Short:        F1gp.library 36.10 - support lib for F1GP (dev)
Author: (Oliver Roberts)
Uploader:     oliver roberts iname com (Oliver Roberts)
Type:         dev/misc
Version:      36.10
Replaces:     dev/misc/f1gplib.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This library is currently used by add-on programs for MicroProse's F1GP
game including F1GP-Ed, SplitTime, AGPPerf and AGPLapTime.

f1gp.library is a small library which provides a small number of functions
for programmers which allow detection of F1GP and notification of a number
of different events (e.g. when F1GP exits).  It also performs various
patches on F1GP automatically, including making the game use the VBR,
making the game use the faster graphics fetch modes of the AGA chipset and
the ability for the game to run using 31kHz screenmodes (primarily to
support VGA monitors which cannot display PAL or NTSC screens).