Short: AMY, Semi-Intelligent Type Door! Author: Peter Zelezny (author of the new SX, BBS software) Uploader: marty axs com au (Glen Martin) Type: comm/maxs Requires: MAXsBBS 1.54 or /X\ax's Pro 2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos --------------------------------------------------------------1997----- AMY (..the bitch) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Semi-Intelligent Chat Door (..AMY's smarter than iBM)! ;) Another CooL MAXs BBS Door by Peter Zelezny (hiya ZeD)..............!! Uploaded To Aminet By Glen Martin of GREMLiNS BBS ( normal).....!! ATTENTiON: GREMLiNS BBS will be (..has) moved, and the number changed! Watch out for new doors (..other info) for new BBS details! BBS offline (mail only) till November (new details), 1997.! -----------------------------------------------------------------------