Short:        A Locale Development Tool
Author:       eternity@pride,de (Martin Wolf)
Uploader:     eternity pride de (martin Wolf)
Type:         dev/misc
Version:      1.41
Replaces:     Localizer1.39.lha
Requires:     OS3.x+, MUI3.8+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


 Massimilano  stopped  the  Localizer  project in 1998 and Cartsen Scholling
 stopped the development in 2001. 

 I have taken over the project in 2002. 
 Localizer has been created to help both programmers and translators.

 Here is a brief list of what Localizer can do:
    · scans source files, extracts locale IDs and builds a .cd file;
    · merges old and new .cd and .ct files and hilights differences for fast editing;
    · builds C source files to handle locale stuff;
    · search engine;
    · powerful preview window;
    · can add comments to each .cd ID, useful for translators;
    · builds .catalog files;
    · fast load/save of projects;
    · bubble help for each gadget;
    · quickly moves among new/changed entries for fast update of .cd and .ct files;
    · and even more...

Localizer needs: 68020+, AmigaOS 3.0+, MUI 3.8+

For up to date informations go to


Changes since the last public release on Aminet:

 Version 1.41
    · project ported to storm gcc
    · increase the maximum size of one catalog sting from 8192 bytes to 81920 bytes

 Version 1.40
    · some bugfixes of Carsten for Tales of Tamar

 Version 1.39
    · Reworked source scanning code. No more empty strings or Enforcer/CyberGuard
      hits while scanning
    · Now the date is written correctly to the CD/CT files
    · Added Updated-Flag to CD entries
    · Added automatic changing of source code when using func definitions and
      changing the original strings inside Localizer
    · Added some more languages
    · Added some nice and worthless menus

 For the complete history read the documentation.
