Short: sort mail depending on receiver alias Author: (hartmut Goebel) Uploader: hartmut oberon nbg sub org (hartmut Goebel) Type: comm/ums Architecture: m68k-amigaos Receiver2Folder 1.1 =================== Does it get on your nervs to find all that bug reports and admin mails intermixed with our private ones? Or to check some different user accounts to avoid this intermix? Well, there is a solution: Receiver2Folder! Receiver2Folder sorts you mail into different folders depending on the alias it has been addressed to. So all stuff for 'postmaster' and 'root' may come into the 'Admin-Stuff'-folder and mail for 'bugs' into 'Oh no, Bugs!' -- assuming postmaster, root and bugs are aliases for your account. Further on, you no longer need different users (to stay at the example) 'bugs' and 'root' (alias 'postmaster). You now can user ONE account, so there's no need for 'account jumping' to see all your new mail. How does it work? ----------------- Template: NAME/A,PASSWORD/A,SERVER/K,PostPone/S This first three are the standard UMS parameters, which should be known :-) PostPone will make Receiver2Folder to mark all processed messages 'postponed' (see below). Receiver2Folder has to be run on the users accont ho's mail should be sorted. It checks a UMS-Config variable "Receiver2Folder.Folderlist" to find out which aliases to sort. This variable should be defined per user, even if Receiver2folder does not care whether it's defined local or global. The config variable is a list, where each entry consists of a foldername and a pattern sepereted by a colon. All mails addressed to an alias matching the pattern are moved into the given folder. Example: Receiver2Folder.Folderlist = " "Postmaster, Post(ma|ham)ster Root, (root|sysop|mail) News, news#? Bugs, bugs Bugs, receiver2folder-bugs Garbage, sysop" ^-- folder ^-- pattern The lines are processed one after another, so the first matching pattern determines the folder. So in our example nothing will be sorted into 'Garbage', since mail for 'sysop' is already matched in the second line and thus moved into folder 'Root'. A folder name may occur several times which may usefull to keep the overlook if the pattern becomes to complicated. Receiver2Folder does only check unread, not-postponed mail with no folder set. Out of this messages only those matching at least one of patterns will be processed. NOTE: Usage in conjunction with mlist2folder.rexx If you are running 'mlist2folder.rexx' (short: ml2f) with the 'postpone' option, you should run Receiver2Folder (short: r2f) first since else the later will not process any message (see above). ml2f has to check a lot more messages, so postpone is quite usefull there. To avoid ml2f has to process messages already sorted by r2f, just call r2f with the postpone option. NOTE: joining user accounts For the case you had differnet user account to avoid the mail- intermix, you can simply join the two accounts by copying the access-flags together. This has to be done form a SysOp account. I provide a small ARexx-Skript 'JoinUsers.rexx' in this archive which has done that job for me. But I take no warranty for it's correctness.