Short:        SAVE DA VINYL #8 - chip-packmag by Mawi
Author: (azzaro/mawi)
Uploader:     zorka19 puma tu koszalin pl (azzaro/mawi)
Type:         demo/sound
Requires:     aga chipset, all displays support!
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

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    packed by Azzaro/Mawi and full of news, adverts, messages and charts
           all for your pleasure. released in spetember 15th, 1997

       it or hate it and just spread it...

        features: vga/svga monitors support (works on susyem screen)
           promote your favoutire resolution! works perfectly with
      picasso I-IV/cybervision64/cybervision-3D graphics accelerators.

                           if you like it - react:

            z o r k a 1 9 @ p u m a . t u . k o s z a l i n . p l

                            and drop filled vote!