Short:        CTwill 3.0 - Create mini-indexes for CWEB programs.
Author:       Donald E. Knuth
Uploader:     <scherer genesis informatik rwth-aachen de> (Andreas Scherer)
Type:         dev/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Files:        CTwill.lha, CTwill.readme

This is CTwill 3.0 for the Amiga, a deviate of CWeave for the creation of
"mini-indexes" like in the book "The Stanford GraphBase".  Included are the
three executables CTwill, RefSort, and TwInx, all source files (CWEB only)
and an unmodified UNIX makefile.

There is no documentation available except for the literate source code and
there is no support for CTwill, not even with installation problems.  If
you want to recompile the sources, you have to do it by hand.

Knuth says: "It's somewhat flaky, so you probably shouldn't try to use it."

Here is a quick list of commands for normal usage:

   ctwill webfile.w                     --->   webfile.(tex|idx|scn|aux)
   tex webfile.tex                      --->   webfile.(ref|log|dvi)
   refsort <webfile.ref >webfile.sref   --->   webfile.sref
   tex webfile.tex                      --->   webfile.dvi
   dvi webfile.dvi                      --->   hardcopy/preview

Normally, the results have to be touched up before printing, because of
unresolved references to standard functions and macros.

Table of Contents.  When extracting the archive CTwill.lha, a directory
of the name CTwill will be created and will contain this list of files:         Changes for common.w appropriate for ANSI and Amiga
   common.h          Header file for compiling ctwill.c
   common.w          Standard source from CWEB 3.0
   ctwill            The CTwill processor, Amiga executable         Changes for ctwill.w appropriate for ANSI and Amiga
   ctwill.diffs      Differences between CTwill 3.0 and CWeave 3.0
   ctwill.w          Modified CWeave with a new name
   ctwimac.tex       Macros for formatting
   makefile          UNIX makefile
   prod.w            Productions for CTwill.w
   proofmac.tex      Alternative macros when CTwill is called with "+P"
   refsort           Sort the page references, Amiga executable        Changes for refsort.w appropriate for ANSI and Amiga
   refsort.w         Sorting utility
   twinx             Not tested yet          Changes for twinx.w appropriate for ANSI and Amiga
   twinx.w           Creates "major indexes" for multiple CWEB sources
   twinxmac.tex      Macros for index produced by twinx

This port was done and completely tested with SAS/C++ 6.51 on the Amiga.

Please send complaints and bug reports to the uploader, who will most
gladly pipe them to the "NIL:" device.

Happy Twilling!

October 5, 1994