

- What should i do?
- Get your papers/drawing pens/favourite gfx program to
  design/paint/pixel/draw your own pictures based on the content
  explained above.

- Can i use a scanner?
  You can use a scanner always if the drawing/painting you scan
  is your own handwork.

- Any examples?
- Well, check the Backyard Brothers' home page at;

- The size? file format?
- The size must be 320*256. You can use 2 to 16M colors. GIF,
  JPG, IFF, PNG formats are OK, most common graphic formats
  are also wellcome.

- The prizes, is there any?
- Yes, winners will be awarded with one of three Backyard Brothers' games
  the registered version offcourse. The winner also has the right to selcet
  the one he/she want. 
- Where to send?
- Send it via e-mail to one of the following with the subject "BBCOMPO";

- Do you use them anywhere?
- We'll add them to "previous entries" pages of our web site. So people can
  see them there. We also add your name (or nickname) adn your e-mail address
  if you let us to do. Your e-mail address will not be given to any third party.

Please do not forget to add the name of the game you want if you will be
one of the winners.

Also you can use the email addresses written above if you have anything to ask.

For more info visit Backyard Brothers' web site.....

Mehmet Ali Sahin
Backyard Brothers