Short: Download Aminet Files from YAM! Author: (Joachim Thomas) Uploader: jthomas mail evo it (Joachim Thomas) Type: comm/mail Version: 1.0 Requires: ftpmount and rexxreqtools Architecture: m68k-amigaos ******* JTYAMAminetDownload v1.00 - by J.Thomas 10.08.98 ******* downloads Aminet Files from YAM, if you SUBSCRIBED one of the mailing lists: - it's freeware but I'd like you to mail me if you use it! Thanks! - !!! THIS SCRIPT USES FTPMOUNT and REXXREQTOOLS !!! you will find them on Aminet! 1. Copy this script in YAM:REXX or elsewhere you like 2. If you don't have REXXREQTOOLS.LIBRARY download it from Aminet! (If it's a to old version, script MAY CRASH!) 3. Create a 'Download' drawer in YAM: or modify 'destpath' below 4. edit the 'aminetpath' and 'editorpath' to fit your needs 5. In YAM go to Configure/Arexx and put this script in one of the free Arexx-script definitions 6. Read one of the 'Aminet mailing list' documents you received, choose a program from the list, select/highlight the text line with the left mouse button (ATTENTION: ONLY ONE LINE!!), release mouse button, go to YAM's main Window and launch Arexx Script... done ...