Short:        Library of Efficient Datatypes and Algorithms
Author:       Stefan N"aher (
Uploader:     fach5 cipsol cs uni-sb de (Gerhard Leibrock)
Type:         dev/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This archive contains the compiled LEDA linker libs for g++, include files,
example programs (source only). The libs were compiled for ANY amiga with at
least OS 2.x.


             A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms

                             Stefan N"aher
                   Max-Planck-Institut f"ur Informatik
                  Im Stadtwald, 6600 Saarbr"ucken, FRG     


LEDA gets used at the ``Universit"at des Saarlandes'' in Saarbr"ucken (Germany).
So I have to use it for various reasons. This is why I ported it to the amiga
with some limitations:
		o Had to rename 3 include files, because the amiga can't
		  distinguish between upper and lower case letters concerning
		o Function ``used_time()'' may not work correctly when used
		  with NTSC machines.
		o DaggeX 1.0b required to use graphic output (No native
		  amiga graphic supported)

Gerhard, November 1994

	Gerhard Leibrock, Neuhaeuselerstr. 12, 66459 Kirkel, T.: (+49) 06849/6134